On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 410

Chapter 410

Chapter 410 Ming Sheng and Dark Demotion

Wu Gang was dreaming of getting promoted and getting rich, when he suddenly received a call from his immediate leader, Zhao Xuehai.

"Deputy Zhao, are you looking for me?"

Zhao Xuehai looked at Wu Gang with a smile on his face, "Xiao Wu, sit down, I have something to talk to you about."

Wu Gang pulled away the chair in front of Zhao Xuehai's desk, and sat on half of his buttocks respectfully, "Deputy Zhao, if you need anything, just tell me."

"It's like this. The county magistrate of Pingshan County has been transferred to another place. There has been a vacancy for the county magistrate there. During the meeting today, I recommended you to take over."

Wu Gang was overjoyed, and while recalling which corner of Pingshan County was in his mind, he bowed to Zhao Xuehai Rui three times.

"Deputy Zhao, SJ, I will be diligent and dedicated, and I will never let down your support and cultivation."

Zhao Xuehai waved his hand, "Don't worry, I haven't finished talking yet."

"Deputy Zhao, please tell me!"

Wu Gang was so excited that he looked at Zhao Xuehai more respectfully and earnestly than looking at his own father.

"As for me, I recommend you to take over as the county magistrate of Pingshan County, but the higher-ups feel that you are too young and have little qualifications. Make some achievements, and then go up.

"Yes! Vice SJ Zhao, I will do my best!"

Although the deputy county magistrate is not as good as the county magistrate, he is still at the deputy division level, one level higher than his current official level.

No loss!

Back to the office, Wu Gang immediately took out the map to check where Pingshan County is. When he found Pingshan County, the smile on his face immediately froze.

Pingshan County is a small county under the jurisdiction of a neighboring city. Not to mention that it is two to three hundred kilometers away from An City, it is still a special-level poverty-stricken county!

Although he is only a secretary by Zhao Xuehai's side, the third-rank officials in front of the prime minister, even those leaders who are at the division level or above, are polite to him.

But now he has been transferred to a super-poor county, and he is only a deputy county magistrate. His treatment and status may not be as good as that of a township head like his brother-in-law.

He was secretly demoted by Mingsheng!

Although there were 10,000 regrets and reluctance in his heart, Wu Gang did not dare to cry to Zhao Xuehai for his grievances.

Because he knew that Zhao Xuehai must have done this to help the Huang family vent their anger.

In fact, Wu Gang's situation is small. Even if he returned Yunmo's kindness, Zhao Xuehai would not mess with work.

The reason why Wu Gang was transferred away was because Zhao Xuehai saw through the affairs of Mayor Lu that Wu Gang, the secretary, was ambitious, and was worried that if he stayed, he would cause some trouble sooner or later and implicate himself, so he sent him out as soon as possible.

But Wu Gang couldn't understand this point, he was so determined that it was because of the Huang family that Zhao Xuehai treated him like this.

The next day, Yunmo and Huang's family were busy cleaning the match factory, when Lu Xiangzhang suddenly came.

Wu Gang was with Mayor Lu, and the two of them were carrying generous gifts. When they saw Yun Mo, they kept apologizing, which confused Yun Mo and Huang's family.

"Major Lu, don't be like this. We have already terminated the contract and received the due compensation. It's a settlement. You have nothing to do to us."

Looking at Yunmo's delicate and beautiful face, Lu Xiangzhang didn't know anything about it.

My brother-in-law had been working beside Zhao Xuehai for so many years. He was conscientious and hardworking, but he was transferred as soon as he said he was transferred. He was still a super-poor county like Pingshan County, where no bird would shit.

Maybe the next unlucky one will be his turn.

It took him more than ten years to sit in his current position. If he was demoted just like that, he wouldn't even have time to cry.

"Miss Yun, it was my fault that I didn't know Taishan before. Your lord has a lot, so don't bother with me. These are my thoughts. They are all good supplements. You can take them back and give them to me." Sister Huang and Uncle Huang are used to make up for their bodies, please be sure to accept it."

Although Yunmo didn't know the motive of Lu Xiangzhang's visit, she could probably guess something. Naturally, she didn't want to take these things, and she didn't dare to collect them randomly.

But Township Chief Lu and Wu Gang were determined, and Rory said a lot of apologies, then put down his things and ran away.

The Huang family, Ling Chuan, and Chen Bin all gathered around to look at the things on the ground.

"Momo, what does Township Chief Lu and the others mean?"

Yunmo shook her head, "I don't know."

Huang Zhiqiu looked at the gifts on the ground, and just from the packaging, he knew they were not cheap.

"What about these things?"

Yunmo thought for a while, then turned her head and said to everyone: "Mom, grandpa, please clean up first. I'll go to the hospital to visit Mrs. Zhao."

Huang Kailin nodded, "He has helped us so much, we should go and have a look. By the way, thank you very much."

Huang Zhiqiu followed suit, "Momo, buy something, don't go empty-handed."

Chen Bin was amused, "Why don't you just take the things on the ground and forget them."

Chen Bin just said it as a joke, but Yun Mo took it seriously, and really carried everything with Ling Chuan.

Ms. Zhao lived in a high-end VIP ward. Yunmo and Ling Chuan were strangers, and they were stopped by the nurse in the corridor. They were not released until Zhao Yazhi came out to confirm.

"Yunmo, Brother Ling, I'm really sorry, my grandma's illness requires rest, but people always come to visit her under various pretexts, so I asked the nurse to be careful not to let anyone in casually."

Yun Mo smiled and nodded, "It's okay, I understand, is the old lady feeling better?"

"It's much better. In fact, I can leave the hospital now, but my parents are worried and insist on letting grandma stay in the hospital for two more days of observation."

While speaking, the three entered the ward.

It may be because it is still early, there are only old Mrs. Zhao and a middle-aged woman who looks like a nanny in the ward.

"Grandma, this is Yunmo who saved you. She came here to visit you."

Old lady Zhao is obviously recovering well, she is full of energy, her face is ruddy, and she looks at Yunmo kindly and gratefully.

"Miss Yun, I should come to thank you in person, but I'm tired of you coming to see me. Sit down, don't stand up. Xiao Zhu, move a chair for them."

The nanny responded with a smile, and moved two chairs behind Yunmo and Ling Chuan.

Yun Mo thanked her, put down the things in her hands, and sat on the chair. Seeing Mrs. Zhao looking at Ling Chuan, she introduced: "Mrs. Zhao, this is my husband. His name is Ling Chuan, and he will be Ling Jueding." Ling, the river that embraces all rivers."

Old lady Zhao nodded with a smile, "Not bad, not bad, the name is well-chosen, and you look good, you two look good as a husband and wife."

Ling Chuan blushed when the old lady praised him.

After chatting with the old lady for a while, seeing that the other party was tired, Yunmo tactfully got up and said goodbye.

Zhao Yazhi sent the two of them away.

After leaving the ward, Yun Mo briefly explained in a low voice what happened in the morning when Chief Lu and Wu Gang came over.

"...They ran over suddenly, said a lot of apologies, then left their things and ran away. We didn't know what to do, so we simply took the opportunity to visit the old lady and brought all the things over. Sister Zhao, I hope I won't cause trouble for you and Uncle Zhao."

Zhao Yazhi waved his hand without being surprised, "It's okay, it's okay, my dad will take care of it, you don't have to worry."

"That's good."

(end of this chapter)