On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 462

Chapter 462

"Xiao Cong, the entire Yun family will be yours in the future, don't worry, with your mother around, no one can take away your property!"

Yun Cong's eyes were red, and his expression looked extremely hurt, "Dad, why did he do this, how could he betray us and this family?"

Yes, she also wanted to ask her husband why he betrayed him.

For a long time, her husband's cheating was like a heavy boulder on her heart. She couldn't swallow it or spit it out, and her spirit was about to collapse.

Now, her son feels the same way as her, and she finally doesn't have to suppress her emotions anymore, holding her son and crying bitterly.

Under the orange light, a man and a woman sit face to face at the dining table.

There are several delicious home-cooked dishes on the dining table. While the man is eating, he does not forget to serve the woman, as sweet and warm as a newlyweds.

But in Yun Cong's eyes, such a scene made him feel painful and uncomfortable like an ice pick piercing his heart.

He thought he was busy with work so he left early and returned late, and even the father who didn't return at night turned out to be out to accompany other women and their unborn children.

"Mom, let's go home."

Seeing his son who suddenly calmed down, Jiang Yu couldn't help worrying, "Xiao Cong, you can tell me what you are unhappy about, don't be bored in your heart."

"I'm fine."

Hate is painful, but it is also sobering.

In this world, nothing is eternal and reliable, blood and family are the same, and so are people.

"Mom, with me here, you will never be without support. I will definitely make the rest of your life happy and comfortable."

Jiang Yu felt very relieved when he saw his son, who was still half a head taller than himself, although his face was still childish.

Not far away, Yun Yao saw a mocking sneer flashing across Yun Yao's eyes as she looked at the mother and son walking side by side, clinging to each other.

As the cold wave passed, the third middle school also ushered in the start of school.

No. 3 Middle School is worthy of the name of a strong school. The exam on the second day of school, even Yunmo, who has always been a Buddhist, also felt the pressure and tension.

Exam results will be released soon.

When she saw her total score, Yunmo couldn't help feeling heavy.

615, a full 28 points less than the final exam score.

Thinking of how before the winter vacation, she swore in front of Zhong Weimin that her grades would not decline, Yunmo felt ashamed and flustered.

All morning, Yunmo was anxiously preparing to meet Zhong Weimin's questioning, but Zhong Weimin didn't look for her until after school.

Yun Mo not only did not breathe a sigh of relief, but became even more flustered, as if a knife was hanging over her head that would fall at any moment.

"Do you have something on your mind?"

Seeing that she was absent-minded, poking all the potato cubes in the lunch box into mashed potatoes, Xie Xia couldn't help but ask.

Yunmo shook her head, "I don't have much appetite."

Yang Huiying stared at her while feasting, "Yunmo, you, don't you have it?"

have what?

Facing the probing and curious gazes of the previous two, Yunmo's face turned red all of a sudden.


Fearing that the two of them might not believe it, Yun Mo hurriedly said, "I just finished my period."

Yang Huiying slapped her forehead, "Yes, you still had brown sugar water in your cup two days ago, I forgot."

In order to prevent Yang Huiying from guessing again, Yun Mo simply told the two of her thoughts.

After speaking, Yunmo thought that she would be comforted by her friends and tablemates, but in the end, one looked complicated, and the other was noble and indifferent.

"Yunmo, please, can you give me some scumbags to survive?"

Yunmo blinked, "Huiying, did you not do well in the exam this time?"

Xie Xia answered calmly, "If your grades are used as the standard, everyone in the whole grade did not do well in the exam."


Yang Huiying sighed speechlessly, "Yunmo, don't you know that the test paper for this entrance exam is the 1983 college entrance examination paper?"

"No one told me."

"The day before the winter vacation, Teacher Zhong announced it in class."

No wonder, she had already returned to Anshi at that time.

After learning that Xie Xia only scored 620 points in the test this time, Yun Mo completely calmed down.

The college entrance examination in 1983 was the most difficult one since the resumption of the college entrance examination. The national science champion in that year was only 650 points, 20 points lower than the previous ones.

It's only her fault that she has been ignoring what's going on outside the window for the past few days, focusing on reviewing, trying to make up for the time wasted during the winter vacation, so that she missed such crucial information.

Although she only scored 615 points in the test, she was ranked fifth in the grade.

Although the ranking has improved a lot, it is a bit empty. Because Cao Rui and Ding Junming, the first in grade and the second in ten thousand years, participated in math and physics competitions, and did not take this exam.

Yunmo, who learned that Zhong Weimin would not talk to her, was in a great mood, and happily took Xie Xia and Yang Huiying to the school gate to turn sugar paintings.

Yang Huiying turned a butterfly, Xie Xia turned a horse, and Yunmo was the luckiest, turning a flower basket.

Flower Basket is the grand prize after the dragon.

Waiting for the three to return to the classroom happily with sugar paintings, but they received "bad news".

Starting tomorrow, all third graders will have to go to evening self-study, and the Saturday holiday will be cancelled.

That is to say, starting from tomorrow, she will spend at school from 7:30 am to 9:30 pm every day, and she can only have one day off on Sunday every week.

Looking at the countdown to the college entrance examination written in capital letters and bold on the blackboard at the back of the classroom, Yun Mo secretly sighed.

It would be great if the college entrance examination in this era is also in June, at least one month of suffering will be saved.

Could it be because she didn't take the college entrance examination in the last life, so she has to make up for it twice in this life?

Thank you for the invitation, she really doesn't want this kind of compensation.

While Yunmo was mourning for the purgatory-like high school study mode every day, Ling Chuan quietly gave her a surprise.

"Yunmo, your husband is here to pick you up again."

Since she went to self-study at night, Ling Chuan would pick her up every night, and Yang Huiying would make a joke every time he saw her.

Yun Mo smiled and waved at Yang Huiying, "I'm leaving, see you tomorrow."

"OK Bye Bye."

As soon as Yunmo approached the man, a warm roasted sweet potato wrapped in a handkerchief was stuffed into her hand.

Yunmo lowered her head and smelled the scent, put the roasted sweet potato into her pocket, got on the bicycle, and wrapped her hands around the man's waist.

"I'm sitting down, let's go."


Back home, Yunmo was about to go back to her room to put her schoolbag, but was dragged by the man to the main room.

As soon as she stepped into the main room, Yunmo was stunned.

On the coffee table in the main room, there is a red telephone set impressively.

Yunmo looked at the man in surprise and joy, "Are you pretending?"

"Well, do you want to try playing?"


Yunmo picked up the phone and subconsciously wanted to dial the bamboo weaving factory, but thinking that the factory had already closed get off work at this point, she dialed Zeng Fang.

After chatting with Zeng Fang, Yunmo called Xie's house again.

There is a telephone at home, and she no longer has to borrow a phone from Uncle Luo's next door.

Thinking of this, Yunmo became very excited, and couldn't help but want to hum a song even in the shower.

Thinking about her previous life, she had never used any high-tech smart digital products, but now she was so happy that she could not fall asleep just because she installed a wired telephone.

Tsk, she really went back to life more and more.

After being happy, Yunmo suddenly thought of a question.

"Ling Chuan, how did you install this phone? Where did you get the money?"

She inquired just after she moved here last year that the installation fee for a wired phone was more than 2,000 yuan, and now I heard that the installation fee has increased by several hundred.

And even if you pay the money, you may not be able to install it, you have to have a relationship.