On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 437

Chapter 437

Chapter 437 Going to Li Family Village to Greet the New Year

Ling Jiale didn't expect that her usual tricks wouldn't work. She was stunned for a while before quickly getting up from the ground, kicking and crying behind Ling Jiang.

"Dad! Daddy!"

Ling Chunhua turned her head frequently, "Dad, Jiale is calling for you."

Ling Jiang clenched her hand tightly, "Don't worry about him, we'll go see your grandfather first, and we have to go home later."


Although Ling Chunhua didn't understand why her father was so indifferent to her younger brother, she was sensible and didn't ask any further questions.

In her young heart, she trusted and relied 100% on Ling Jiang, her father, and her father must have his reasons and difficulties.

But this scene fell into the eyes of the people of Lijia Village, but there was a lot of discussion.

"You say that Ling Jiang is really a weirdo. Let his own son not want it, but he spoils a girl's film to the sky. Look at the outfit that girl is wearing, it is not cheap."

"You don't understand this, it's hard for this man to take his son with him."

"According to what you said, wouldn't it be even more difficult for Li Li to find another home with such an oil bottle?"

"What else is she looking for? They give the two of them 20 yuan plus 10 catties of rice a month, and there are other things during the holidays. Are you happy to let it go?"

"No wonder I think she is not in a hurry, so someone is raising her. Let's say, this Ling Jiang is really a rare and good man. He is willing to give money to his ex-wife even after he is gone."

"You think he is nice, so why don't you kick the one in your house and go find him?"

"Fuck you!"

Everyone laughed and made a fuss, and then talked about Li Li.

"She is young, and after the New Year, she finds a job, and earns twenty or thirty a month by herself, plus these things given by her ex-husband, so her life will not be too comfortable."

"Hey, it's fate, you and I can't envy you."

Some people think that Ling Jiang is not worth it, "I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to find a family. When people hear that he still wants to support his ex-wife and son, who will marry him?"

"That's not necessarily the case. I heard that the Ling family is now well-off, earning at least a thousand a month. What is this 20 yuan?"

"Really, how much can you earn in a month?"

"I heard that I used to earn more by reselling. I made thousands of dollars in a few days, but Li Li, a big mouth, said everywhere. In the end, the two brothers were almost arrested and sent to prison. All the money they earned was fined. There are also a lot of postings."

"Tsk tsk tsk, no wonder you got divorced, this kind of troublemaker, can't help but add to the chaos as much as possible, I will leave if I leave it."

Li Li was in her yard, discussing with a woman in her 30s about going to the city to work after the Chinese New Year.

The woman and Li Li are handkerchief handkerchiefs, named Miao Dandan, who is now working as a dishwasher in a restaurant in the city.

"The one who passed the dishes before resigned. The boss said that he would transfer me to be a vegetable passer. He planned to recruit another person for the dishwashing job. I introduced you to the boss."

Seeing Li Li's displeasure, Miao Dandan hurriedly said: "Don't look at this dish washer is dirty and tired. The salary is 20 yuan, including two meals. When you meet some dishes that customers don't eat much, you can still eat them." Pack it up and take it home, you don't need to buy vegetables, think about it, how much can you save in a month?

Hearing this, Li Li was a little moved.

The dishes in the restaurant are all good things for big fish and big meat.

At this moment, she heard her son's cry and hurried out.

As soon as I went out the door, I saw Ling Jiang and his daughter walking towards this side.

"Your ex-husband is here, and he has brought a lot of things." The woman also knew Ling Jiang, and said with some envy, "He is kind and righteous to you, and even left to come to see you."

"Who cares."

Li Li was talking, but her eyes wanted to stare a hole in the cloth bag in Ling Jiang's hand, so as to see what good things were inside.


Looking at her daughter carved in powder and jade, more delicate and beautiful than the dolls on New Year pictures, Li Li couldn't believe it.

I haven't seen her for two months, and my daughter seems to be alive again. She used to be as thin as a monkey, with sallow skin and thinning hair, but now her face looks like that old dough, round, white, tender, smooth and black. Her hair was tied into two flower buds, and a string of bright red agate beads was pinned to each flower bud.

Dress well.

Pomegranate red long cotton coat, black bodybuilding pants with beautiful patterns printed on the bottom of the trousers, and red short leather boots on the feet, looking like a little princess pampered by her family.

"Hey, Lao Ling, I didn't realize that you are quite good at raising a daughter. The clothes you choose are really pretty."

Hearing Miao Dandan's praise, Ling Jiang explained with a smile, "Where would I buy these from? They were all bought by Aunt Chunhua."

"No wonder."

At this moment, Ling Jiale chased after him.

"Mom, I want candy! I want candy!"

Knowing Ling Jiale's temperament, Ling Jiang hurriedly took a piece of red bean cake from the cloth bag to prevent him from crying endlessly.

Ling Jiale took the red bean cake and stuffed it into his mouth, with a gluttonous appearance, as if he had been reincarnated from starvation.

Li Li pulled her son angrily, and patted his back lightly, "Eat slowly, and be careful of choking."

Miao Dandan took the opportunity to laugh and said: "Lao Ling, Jiale is still wearing the old padded jacket from last year. Jiale will never be without spring flowers. They are all your flesh and blood. You can't treat one more favorably than another."

Miao Dandan said such words, Ling Jiang was not surprised.

The ex-wife would definitely have the shame not to say anything about cheating, and he wouldn't expose it unless it was absolutely necessary. After all, he had to think about his daughter.

Ling Jiang ignored Miao Dandan's words, and turned to Li Li and said, "Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year. I'll come to see Dad, and I'll bring you next month's living expenses by the way."

Miao Dandan was bored, so he found an excuse to leave.

"Where's Dad, isn't he home?"

After entering the door, Ling Jiang asked subconsciously when he didn't see Li Dajun.

"He went to dig bamboo shoots on the mountain."

The home of the Chinese New Year was burglarized, so I had to dig some wild winter bamboo shoots and come back to enrich the vegetable basket.

Jiang City also has the custom of visiting relatives, but when Zhu Hongping was here before, the relationship with relatives was frozen, so the Li family did not go to relatives on the first day of the new year every year.

Ling Jiang didn't think much about it, thinking that Li Dajun went to dig bamboo shoots on the mountain because he had nothing to do.

He gave Li Li the cloth bag in his hand, "There is some meat in it, and some sugar cakes and pastries, which are for you and Dad."

It happened that the red bean cake in Ling Jiale's hand had already been eaten, and when he heard Ling Jiang's words, he immediately tugged on Li Li's clothes and clamored for candy.

Li Li was used to being obedient to her son, so she grabbed a few candies from the cloth bag and handed them to her son.

Ling Jiale ran away happily after getting the candy.

Li Li was about to carry the cloth bag back into the house and put it away, when she saw her daughter Ling Chunhua, she paused, took two candies from the cloth bag and handed them to her daughter.

Ling Chunhua shook her head, "No need, there are still a lot at home, let's leave them to Jiale to eat."

Ling Chunhua wholeheartedly wanted to leave the food to her younger brother, but when Li Li heard these words, it was extremely unpleasant.

Four more~

Ask for a monthly pass

Love you guys.

(end of this chapter)