On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 439

Chapter 439

Chapter 439 Huang Yu's partner came to the door

Although the process was a bit painful, after the pinching, the muscles of the legs were really not so sore.

After Yunmo washed her face and went downstairs, the Huang family had finished their breakfast.

Huang Zhiqiu brought the food left in the pot to the table for the two, and then went to work.

Ling Chuan ate fast, a big bowl of porridge, and finished snoring in a few strokes.

"You help me eat."

Yunmo has eaten too much fish and meat these two days, and has no appetite. Seeing that Ling Chuan had finished eating, she poured out half of the porridge in her bowl.

Ling Chuan never refused anyone who came, so he finished Yunmo's half bowl of porridge in two or three gulps, got up and went to the kitchen with the empty bowl.

Yunmo continued to eat slowly without haste.


Huang Qingning came in, and moved to Yunmo's side with a smirk on her face.

Yun Mo stretched out her hand and pushed the opponent's face away, "Stay away from me."

"Why? Do I stink?"

Huang Qingning lowered his head and sniffed on his body.

"You smile so obscenely, it affects my appetite."

"Oh, I thought I smelled like **** when I pooped just now."

Yunmo: "..."

Okay, this meal is completely unbearable.

Facing Yunmo's death gaze, Huang Qingning quickly changed the subject to save his life, "Cousin, I have a question for you."

Yunmo got up and left.

Huang Qingning hurried to catch up, "Cousin, are you angry? I'm sorry, I promise I will never talk **** when you are eating..."

Yun Mo glared at her, Huang Qingning immediately covered her mouth.

Yunmo snorted, "Let's go."

"Where are you going? Are you going out to play?"

Yunmo generously rewarded the other party with a popcorn, "What a ghost, don't you want to ask me a question?"

"Oh. But today is only the second day of junior high school. There is a temple fair in the town, which is very lively. There are also sugar painting sellers. Cousin, don't you want to go and see it?"

"In no mood."

Seeing Huang Qingning's depressed face, Yun Mo pinched the other's face helplessly.

"Tomorrow I will go to the city to work on the bamboo weaving factory. I will give you some more questions while I have time. After the temple fair, I have plenty of time to watch. In the future, I will take you to the capital to watch the annual meeting and various lantern festivals." , Those temple fairs in Lu'an Town are more than a hundred times more beautiful and lively."

Huang Qingning nodded quickly, "Okay."

After Yun Mo finished speaking, Huang Qingning remembered what she wanted to ask Yun Mo earlier.

"Cousin, what are you doing upstairs with your cousin-in-law in the morning?"

Yunmo was a little dazed, "I didn't do anything."

"I do not believe."

Yunmo just came back to her senses. The other party had a smirk on her face before. Did she misunderstand what she and Ling Chuan were doing upstairs?

Yunmo poked the other person's forehead helplessly, "Tell me about your little brain, what kind of yellow waste you pretend to be all day long."

"It's not my fault. My aunt stopped me from going up to find you. You didn't do anything. Why did my aunt stop me?"

Yunmo stroked her forehead helplessly.

Forget it, whatever you think.

Anyway, she and Ling Chuan did not go there innocently.

However, seeing the teasing and snickering on Huang Qingning's face, Yun Mo readily unleashed her "killer weapon".

"You do this question again and show me."

Huang Qingning couldn't laugh immediately.

After 9 o'clock, the villagers who had come to apply for the job before came to Huang's house one after another.

After a while, Huang's house was crowded, and even the road to the door was blocked.

Yunmo didn't consider in advance that the number of applicants would be several times more than she expected.

Finally, after obtaining the consent of the village chief, Yunmo took him to the grain drying field in the village.

The drying field is half the size of a football field, more than enough to accommodate hundreds of people.

Around 10 o'clock, when everyone had arrived, Yunmo asked Chen Bin to read out the names of the recruits. There were 80 places in total.

According to the construction period and daily production volume, the bamboo weaving factory needs about 70 bamboo weaving workers.

Before officially joining the company, she planned to give all workers a physical examination. It is estimated that some people with physical problems will be eliminated during this process, so 10 more places have been reserved.

As Yunmo expected, those villagers who were not selected were dissatisfied and clamored for an explanation.

Chen Bin explained one by one according to Yunmo's words, and Huang's family also helped to comfort him.

It took more than an hour to finally persuade those villagers who were not hired to leave.

Hearing that Chen Bin's voice was hoarse, Yun Mo took a mint candy to moisten the other party's throat, and then handed over the session to Huang Yu to host.

It was the first time for a young man in his early 20s to speak to so many people. It would be a lie to say that he was not nervous.

Fortunately, Yun Mo had already written the speech in advance, and Huang Yu only needed to read it.

"First of all, congratulations to everyone entering the big family of Lu'an Bamboo Weaving Factory...Please pack your luggage when you go home. The things you need to bring are bedding, such as bedding, sheets, pillows, etc., and then a change of clothes, personal toiletries, and Bowls and bowls for eating.

Tomorrow at 8 o'clock in the morning, we will gather at the gate of the bus station in the town. After arriving in the city, the advanced dormitory will be settled, and then the factory will arrange for everyone to have a unified medical examination.

If the results of the physical examination are not up to standard, the factory will arrange for them to return to the village, or they can stay in the city to find a job. "

As soon as Huang Yu's voice fell, the people below suddenly became noisy.

"What physical examination, why didn't you mention it before?"

"That's right, if the physical examination fails to meet the standards, you will be sent back. Isn't that a waste of time?"

"Do you need to pay for the medical examination?"

Facing all kinds of doubts, Huang Yu panicked for a while.

Yun Mo walked to the stage, "Please be quiet and listen to my explanation."

At the beginning, everyone didn't listen to Yunmo, and they still had different opinions. In the end, it was Ling Chuan who came to the stage and yelled, which shocked the scene.

Taking advantage of the silence, Yunmo immediately explained the reason and inevitability of the physical examination.

Hearing that it was for the screening of infectious diseases, the dissatisfaction and doubts disappeared immediately.

Yunmo took the opportunity to continue: "In order to thank everyone for their trust and support, the factory will pay for the physical examination this time, and you don't have to pay a penny.

But only this time, new employees who want to enter the factory in the future must go for a medical examination at their own expense. When going through the entry procedures, they must have a health experience report. "

"it is good!"

Hearing that there is no need to pay, everyone applauded enthusiastically.

By the time Yunmo and the others returned to Huang's house, it was almost 1 pm, and everyone was tired and hungry.

When the food was on the table, everyone immediately picked up the chopsticks and ate hungrily.

Before lunch was finished, someone came outside the door. She was a petite young woman with a delicate appearance.

"Cousin, this is my brother's former partner."

Hearing Huang Qingning's words, Yun Mo stopped eating immediately, and hid behind the door with Huang Qingning and listened with ears.

"Go in and have a meeting."

Seeing that Guo Xuezhen was silent for a long time, Huang Yu scratched his ears in embarrassment.

Guo Xuezhen was more embarrassed than Huang Yu, her cheeks were as red as apples on the mountain, and she spoke softly, "No, I have something to ask for your help."

(end of this chapter)