On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 416

Chapter 416

Chapter 416 Do you want to find a rich daughter-in-law?

"Ah! Cousin, does that mean that your grades are suitable for admission to Peking University?"

Yun Mo said lightly, "You can also say that."

As soon as these words came out, the Huang family members were all excited and excited.

"Good, good, good job Momo!"

"Haha, our family is going to produce a female singer!"

Yunmo was infected by the high emotions of the Huang family, and also smiled.

After drinking the sweet wine soup, Yunmo and Huang Qingning went to the room to talk about the topic, but there was no response in the middle of the speech. When Yunmo raised her eyes, she found that Huang Qingning was staring at her intently with his hands on his cheeks.

Yunmo slapped the opponent on the head in a funny way, "I'm back to my senses!"

Huang Qingning grinned, smiling like a nympho, "Cousin, I feel more and more that you are simply a fairy. Not to mention you are beautiful, you are still so good at studying, and you can do business. Cousin, what is there that you don't know?" Is it?"

Yunmo thought about it seriously, "Yes."

"What is it?"

"Will not admit defeat."

Yunmo put the notebook and pen in front of Huang Qingning, "I have already explained this question just now, please do it again and show me."

Huang Qingning was sleepwalking the whole time just now, how could he know how to solve it.

"Cousin, I was wrong, I promise to listen carefully in the future, can you tell me again?"

Yun Mopi smiled bluntly, "It's okay to repeat it again, you can copy this question ten times tonight, and I will check it tomorrow."

"Ten times!?"

"Too much?"


"Then copy it fifteen times."

How come there are more and more!

Huang Qingning's eyes almost popped out.

"Is there more?"

Huang Qingning almost shook her head, "No, not much at all."

Yun Mo smiled slightly, and said softly: "That's good, come on, let me tell you again..."

The second child, Huang Jianguo.

"Xiaowen, don't sit still, go back to your room and study."

Peng Fang came home and saw his youngest son Huang Wen sitting in a daze in the yard, and couldn't help reminding him.

Originally, at the end of the semester, Huang Wen got the fifth place in the class. Peng Fang was very happy. Not only did he cook a table of delicious food to reward his youngest son, but when Huang Wen was reading at night, he felt distressed and asked him to rest early so as not to damage his body.

But now, with Yunmo's score of 643 for comparison, Peng Fang felt that the youngest son's grades were not good.

In her opinion, a niece who is a girl can score 643 in the test, and her youngest son will definitely do as well, even better than the niece.

Huang Wen was hit by Yunmo's grades, and he was already depressed, but after being urged by Peng Fang, his mood immediately lifted.

"I know what I study, I don't need you to worry about it!"

The youngest son has been obedient since he was a child, and he has never talked back to him like this. Peng Fang is also unhappy.

"I don't need to worry about it, but you can take a look at it! Yunmo scored more than 600 points in the final exam, how much did you take? You are a masculine man, and you can't even pass a woman's exam. You still have the face to lose your temper. You are used to it." ..."

Huang Wen didn't want to hear what Peng Fang was talking about, so he turned around and went back to the room angrily, and slammed the door loudly.

"Mom, Xiaowen's grades are good enough. Didn't my cousin tell me that Xiaowen's grades are enough to go to college, so you should stop worrying about it. I'm hungry. Go cook, cook some bacon, Don't eat cabbage all the time, there is no oil or water at all.

Peng Fang was already in a fit of anger, but when she saw her eldest son ordering her like a master, she suddenly lost her temper.

"Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat. Did you reincarnate as a starving ghost in your previous life? I really don't know what I did in my previous life to give birth to you two debt collectors..."

Huang Zhao was no stranger to Peng Fang's scolding.

"Mom, do you want to find a rich daughter-in-law?"

Peng Fang put away her temper immediately, and stared at her eldest son suspiciously, "Have you got someone to talk to?"

"Not yet, but I already have a goal."

Peng Fang suddenly became interested, "Who is it?"

Huang Zhao played tricks, "Let's talk about it after dinner. You remember to cook more bacon. You only cook a small piece every time. I can't get enough of it."

For the rich daughter-in-law that the eldest son called, Peng Fang, who had always been stingy, cooked a whole piece of bacon at night, which shocked Huang Jianguo so much that he wondered if his wife was possessed by a ghost.

"What day is it today? You cooked such a large piece of meat."

Dining at the table, Huang Jianguo stuffed the bacon into his mouth, and asked his wife vaguely.

Huang Zhao is also like Huang Jianguo, he eats too much, for fear that he will not be able to eat hot food if he is too slow.

Huang Wen was the only exception. He picked up the rice in the bowl and ate it without looking at the delicious bacon on the table.

Although Peng Fang scolded fiercely in the afternoon, she still loved Huang Wen, the youngest son, most in her heart.

She took the initiative to put two large slices of bacon into the bowl of her youngest son, "Eat more meat, it will take your brains to study."

Huang Wen was obviously still angry about what happened in the afternoon, and threw the bacon in the bowl back into the vegetable bowl without giving any face. Huang Jianguo, who didn't know it, picked it up with a chopstick and stuffed it all into his mouth.

While eating, he asked, "What's wrong with Xiaowen? Is it because you are too tired from studying? It's rare for you to take a few days off. It's time to rest and relax. Let's go. I'll take you to hunt hares in the mountains tomorrow."

Huang Wen raised his head, but before he could speak, Peng Fang took the lead.

"No! Don't go."

As he spoke, he still stared at Huang Jianguo fiercely, "Don't you push Xiaowen to go out in the wild, and delay his studies, I'll expose you."

Huang Jianguo didn't think so, "Just one day can delay anything. This old cow in the production team has time to rest when he is tired from work. Xiaowen has made so much progress in the past six months, so he should be given two days off to relax."

"You know what! Do you know how much Yunmo scored in the final exam?"

"How much? You can't do better than Xiaowen, can you?"

As soon as the words fell, Huang Wen put down the rice bowl in his hand with a "bang" and fixed his eyes on Peng Fang.

"Are you finished!? You think she did well in the exam, then go and be her mother!"

After shouting, Huang Wen left the table angrily.

Huang Jianguo was confused by his youngest son's sudden attack, "Xiaowen, you haven't finished your meal yet, why don't you eat?"

Seeing that the youngest son ignored him, Huang Jianguo looked at the eldest son and his wife at the dining table again, "What's wrong with Xiaowen?"

Huang Zhao told everything about going to Huang's house in the afternoon.

Although Huang Jianguo was shocked that Yunmo, a niece, had such good grades, he didn't feel that his youngest son was bad, and even scolded his wife.

"You really are, what's the comparison? That day, the exam was much better than Xiaowen's. Can you compare? Besides, my niece grew up in the city since she was a child. She has food, clothing, and reading. The schools here are better than our Xiaowen's, isn't it normal to have good grades? If Xiaowen is also from the city and goes to school in the city, he will definitely be able to get a score of 600 or more in the test.

As expected of a couple, Huang Jianguo and Peng Fang are exactly the same in terms of self-confidence.

(end of this chapter)