On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 414

Chapter 414

Chapter 414 Huang Yao should have a date now, right?

In the past, Peng Fang would be proud of what the elder son said, and she would be proud of her face, but now, she wished she could take a rag to gag the elder son's mouth.

"Oh, I didn't earn that much, Xiao Zhao is bragging, don't take it seriously..."

A 20-year-old boy like Huang Zhao can't tolerate being labeled a braggart in public when he is most proud of himself.

"Who is bragging? Mom, did I give you 250 the day I came back? Xiaowen, you saw that, didn't you?"

Huang Wen nodded honestly, "Yes, yes."

Seeing the two sons confronting her, Peng Fang was so angry that her heart ached.

As if afraid that Yunmo and Huang's family would not believe it, Huang Zhao pointed to the leather shoes on Peng Fang's feet, "Look, these are the leather shoes I bought for my mother from the factory, real cowhide, and they cost fifty or sixty yuan outside. A pair, I'll get them from the factory, and the cost price of a pair is only 20."

Yun Mo applauded immediately, "Wow, the second cousin is too good! He earned 250. Not everyone earns 250, but the second cousin has the ability."

Yunmo's support greatly satisfied Huang Zhao's vanity.

"Cousin, let me tell you that it is useless for women to read so many books. In the future, they will have to serve men at home and give birth to men. Or you should stop studying and follow me to work in a leather shoe factory next year. As long as you work hard , It's no problem to earn three or four hundred a year.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Ling Chuan again, "The same goes for my cousin-in-law. I heard that you are setting up a street stall? What's the future of setting up a street stall? It's windy, sunny, and rainy. If the weather is bad, it may not open for a few days. Why not Also come to work in our leather shoe factory..."

Yun Mo interrupted her opponent with a smile, "Second Cousin, we will talk about the part-time job later, let's talk about the two hundred yuan that Second Aunt owes me first."

Huang Zhao was stunned, "Why do you owe two hundred dollars?"

"Didn't the second aunt tell you? She borrowed 200 yuan from Huang Yao before. Huang Yao owed me 500 yuan and didn't pay it back. She said that she had borrowed the money from the second aunt. Let me come back and ask the second aunt to ask for it." .

Before the second aunt said that she had no money and they were all relatives. I could understand that, so I asked the second aunt to pay back the 5 yuan a month slowly.

Unexpectedly, the second cousin is so powerful, he earned 250 after going out for a year and came back. Second aunt, you will have money to pay me back now, right? "

Peng Fang suddenly smiled, "It's not that I don't want to pay back the money. The money is reserved for Xiaowen's college use. I have already deposited it in the bank. The deposit will be dead and I will not be able to withdraw it until next year."

Yun Mo chuckled, "Second aunt is really interesting. She has money to deposit in the bank, but no money to pay off debts."

Peng Fang is also thick-skinned and not embarrassed at all, "Didn't we agree before that we will pay 5 yuan a month."

"Then the 5 yuan for this month, did the second aunt give it?"

"Didn't I just think about giving it to you when you and Xiao Ling came over to find the door, who knows that you haven't come, I have prepared the money."

Yun Mo also laughed, "It's really embarrassing for the second aunt. I have prepared 5 yuan for so many days. If I don't know, I thought it was 500 yuan."

Peng Fang pretended not to hear her sarcasm, "When are you going to come over to find the door? It's only a few days before thirty."

Yun Mo smiled, "Is Second Aunt Feng Hong ready?"

According to the rules here, when the new son-in-law comes to recognize his relatives for the first time, the elders will give him a seal of approval.

"Don't worry, I understand the rules."

"Then tomorrow."


Getting the exact news, Peng Fang happily went into the kitchen to scoop up sweet wine soup.

"Cousin, what is Huang Yao doing now? I heard that her biological parents are rich people in the city. Is it true?"

Knowing that his family was in debt, Huang Zhao stopped talking about making money, and instead asked about Huang Yao's situation.

Looking at Huang Zhao's face full of excitement and anticipation, Yun Mo explained with a smile: "Yun's family is engaged in real estate development, which is to build buildings that are several stories high. .

Huang Zhao was so excited that his eyes widened, "Building a building and selling it should make a lot of money, right?"

Huang Zhao has been in the society for several years, and has a certain amount of common sense and understanding of the real estate industry. He knows that those who do this are big bosses.

"It's quite profitable. I can earn two to three to four to five million yuan a year."



Accompanied by the sound of inhaling one after another, Peng Fang, who had just come out of the kitchen with a large bowl of sweet soup, dropped the bowl in shock.

"Many, how much? Did I hear correctly?"

Seeing that Peng Fang's eyes were about to pop out, Yun Mo suddenly thought that if Huang Zhao went to Jiangshi to look for Yun Yao, it would probably be very interesting.

"There are many buildings and mansions in Jiang City, all of which were built by the Yun family. Yun Yao is now an upright and honest young lady, who lives in a big villa, travels in and out by car, and makes friends who are also rich. Missy."

"This Huang Yao really has no conscience. The family is so rich. If you ask her to borrow 500 yuan, you will refuse to borrow it. She has been raising her for 18 years. She is really an ungrateful little white-eyed wolf."

Peng Fang counted angrily, but forgot that Huang Yao had nothing to do with her. Even if Huang Yao wanted to repay her kindness, she should repay Huang Zhiqiu, her adoptive mother.

Huang Zhao was disturbed by Yunmo's words.

Huang Zhao and Huang Yao are two years apart. They can barely be said to be childhood sweethearts. When adolescence was restless, Huang Zhao had some indescribable fantasies about Huang Yao, his cousin.

Now that Huang Yao has become the lady of a rich family, Huang Zhao can't hold back his thoughts.

"Huang Yao, she should have a date now, right?"

"No, she's in her third year of high school in the provincial capital, so she won't think about it until after the college entrance examination next year."

Yunmo could feel it. When she said that Huang Yao had no one to talk to, Huang Zhao's eyes were almost glistening.

Well, it's no different than a dog seeing a meat bun.

"Then Huang Yao, did she say what kind of partner she is looking for?"

Peng Fang didn't know what the eldest son was thinking, and was filled with displeasure towards Huang Yao. When he heard that the eldest son inquired about Huang Yao, he immediately lost his temper.

"Why do you ask so many questions, she is now a rich lady in the city, wearing gold and silver, eating delicious food and drinking spicy food, why do you need to worry about it?"

In front of everyone in the Huang family, Huang Zhao didn't have the nerve to say what he was thinking, so he had to explain: "Although Huang Yao was not born to my aunt, she was raised by my aunt anyway. It doesn't matter if I care about her as a brother." what."

Yun Mo smiled and answered, "Second Cousin is right, but I don't have a good relationship with Huang Yao, and I also cut off contact with the Yun family, so I don't know what kind of son-in-law the Yun family will find for Huang Yao. "

"Is that so..."

Huang Zhao couldn't help being disappointed when he didn't find any useful information, and fell silent for a while.

Huang Qingning walked to Yunmo's side, "Cousin, your mouth is dry after talking for a long time, let's go drink sweet wine soup, and you will give me a lecture after drinking."

"it is good."

When she turned around, looking at Ling Chuan who was still stuck like a wooden stake, Yun Mo stretched out her hand and hooked the opponent's palm.

Ling Chuan was slightly stiff, and then happily followed behind Yunmo, wagging his tail.

(end of this chapter)