On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 443

Chapter 443

Chapter 443 Don't Say Goodnight to Any Other Women

Relying on the tangerine peel candy given by Yunmo, the driving behind Guo Xuezhen was finally a lot easier.

Including Guo Xuezhen, there are a total of 81 employees and 7 dormitories. Each dormitory has 12 beds, which is just enough.

After registering and allocating dormitory rooms and beds, and waiting for everyone to put away their luggage and make beds, Yunmo asked Chen Bin to call in a few more reliable male workers to take the finished signboards to the factory and nail them up. She, Ling Chuan and Huang Zhiqiu , Sitting in a van to purchase rice, noodles, grain, oil and vegetables.

The soldiers and horses have not moved, but the food and grass go first.

More than 80 mouths, three meals a day to eat, the cost of buying ready-made is too high, the canteen must be set up first.

It was already evening when all the materials needed for the cafeteria were purchased.

Because there are still masters who have not arranged to cook, this first meal can only be done by themselves.

Yun Mo and Huang Zhiqiu helped choose, wash and chop vegetables, while Ling Chuan and Chen Bin were in charge of steaming rice, cutting meat and stir-frying vegetables.

Time is tight, the task is heavy, and there is no time to boil hot water, so I can only wash in cold water.

The tap water in this season is bone-chillingly cold, Yunmo's hands are frozen like carrots, and her fingers hurt as if they were cut off.

When you are free, be sure to buy a few pairs of labor protection waterproof gloves and put them in the space for spare.

After washing, Yunmo put her hands to her mouth to breathe for warmth, while silently chanting.

"Momo, let me wash the vegetables, and you steam the rice."

Ling Chuan came to her side at some point, squatting in front of the water basin and vigorously cleaning the white radish soaked in the water basin.

Yunmo turned her head and looked in the direction of the rice cooker.

A super large wooden barrel has been set up on the large iron pot with a diameter of 1.5 meters. White mist is sprayed along the side of the pot, and the whole back kitchen is smoky.

Unlike burning firewood in the countryside, the city needs to add firewood to watch the fire from time to time. In the city, briquettes are burned. As long as the briquettes are set up properly, the firepower can last for an hour or two.

The man said he was asking her to steam the rice, but in fact he was asking her to rest there and keep warm by the fire.

Yunmo went to stand in front of the rice cooker for a few minutes. After her hands and body were warmed up, she went to the cutting board to replace Huang Zhiqiu.

"Mom, let me cut it, you can roast it before going to the rice cooker."

"It's okay, I'm not cold, don't touch the knife, be careful to cut your hands, Momo, if you have nothing to do, just read a few books, school will start soon, don't let your studies fall behind."

Yunmo smiled, "It's not too late, I'll concentrate on studying when I return to Jiangshi."

Seeing that she was assertive, Huang Zhiqiu didn't say anything more, and instead asked when she and Ling Chuan planned to return to Jiangshi.

The mother and daughter were talking when Guo Xueyao suddenly came.

"Auntie, Momo, let me help you."

Huang Zhiqiu smiled at the other party, "No, it's almost finished, let Momo take you around the factory."

The position of clerk is quite important, it is equivalent to Huang Zhiqiu's assistant, and at the same time also works as the director of the office. Yunmo guides Guo Xueyao to familiarize himself with the factory environment, and gives him simple pre-job training by the way.

Spicy white rice, sauerkraut pork stewed radish, cabbage tofu, and a large pot of egg drop soup.

In this era when coarse grains were generally used as the staple food in rural areas, such meals can be considered quite rich.

A large wooden bucket full of 50 catties of rice was eaten to the brim. On average, each person eats half a catty. With two pots of vegetables and one pot of soup, everyone's stomachs are full.

This meal can be regarded as a reassurance for everyone.

Work in a bamboo weaving factory, not only can you eat, but you can also earn money.

After eating and drinking enough, Yunmo called people into the workshop for a meeting.

The content of the meeting is mainly to explain the dormitory management system, and the time for the physical examination tomorrow and the precautions.

In this era, the medical conditions are limited, and the physical examination items are relatively simple, mainly including cardiopulmonary auscultation, liver and kidney function and routine blood tests.

The physical examination requires an empty stomach. You cannot drink or eat before going to bed until the physical examination tomorrow.

In order to urge every employee to do so, each dormitory Yunmo also temporarily appointed a dormitory head to supervise.

"Let me remind everyone again that the medical examination is not free, but this time the cost is borne by the factory for everyone. I hope everyone can cherish this opportunity. If you can't control your mouth and affect the results of the medical examination report, the consequences will be your own." bear."

After the meeting, the staff in No. 1 dormitory stayed to clean the cafeteria, and the people in other dormitories went back to rest.

Hygiene is done in turn in 7 dormitories, so everyone has no complaints or dissatisfaction with this arrangement.

After a tiring day, when she returned to the dormitory, Yunmo took off her shoes, lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

Ling Chuan went to the boiler room on the first floor to fetch hot water, but after yelling twice, his wife did not wake up, so he silently twisted a hot towel, and carefully wiped his wife's hands and face.

Yunmo actually woke up when Ling Chuan came back from fetching water, but she was too lazy to move, and let him serve her.

After busy work, Ling Chuan went to the opposite bed to lie down.

Yunmo, who heard Yunyao, opened her eyes and turned to look over.

The room she and Ling Chuan live in is the same as other dormitories, with single bunk beds.

Probably because he was afraid of crowding her, Ling Chuan made two beds.

When Ling Chuan made the bed in the afternoon, she didn't say anything, they just stayed for a few days, and when they returned to Jiang City, these two beds could be reserved for Huang Kailin and Huang Yu.

I have to say that the tacit understanding between the two has increased a lot in getting along these days.

Ling Chuan glanced at Yunmo, and Ling Chuan sat down contentedly hugging the pillow, put his long arms under her neck, and hugged her into his arms.

"daughter in law."


"Good night."

Yun Mo closed her eyes, paused before speaking, "Ling Chuan, don't say good night to any other women in the future."

"it is good."

"Aren't you going to ask me why?"

"What the daughter-in-law said is right."

Yun Mo couldn't help but hooked her lower lip, "Because good night has another meaning."

"What does it mean?"

"The pinyin of good night is wanan, which is the abbreviation of 'I love you, love you', so you can only say good night to the woman you love, understand?"

Before waiting for the man's response for a long time, Yunmo opened her eyes and looked up at the man's face, "Are you asking me something? Why are you in a daze?"

Ling Chuan lowered his eyes, and her delicate and beautiful face was reflected in the dark eyes.

The faces of the two were very close, each other's breaths were warm and intertwined, and the air became ambiguous.

Ling Chuan's lips are actually pretty, with well-defined outlines and a light red lip color, showing a soft luster that makes people want to kiss.

Just when Yunmo was about to move, she saw the man open his mouth, "Daughter-in-law, I was thinking about the first time you said good night to me."

Yunmo closed her eyes, silently adjusted her breathing and mood, "I don't remember."

"It's okay, I've already remembered."

Yunmo didn't respond.

Ling Chuan continued: "That day, you were wronged at school, and I was very worried about you. I made you your favorite sweet and sour fish."

Yunmo had long forgotten these things, but now that a man mentions them, memories flooded her heart like a tide.

(end of this chapter)