On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 451

Chapter 451

Chapter 451 Broken the incense of my Yang family, can you bear the responsibility?

At the door of Yang's house, Master Mo and Ling Chuan were chatting.

Seeing Yunmo coming out, Ling Chuan hurried forward, "Daughter-in-law, how is cousin?"

Yunmo talked about Huang Qinghe's poisoning from drinking amulet water in a few words, "Ling Chuan, you send your cousin to the town health center to see a doctor, and I will go home and find my aunt. This matter can't be left alone."

Ling Chuan told her a few times worriedly, and then went to Yang's house to pick up Huang Qinghe on his back, and took a motorcycle to the health center in the town.

After watching the motorcycle drive out of the village, Yunmo also walked towards the entrance of the village, planning to go back to Huang's house to talk about it.

Not far away, I heard the familiar sound of arguing from a nearby family.

Yun Mo immediately turned in, and as soon as she got to the door, she saw Huang Qingning and Yang's mother standing in the yard arguing, surrounded by a few women who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement.

"Wow woof!"

A dog rushed out from nowhere, and barked fiercely at Yunmo, which startled Yunmo and instinctively backed away.

Hearing the barking of the dog, everyone looked over one after another, including Huang Qingning and Yang Mu.

Seeing that Yunmo was so frightened by the dog, Huang Qingning was furious, picked up the broom on the ground and rushed over.

The dog was beaten, and ran away screaming "Aoao" with its tail between its legs.

Yun Mo put her heart down before letting go.

"Cousin, don't be afraid. This dog looks fierce, but it is actually very timid. You bend your face to pick up a stone and it runs away."

Yunmo nodded with lingering fear.

Mother Yang walked in front of the two of them, and smiled, "Qingning, you should learn from your cousin, this girl's family should be quieter, and it's hard to find a husband's family if she is too aggressive."

Huang Qingning got angry as soon as she got off, "I can marry or not, don't worry about it, I'll leave my talk here today, you don't want to drink those messy things for my sister in the future, but drink yourself Drink, drink as much as you like, no one can control you!"

Yang's mother retorted, "It's not up to you to point fingers at my Yang family's affairs. She, Huang Qinghe, married into my Yang family, and she is a member of my Yang family. Don't let her drink talisman water, just drink excrement and urine. She has to give me a drink too.

I don't want to drink it, that's fine, as long as she gives birth to a grandson for me right away, I can offer her as my ancestor! "

Such words aroused the anger in Yunmo's heart.

"Auntie, what you said is not quite right. This pregnancy cannot be accomplished by the woman alone."

Mother Yang was taken aback for a moment, and then pointed at Yunmo angrily, "Nonsense, my family is strong and healthy, how could it be his problem."

"Whose problem is it? You have to go to the hospital for an examination and let the doctor judge. It doesn't count if you tell me. However, I want to talk to my aunt about the childbirth talisman today."

Yun Mo took out the yellow paper talisman torn from the door of Huang Qinghe's house, and unfolded it, "Is this what auntie calls the birth talisman?"

Seeing the thing in Yunmo's hand, Yang's mother became anxious immediately, "You who suffered a thousand dollars, who told you to tear it off, if you cut off the incense of my Yang family, can you take responsibility?"

Yun Mo sneered, "No one can break the incense of your Yang family, but if my cousin is poisoned to death by your yellow talisman paper water, your Yang family will be the murderer."

Mother Yang was taken aback by Yunmo's words, "Don't scare people, how could this talisman water poison people to death? Others are drinking it, and no one has ever seen anything happen."

Yunmo pointed to the red pattern on the yellow talisman paper, "The red letters on this paper are written with cinnabar. Although cinnabar is a traditional Chinese medicine, it is poisonous. Taking a small amount can calm the mind, but taking a large amount will cause pain. poisoned.

Cousin is now vomiting and diarrhea, because the toxins have accumulated in the stomach, causing gastrointestinal overreaction, if you continue to take it, or do not take treatment measures, the toxins will seriously damage the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, and eventually cause the body's circulatory system to fail and die! "

"You, stop talking nonsense here. There are too many people who have drunk this talisman water. They are all alive and well. Why is it that Huang Qinghe can't do it? It's not because of her own physical problems!"

Yun Mo looked at the other party, "I took this childbirth talisman home on the first day of junior high school. I'll count it from the second day of junior high school. Three cards a day. Today is the seventh day of junior high school. There are eighteen cards in total. Since you think this thing is not poisonous Okay, in front of everyone, you drank the ashes from the burning of eighteen pieces of yellow talisman paper, and I will expose this matter."

Mother Yang immediately refused, "Are you kidding me? This is a fertility charm. How can I drink it?"

Yunmo smiled slightly, "You can't drink it, my cousin can drink it, right? Don't you want to have a grandson sooner, maybe after your cousin drinks the eighteen talisman water, you will have a grandson in a few days. "

Yang's mother immediately said: "Grandma Ma said, this child is worthy of a woman!"

"That's it." Yunmo curled her lips and chuckled, "It's not a big problem. Let Mrs. Ma come over and ask her to rewrite the 18 birth talismans that men drink. Find your brother-in-law."

After Yunmo finished speaking, she dragged Huang Qingning away.

Yang's mother didn't believe that Yunmo would really invite Mrs. Ma, and shouted at the backs of the two of them, "Okay, you can really invite Mrs. Ma, thank you!"

A few women who watched the excitement around whispered to each other.

"My God, is this yellow talisman paper really poisonous? Every year, I ask Mrs. Ma to buy talisman water, and I also drink it for the whole family. It won't be poisoned, right?"

"Didn't you hear it just now, it's okay to drink less, but you will be poisoned if you drink too much."

"There's nothing to be afraid of. You don't have three meals a day. You won't die."

Anyone with ears can hear that this is a mockery of Mother Yang.

Although they are also superstitious, they like to ask Mrs. Ma for talisman water when they have nothing to do, but they usually only drink it once or twice a year. It is also open-minded for mothers like Yang to force their daughter-in-law to drink talisman water every day. For the first time in a secluded place.

I'm afraid I'm crazy because I want my grandson.

Mother Yang's mouth was stubborn on the surface, but she was still a little scared in her heart. If something happened to Huang Qinghe because she drank the talisman water, she would not be able to get rid of it.

Mother Yang hurriedly ran to find her youngest son Yang Jiayong, "I was thinking, Qing He is not really poisoned, is it? Why don't you send her to the health center?"

Yang Jiayong was unlucky today, and lost more than a dozen yuan in the middle of the afternoon. Hearing what his wife said, his heart suddenly became angry.

"I told you that those things can't be taken seriously. If you don't listen, you spend so much money to buy a bunch of broken talisman papers and come back. It's all right now, the money is spent, and people are still half dead by you. Go to the sanitation The hospital doesn't know how much it will cost, and it adds to the chaos every day."

Being scolded by the youngest son, Yang's mother was very wronged.

"I'm not for you. She has been married for more than three years, and her belly hasn't moved at all. Others at your age have a second child and a third child. Can I not worry?"

(end of this chapter)