On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 453

Chapter 453

"Cousin, auntie, this matter can't be left as it is. The Yang family must come up with a statement and attitude. Otherwise, this time I will force my cousin to drink the talisman water, and next time I may force my cousin to drink other messy things." Things, my cousin may not be as lucky as this time to get her life back."

Ling Chuan echoed his wife's words, "The doctor said that if it was two days later, my cousin would be hopeless, and gastroenteritis would also kill her."

Originally, Liu Zhi knew that his eldest daughter was only infected with gastroenteritis and thought it was not serious, but at this time he couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

"Qing He, didn't you tell Jia Yong about going to the hospital for an examination?"

Huang Qinghe showed bitterness, "I mentioned it, I said it on the night of the New Year's Eve, but when they heard that they were going to be listed in the hospital for an examination, they were worried about spending money, so they refused to agree to anything. Go find that old lady Ma, buy a bunch of fertility charms and come back and force me to drink it."

Hearing that the Yang family was afraid of spending money and refused to let Huang Qinghe do the inspection, Yunmo asked subconsciously: "Cousin, where is your part-time job?"

"In the hands of your cousin-in-law, he saved together, and plans to repair the house in two years."

Yun Mo frowned, "It's all in his hands, did you keep nothing for yourself?"

Huang Qinghe nodded, "Every time I pay the salary, I will give it all to him, and he will deposit it in the passbook. I will ask him to get the money when I need it."

Women manage the money in the Huang family. Hearing that the daughter handed over all the money to the son-in-law, Liu Zhi immediately expressed disapproval.

"When you married, you forgot what I told you? You have to control the money in the family to be safe. The son-in-law smokes and plays cards. What money can you save?"

Huang Qinghe showed embarrassment, "Their family is different from ours. Their family is all managed by men, as is the case with the eldest brother and second brother's family. I can't say anything."

"Cousin, logically speaking, I shouldn't interfere with your family affairs as an outsider, but you have also seen how passive the money is when you don't hold it in your own hands. To put it bluntly, they love money now and don't let you think about it. Check, if you get seriously ill in the future, will they let you wait to die at home?"

Huang Qinghe was speechless.

Huang Qingning took the opportunity to recount to Huang Qinghe what the Yang family had said yesterday when they went to the Yang family to talk about it.

"Sister, their Yang family is too bullying and made you like this. Even though they knew you were being treated in the hospital, they didn't even pay a visit, and they kept saying that whatever happened to you had nothing to do with them."

Huang Qinghe looked dazed, unable to tell whether it was sadness or disappointment.

"Where's Jiayong? What did he say?"

"He said a fart! When we went, he was hiding in the room, just silent."

Yun Mo said: "Cousin, no matter what you do in the future, you have to plan more for yourself. It's better to have what you have than to have it, and it's better to rely on yourself than to rely on anyone."

After finishing speaking, regardless of whether Huang Qinghe listened to her advice or not, Yunmo turned to Liu Cun and Yang Xinghua and said, "This matter must be resolved face to face with the Yang family. People are kind and bullied, if you The natal family has retired, and next time they will only bully my cousin even more.

In addition, they must be asked to spend money on the examination of the cousin, not only for the examination, but also for the follow-up treatment. If they dare not give it, we will ask the village chief for comment. "

Huang Qingning clenched his fist, "That's right!"

Yang Xinghua looked worried, "It's not easy to tear up your face when you are relatives, but we are fine. Qinghe still has to live at her in-law's house."

"Grandma, do you think my cousin is better now? If we hadn't gone there in time yesterday, it is unknown whether my cousin is dead or alive now.

You treat the Yang family as relatives, and tolerate everything, but does the Yang family appreciate it? Why did they dare to act recklessly against their cousin without any scruples?

I still say the same thing, good people are bullied by others, I will leave it here today, if my cousin gets divorced because of this, I will be responsible for the rest of her life, and I promise to help her find someone who is a hundred times better than the Yang family. A thousand times the in-laws and husbands! "

These bold words shocked the Huang family immediately.

Yun Mo said this, not to encourage Huang Qinghe to divorce Yang Jiayong, but to give the other party a little confidence to break through, so that they will not be afraid to fight back when they face the bullying of the Yang family in the future.

After lunch, Yunmo and Ling Chuan took Huang Qingning back to Anshi. The matter between Huang Qinghe and the Yang family was left to Liu Zhi and the Huang family to resolve.

She has said everything that should be said, and she has also expressed her position. No matter how much she has to say, she can't do anything.

The good days and the bad days are all made by herself. She can't do the thing of forcefully pressing the head of a cow without drinking water.

Arrived in the city, put away the luggage, Yunmo took Huang Qingning to the bamboo weaving factory.

Arrived at the factory, Yunmo asked Ling Chuan to show Huang Qingning around, while she went to the office, wanting to talk to Huang Zhiqiu.

It turned out that Huang Zhiqiu had a visitor when he reached the office door.

It's a middle-aged woman dressed in expensive clothes. She looks familiar. After thinking about it for a while, isn't she the one I met at Zhao's house a few days ago?

While hesitating, Huang Zhiqiu had already seen Yunmo outside the door, and quickly smiled and motioned Yunmo to go in.

"Momo, when did you come back?"

"just came back."

Ever since Yunmo stepped into the office, Xu Xu's gaze never left Yunmo, "Zhiqiu, is this your daughter?"

Huang Zhiqiu nodded with a smile, and then introduced Licensing to Yunmo.

"Momo, this is your Aunt Xu."

"Aunt Xu."

Xu Xu stared straight at Yunmo's face with an inexplicable expression.

Yunmo touched her face, "Aunt Xu, is there something on my face?"

Xu Xu came back to his senses, smiled and said with emotion: "Zhiqiu, your daughter is quite similar to you when you were young, especially the eyes."

Huang Zhiqiu also laughed, "Momo looks quite like me."

Huang Zhiqiu and Xu Xu were talking about the past, Yunmo couldn't get in the conversation, so she sat for a while and found an excuse to get up and leave.

After Yunmo left, Xu Xu also took the opportunity to inquire about Yunmo's biological father.

"Zhiqiu, your Momo looks about the same age as my Xueyuan, maybe 16 years old? What is her father doing?"

Huang Zhiqiu hesitated, "Momo is two years older than your Xueyuan."

"Momo is 18 years old? Full age or imaginary age?"

"It's one year old."

Hearing this, Li Xu's pupils trembled violently, but soon returned to normal.

"I really didn't see it. Your daughter is 18 years old. Didn't you get pregnant when you quit your job?"

Huang Zhiqiu didn't answer, which was his default.

Although she didn't want to tell Xu Xu about her daughter's life experience, she also knew that it couldn't be kept secret.

The Zhao family is aware of their mother and daughter's situation, and Xu's husband's family is also close to the Zhao family. She lied on this side, and turned around to the Zhao family's side, but she couldn't explain clearly.

After a while, the permission left.

Huang Zhiqiu returned to the office after delivering the permit, and Yunmo was already inside.

Yun Mo first briefly told Huang Zhiqiu about the Yang family's affairs, and then asked for permission.