On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 445

Chapter 445

Chapter 445 Visiting Mrs. Zhao

Aunt Sun's daughter-in-law is 32 years old this year. She is a typical rural woman. She is a bit thick and thick. Years of hard work have made her skin dark, but her eyes are very kind. outgoing woman.

Yun Mo had a brief chat with the other party, and after thinking about it, she took the other party for a medical examination first.

After that, I arranged for the other party to temporarily do chores in the factory, helping the chef in the cafeteria to wash vegetables and cook rice when he was busy, and cleaning the factory everywhere in his spare time. It was a mobile position.

After everything in the factory was properly arranged, Yun Mo brought a generous gift and asked Chen Bin to pay New Year greetings to Boss Zhang.

Boss Zhang's full name is Zhang Liguo. On the surface, he is the owner of a small gold shop, but he has a very wide network of contacts in Anshi. It is not an exaggeration to say that he can enjoy both black and white.

Although there are some business contacts, Zhang Liguo may not be willing to talk to her just because of this.

She is kind to the Zhao family, and she is a close friend with Zhao Yazhi. From these two points, Zhang Guoli's attitude towards her can be said to be quite warm.

Yunmo was also unequivocal. In addition to high-end tobacco and wine, the prepared New Year's greeting also included a good-looking "Great Qing Banknote".

The Daqing Treasure Banknote is an official banknote printed by the government of the Qing Dynasty. Because of its recent age, the collection value is not very high. The current market price is around one or two hundred yuan.

Zhang Liguo is in the gold and jade business, and he should like things like "Great Qing Treasure Banknotes", and he can be regarded as his favorite.

Sure enough, Zhang Liguo's eyes lit up when he saw the Qing Dynasty banknote.

Yunmo took the opportunity to introduce Chen Bin to the other party.

For Yunmo's sake, Zhang Liguo treated Chen Bin fairly politely, and bluntly said that the bamboo weaving factory could come to him for any problems in the future.

Yunmo was waiting for this sentence. With this sentence, her trip today was worthwhile.

After leaving Zhang's house, Yunmo told Chen Bin.

"Brother Chen, I will leave Boss Zhang's contacts to you. Like money, contacts need to be managed and accumulated.

If you want to manage a good network of people, besides opportunity and fate, the most important thing is to match what you like.

Some people like to talk about interests, some people like to talk about feelings, and some people just follow their instincts and only look at their eyes. "

After hearing the words, Chen Bin was filled with admiration for Yunmo.

"Xiao Mo, don't worry, I will definitely maintain the connection of Boss Zhang."

Yunmo nodded, "Two days later, the telecommunications bureau will go to work, and I'll go and reconnect the phone line in the factory. If you have any doubts in the future, you can call me."

Looking at the girl's delicate and beautiful side face, Chen Bin couldn't help but ask questions from the bottom of his heart.

"Xiao Mo, come to see Boss Zhang today, why don't you bring Huang Yu with you?"

Even, Yun Mo could just bring Huang Yu here alone, and hand over Boss Zhang's connections to Huang Yu, a cousin.

But Yunmo never took an unusual path.

"Brother Chen, for a company, nepotism is a taboo and the root of its demise. Brother Xiaoyu is a down-to-earth person with a straightforward personality, but he lacks tact and skill in interpersonal communication, and he is not bold enough."

Otherwise, I would not have worked in the winery for six or seven years as a temporary worker. I have neither the ability to resolve and lead conflicts nor the courage to break up, so I wasted so many years in vain.

Change jobs early, or learn a skill, no matter which way is much better than working as a temporary worker in a winery.

But Yunmo would not say these words directly in front of Chen Bin.

She matched Chen Bin and Zhang Liguo, which was a favor to Chen Bin. It's also a show of favor.

If she bluntly stated that Chen Bin's second-best choice would not do any good except to make Chen Bin feel bad.

The way of speaking is not only an art, but also a means of winning people's hearts.

"Brother Chen, from the perspective of entrepreneurship, you and Brother Xiaoyu are both my trusted partners. I brought you to see Boss Zhang because you are more suitable for dealing with interpersonal relationships than Brother Xiaoyu.

In the future, I also hope that you will keep this in mind when recruiting personnel in the factory. Talents are the only ones who have both ability and political integrity. The talents needed by the bamboo weaving factory are not nepotism. "

Chen Bin nodded seriously, "Xiao Mo, don't worry, I understand what you mean."

After breakfast the next day, Yunmo asked Chen Bin to lead the staff to clean up the factory, while she took Huang Zhiqiu to Zhao's house to visit Mrs. Zhao.

As soon as he reached the gate of Zhao's house, Zhao Yazhi greeted him happily.

"Momo, you are here, is this auntie? She looks so young, as beautiful as you."

Huang Zhiqiu blushed from Zhao Yazhi's praise, "Hi, Miss Zhao."

"Aunt Huang, you are welcome to come as a guest. It's cold outside, let's go in and talk."

"it is good."

As soon as I stepped into the door of Zhao's house, my whole body was immediately wrapped in a thick warmth, just like stepping into spring.

It is not common to have floor heating in this era, but the Zhao family is not an ordinary family, and it is normal to install floor heating that ordinary people do not have.

"Mom, take off your coat first."

Seeing Huang Zhiqiu in a daze, as if wondering how the Zhao family's house is so warm, Yunmo reminded in a low voice.

When the mother and daughter took off their coats, a nanny immediately came up to take them, and thoughtfully arranged slippers for them.

After a lot of busy work, the mother and daughter finally, led by Zhao Yazhi, entered the living room and met Mrs. Zhao.

Yunmo bowed to each other with a smile, "Grandma Zhao, Happy New Year. My mother and I came here to wish you a special New Year greeting. I wish you and your family good health, peace and joy in the New Year."

"Okay, sit down, sit down and talk."

Old lady Zhao laughed from ear to ear, calling them both to sit down.

After the mother and daughter sat down, the nanny brought out the cut fruit plate, delicate pastries, and good tea in turn.

It can be seen from this that the Zhao family sincerely welcomes the two people's visits, rather than making superficial efforts.

Through chatting, she learned that Huang Zhiqiu had never been married in order to raise her daughter. Mrs. Zhao looked at Huang Zhiqiu with more appreciation.

"It's really not easy for you to raise your daughter by yourself and raise her so well."

Facing Mrs. Zhao's praise, Huang Zhiqiu showed embarrassment.

"You are too praised, in fact, Momo didn't grow up by my side."

"Oh? Did Momo live with her father?"

Old lady Zhao's thoughts are not surprising. If she doesn't live with her mother, she will naturally live with her father. She can't grow up in the wild outside.

However, Yunmo's life experience is very strange.

Neither with my mother nor with my father.

Yunmo looked at Huang Zhiqiu curiously. She also wanted to know why she had mistaken Yunyao's background and who the biological father of this body was.

(end of this chapter)