On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 460

Chapter 460

After a while, Yun Shixian and Jiang Yu came downstairs one after the other.

Although she didn't know what the couple were talking about, when she met Shang Yun Shixian's displeased and sharp eyes, Yun Yao had a bad instinct.

After Yun Shixian called Huang Zhao to the study to talk, Yun Yao immediately asked what Jiang Yu had said to Yun Shixian.

Jiang Yu looked at her with sarcasm, "You know what you have done, you know in your heart."

Yunyao's heart sank suddenly, but she pretended to be innocent and bewildered, "Mom, I don't know what Huang Zhao told you, but you would rather trust outsiders than me. I'm really disappointed."

"Huang Zhao's words can't be trusted, so your adoptive mother's words must be trusted, right?"

Seeing Yun Yao's face changed, Jiang Yu smiled coldly.

Yun Yao was puzzled, "Did Huang Zhao come with her?"

"Her? It is true that you are an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. Huang Zhiqiu has raised you for 18 years. Isn't it worthy of you calling mom?"

Yun Yao was so angry that she gritted her teeth, but then she thought of something, and explained with aggrieved face: "Mom, I didn't dare to call her in front of you because I was afraid that you would be sad. Although I wasn't her own, she raised me For 18 years, I will never forget this kindness, but I have to worry about your feelings..."

Jiang Yu was furious, "Don't use me as an excuse, you have hands and feet, I can stop you from doing what you want to do?!"

"Yes, you will not stop me, but you will lose your temper like this, how angry you are, I don't want this family to be disturbed because of my return."

Jiang Yu trembled with anger, "Nonsense!"

Yun Yao sighed, "Mom, don't be angry, I promised you would not contact Huang's family, don't worry."

"Have you guys had enough arguing!?"

Yun Yao turned her head and saw Yun Shixian with an angry face, and Huang Zhao with a surprised face, panic and embarrassment flashed across her face.

In fact, she had seen Huang Zhao coming from the direction of the study from the reflection of the vase, so she deliberately said those words, intending to push her ruthlessness to Jiang Yu.

Just now, Jiang Yu's words gave her a new idea and plan.

If she couldn't stop Yunmo from recognizing her biological father in the end, why didn't she take advantage of Huang Zhiqiu's adopted daughter status?

It's a pity that she died before she had time to understand the specific identity of Yunmo's biological father in her previous life.

"Cousin, as you can see, I have unavoidable difficulties. My parents control me very strictly. They don't want me to have too much contact with the Huang family. I actually miss my mother and grandma very much. They are okay. ?"

In the coffee shop, Yun Yao explained to Huang Zhao helplessly.

"Yaoyao, don't worry, they are doing well..."

Huang Zhao did not hide anything, and told everything about Yunmo taking Ling Chuan, his son-in-law, back to the village for the New Year, and helping the Huang family open a bamboo weaving factory.

Knowing that Huang Zhiqiu did not come to Jiang City, Yun Yao was relieved.

"Everyone is doing well, so I feel relieved. When my mother thinks about it, I will definitely go back to the countryside to see you."

After finishing speaking, Yun Yao pretended to be casual and asked Huang Zhao when she planned to go back, but unexpectedly Huang Zhao grinned.

"Yaoyao, I'm not going back. Your father arranged a job for me. I'll go to the construction site tomorrow to be a supervisor. I'll be paid 40 yuan a month."

Yun Yao's expression froze slightly, "Are you planning to stay in Jiang City?"


Huang Zhao didn't notice Yunyao's displeasure, and was immersed in his fantasies and dreams about the future, "I will work hard, and try to get your dad to promote me as a manager next year, what about the salary for one month? It can also be doubled, Yaoyao, you will help me, right?"

Yun Yao smiled reluctantly, "Cousin, the company's personnel affairs are decided by my father alone, so I can't say anything."

"Yaoyao, you must help me, you help me, you help yourself."

Under Yunyao's suspicious gaze, Huang Zhao no longer concealed his "wolf ambition", and grabbed Yunyao's hand that was placed on the table.

"Yaoyao, I like you! We grew up together as childhood sweethearts. I even bathed you when you were young. This is all destined by heaven. Yaoyao, you are destined to be my daughter-in-law in this life!"

Yun Yao seemed to be struck by lightning, staring at Huang Zhao for a long time, unable to recover.

"Yaoyao, I miss you in my dreams, we..."

"you shut up!"

Yun Yao was disgusted by Huang Zhao's confession, picked up the coffee on the table and splashed Huang Zhao's face, took her bag and left angrily.

Huang Zhao wanted to chase after him, but was stopped by the waiter to pay the bill.

Ask the price, 15 yuan!

Huang Zhao almost didn't jump up, "It costs 15 yuan for two cups of bitter stuff, why don't you grab it?"

The waiter smiled, but his words were not polite at all, "Sir, all the drinks in our shop are clearly priced, you don't have to order them if you can't afford them, but you have to pay for them if you drink them. If you can't pay, then I'm sorry, I can only ask you to go to the Public Security Bureau.

Hearing that he was going to the Public Security Bureau, Huang Zhao immediately panicked.

But I took out all the money I had on my body, and it was not enough for 15 yuan.

"This little brother is my friend, I am a member of your store, can I get a discount?"

Recognizing that Xu Lili is a long-term customer in the store, the waiter immediately enthusiastically said that there is no problem.

But after the discount, Huang Zhao was still short of money, so Xu Li generously paid in advance for him.

After that, Xu Lili invited Huang Zhao to eat supper.

Satisfied with wine and food, Huang Zhao seemed to regard Xu Lili as his own big brother, and told him all about the purpose and purpose of coming to Jiang City like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

After sending Huang Zhao back to his residence, Xu Lili turned around and went to the courtyard.

After listening to Xu Lili's narration of what happened, Yun Mo was completely speechless but not surprised.

With the greed and snobbery of Peng Fang's family, how could they not make up their minds after knowing the riches and tyrants of the Yun family.

It's just that she didn't expect Huang Zhao to come so soon, and by such a coincidence, Xu Lili bumped into her on a date with Yun Yao in a coffee shop.

In order to gain Huang Zhao's trust and make it easier for him to formulate words, Yunmo gave Xu Lili 200 yuan to entertain Huang Zhao.

After returning home, Yun Yao was still very angry.

She is an imposing young lady, even if her reputation is ruined and she cannot marry a descendant of a famous family like Su Mingan, she must at least find someone who is rich, famous and prestigious.

Huang Zhao is an ugly, short and poor man, and he doesn't take pictures of himself in the piss, yet he dares to marry her!

Yunyao secretly cursed Peng Fang's family for wishful thinking, while packing her things, preparing to leave for the provincial capital early tomorrow morning, so as not to be threatened by staying in Jiang City.

As soon as the things were almost packed, the nanny came to spread the word that Yun Shixian invited her to the study.

"Dad, are you looking for me?"

Yun Shixian walked up to her and raised his hand to slap her.

Yunyao covered her face, there was no trace of fear or awe in her eyes, instead she smiled playfully.

"Dad, take it easy, I'm going to the provincial capital tomorrow, and it won't be good if Mr. Wang sees my face hurt."