On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 395

Chapter 395

Chapter 395 Some people are thicker than the city wall

After a hasty breakfast, Yunmo continued to dye bamboo strips and silk.

This time, she added 5% salt to the prepared dyeing water, and then soaked the bamboo strips and shreds in the dyeing water.

According to the results of the three different dyeing times last night, Yunmo directly chose to dye for half an hour this time.

Half an hour later, when Yunmo picked up the bamboo strips and bamboo threads in the dyed water, she was surprised to find that the green bamboo color dyed this time was much brighter and richer than last night.

She felt faintly excited, and felt that her idea of adding salt was right.

After that, Yunmo put the dyed bamboo strips and bamboo threads in a ventilated place and let them dry naturally.

Wait until around 2 or 3 in the afternoon before the dyed bamboo strips and bamboo threads are air-dried.

Huang Kailin immediately started making rice dumpling boxes according to the previous design.

From 3:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., excluding the meal time, it took almost 5 hours to finally make a new rice dumpling box.

The body of the rice dumpling box is a small square made of beige and green bamboo, and the beige is the original color of the bamboo strips.

The lid of the rice dumpling box is woven with green bamboo silk. The collision of emerald green and beige colors gives people a delicate and elegant feeling.

Not to mention members of the Huang family, even Yunmo herself is very satisfied with this zongzi box.

"Not to mention, this rice dumpling box is really beautiful. If I hadn't seen my dad weave it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it. This bamboo weaving can still be so beautiful."

Huang Kailin couldn't help feeling emotional, "I've been weaving bamboo for decades, and this is the first time I've made such an exquisite thing, Momo, this rice dumpling box should satisfy the boss, right?"

Yun Mo nodded with a smile, "It should be no problem. I'll go to the town post office early tomorrow morning to mail it back to Jiang City."

Before going to bed at night, Huang Zhiqiu brought Yunmo a bowl of brown sugar **** water to the room.

"Thank you, Mom."

Watching Yunmo sip the brown sugar water, Huang Zhiqiu's eyes showed tenderness and distress.

"Drink it and take a rest early. Since you came back, you haven't had a good rest. You have been busy with the affairs of the bamboo weaving factory every day. Look at your face is thinner."

Yun Mo touched her face, "It's good to be thinner, others can't lose weight even if they want to lose weight."

Huang Zhiqiu's tone was reproachful, "What's the matter of losing weight or not? You should replenish your body at this age. It just so happens that the medicinal materials you sent back before are not used up. I'll make some soup for you tomorrow."


I have to say that the effect of brown sugar **** water is really good. When lying on the bed, Yunmo felt warm all over her body, unlike the two days ago when she always felt cold.

Ling Chuan, as usual, took off his clothes and went to bed after pouring the footwashing water and covering the lamp with a piece of paper.

After Ling Chuan lay down, Yun Mo took the initiative to lean over, and Ling Chuan habitually opened his arms to embrace her.

When she closed her eyes, Yunmo suddenly thought of something, "Ling Chuan."

Ling Chuan looked down at her, his black eyes were drowning in tenderness, "Daughter-in-law, what's wrong?"

"You are miserable."


Don't ask, ask is what readers say.

"It's nothing, I'm going to sleep."

"OK, good night."

He is not miserable, he can sleep with his wife in his arms every day, much happier than a single dog.

Ling Chuan thought happily, and soon fell into a sweet dream.

The next day, after Yunmo went to the post office to express the box of rice dumplings, she made a phone call to Xie's house.

Xie Xia was going to class and was not at home, so Yunmo asked the nanny to take the message for her, and asked the nanny to write down the mailing number.

Under normal circumstances, after the postal parcel arrives in Jiangshi, it will take about half a day to a day for distribution and delivery.

Yunmo directly told Xie Xia the tracking number, so that after the mail package arrived in Jiang City, she could go to the post office to pick up the things directly with the mailing tracking number, saving time.

In the evening, as soon as Xie Xia came home, the nanny handed Yunmo's message and a note recording the postal number to her.

In the evening, after Father Xie came home, Xie Xia told Father Xie about this matter.

It may be that the last rice dumpling box brought too much disappointment. Although Xie Linan discussed the improvement plan with Yunmo, he obviously didn't have much confidence in Yunmo's rice dumpling box. He was secretly planning and preparing the second set of rice dumpling these days. box scheme.

So, when he heard what his daughter said, Xie Linan didn't take it too seriously, and only asked the secretary to pick it up when the time came.

"Dad, I'd better go and get it back, it happens to be a weekend holiday."

Xie Linan looked at his daughter curiously, "Xia'er, do you like Xiaomo as a friend very much? I have never seen you care so much about any classmate or friend before."

Xie Xia explained quietly, "I invested in a bamboo weaving factory. If she loses money, my money will be in vain."

Xie Linan was puzzled, "When did you vote? How much did you vote for?"

"You adults don't need to worry about our children's affairs."

While the Huang family was waiting for news from Xie's family, Yun Mo was not idle, she took part of the time every day to make up lessons for Huang Qingning, and the rest of the time was spent studying dyeing and learning bamboo weaving from Huang Kailin.

I have to admit that men are more talented than girls in terms of hands-on ability.

She learned it at about the same time as Ling Chuan. Now Ling Chuan can basically weave a shaped rice dumpling box. She can't even make the frame of the rice dumpling box well.

In the past few days, Huang Jianguo and Peng Fang came to visit every now and then, picking the time to eat every time.

Due to the presence of Yunmo and Ling Chuan, the meals of the Huang family were better than usual during this period, and they basically had meat for every meal.

It's okay for the couple to come to eat casually, and they still pick out good food, which makes Yang Xinghua very uncomfortable.

On this day, when the couple were going to serve the table again, Yang Xinghua directly chased the guests away without politeness.

"Second, go back to your own home for dinner. We have been separated for more than ten years. What does it look like for you to eat here every day?"

Huang Jianguo explained with a sneer, "I don't think there are too many people. The house is just me and Peng Fang. It's deserted. I'm too lazy to start a fire, so I just come over for a casual bite."

"Second Uncle, you and Second Aunt did not eat casually at all. The chicken stewed by Auntie the day before yesterday, you and Second Aunt each ate a chicken leg, and half of a chicken went away."

Huang Qingning had long been dissatisfied with the behavior of Huang Jianguo and Peng Fang, and took the opportunity to sarcastically say.

Peng Fang glanced at Huang Qingning, "Qingning, you are a person who has studied, why are your eyelids so shallow, you have to remember that I eat a chicken leg, you are too petty."

Huang Qingning was always straight-tempered, but when he heard this, he immediately exploded.

"It's better to have shallow eyelids than to have no eyesight. My cousin has been busy with the bamboo weaving factory for the past few days. She is tired and thin. My aunt specially killed a chicken to make up for my cousin. Grandpa and grandma couldn't bear to eat the drumstick. Leave it to my cousin and cousin's husband, you are better off, with such big eyes, you are pretending to be blind, some people have thicker skin than that city wall, and they have the nerve to say that my eyelids are shallow."

(end of this chapter)