On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 391

Chapter 391

Chapter 391 Boil a chicken, reward Xiaoling well

Yunmo was quite satisfied with the tool table for scraping bamboo threads made by the blacksmith owner. According to the agreed price, she paid an extra 5 yuan to the blacksmith owner.

But the boss refused to accept the money, but made a request to Yunmo.

The blacksmith boss is very satisfied with the wire scraping tool table he made, and wants to sell a few more in the shop.

Many people in Lu'an Town rely on bamboo weaving to make a living and supplement their household expenses. This kind of time-saving and labor-saving scraping tool will definitely be welcomed.

For fear that Yunmo and Ling Chuan would not agree, the boss of the blacksmith also expressed his willingness to pay a little money as the design fee for the two of them.

Yunmo directly agreed to the boss' request, and of course, did not charge the boss extra design fees.

The boss could take her money, turn around and make a few scraping tool tables and sell them directly. Even if she and Ling Chuan knew about it, they would have nothing to do with each other.

After all, this thing has not applied for a patent, and she can't hold the blacksmith boss accountable.

But the other party did not do this, but sincerely discussed with her and asked for her permission. It can be seen that the boss is an open and honest person.

She is willing to deal with such a person and sell him a favor.

The entire tool table is made of iron, and it is very heavy. Yunmo bought a lot of things like cigarettes, alcohol and sugar before, and with such an iron lump, the two of them couldn't hold it at all.

Yunmo asked Ling Chuan to go to the station and call a motorcycle to pick him up.

Not long after, Ling Chuan came back on a motorcycle.

While the driver was packing their things in the net bag, Yunmo asked Ling Chuan in a low voice, "Why didn't you call Brother Chen's car?"

Ling Chuan glanced at her, the small eyes were resentful, as if she put a little green hat on him.

"Brother Chen went to solicit customers."

Yunmo looked at him amusedly, "What are you thinking?"

"I do not have."

Yunmo explained, "I asked you to call Big Brother Chen's car, and I want to return the lunch money to him when I want to go back."

It turned out to be like this.

Ling Chuan's complexion turned cloudy in an instant, and the corners of his mouth also grinned, "Daughter-in-law, you can sit in the front later and lean against me."

"I don't, I want to sit in the back, and you can protect me from the wind in the front."

After finishing speaking, Yunmo suddenly thought of something, "Didn't you let me sit in the back before to protect me from the wind?"

Ling Chuan's expression froze, probably because he was not good at lying, his lips moved for a long time without saying a word.

What did you say? Could it be that he was jealous and didn't want his wife to have physical contact with Chen Bin, so he sat in front?

"Daughter-in-law, I was wrong."

Yunmo snorted softly, "Get in the car quickly, it will be dark if you drag on any longer."

The motorcycle they were riding on was still some distance away from the gate of Huang's house, so Huang Zhiqiu came out to welcome them.

"Oh, it can be regarded as coming back. If you don't see anyone anymore, your uncle wants to go to the town to find you."

"Don't look for it, we know the way, and we will definitely come back."

"In the future, when you go out, just go shopping and stop shopping. It's a waste of money."

Huang Zhiqiu saw a large bag of things hanging on the back seat of the motorcycle, and thought that Yunmo and Ling Chuan went to town to buy these.

Yunmo explained with a smile, "It is useful to buy these, Mom, I have something good to show you."

"what is this?"

"Let's go in and talk about it."

After entering, Yunmo asked Huang Jianjun to move a small table and put it in the yard. Immediately afterwards, Ling Chuan put the tool table wrapped in old newspapers on the small table.

Looking at the tool table wrapped tightly in old newspapers, the Huang family showed curiosity.

"Momo, Xiaoling, what is this?"

"You will know later."

As he said that, Yunmo stepped forward and opened the old newspaper layer by layer. Soon, a tool similar to a guillotine appeared in front of the Huang family.

Yun Mo took the initiative to introduce without waiting for the Huang family to ask, "This is a wire scraping machine designed by Ling Chuan, which is specially used for scraping bamboo shreds."

Speaking, Yunmo took an unscratched bamboo thread from the ground and handed it to Ling Chuan, "You can demonstrate it to grandpa and the others."

"it is good."

Ling Chuan raised the guillotine, put the bamboo threads into the equal-sized circular hole slots, then closed the guillotine and pulled it hard.

After repeated several times, a beautiful bamboo thread is scraped.

Huang Kailin and Huang Jianjun received the bamboo silk scraped out by Ling Chuan with a wire scraper, with surprise and joy on their faces.

"Hey, the bamboo shreds scraped by this wire scraping machine are really good. They are round, thin and well-proportioned, not worse than Dad's craftsmanship."

Huang Kailin didn't speak, but from his expression, he obviously agreed with the elder son's statement.

Huang Zhiqiu, Yang Xinghua and Liu Zhi also gathered around, touching the bamboo thread and looking carefully.

"Not only is it round, it's also very smooth, much better than what we scraped out by ourselves."

Huang Kailin looked left and right around the silk scraping tool table, then took a piece of bamboo thread, put it into the round hole slot according to Ling Chuan's method, and pulled it hard.

"Hiss, hiss."

After one operation, within five seconds, a thin, round and smooth bamboo thread was scraped off.

"Haha, not bad, not bad, use this scraper to scrape bamboo shreds, saving time and effort."

Huang Kailin is an experienced bamboo weaving craftsman for decades, and he recognizes it, which is enough to explain the function and significance of this wire scraping machine.

The Huang family was very satisfied with Ling Chuan's son-in-law (grandson-in-law) at first, and now they like it even more. Everyone looks at Ling Chuan as if they are looking at a big baby.

"Xiao Ling, good job! Old woman, cook another chicken tonight, and reward Xiao Ling well."

Ling Chuan was flattered, "No need, grandpa, I am not the only one who made this bamboo thread machine..."

"Okay, grandpa said to cook chicken for you to eat, you can eat it with peace of mind."

Yunmo took his arm and interrupted what he said later.

Yang Xinghua had trouble legs and feet, so she asked her eldest daughter-in-law Liu Zhi to fetch the marinated chicken from the kitchen stove, while Huang Kailin and Huang Jianjun, father and son, continued to research and play with the shredding machine happily.

Huang Zhiqiu walked up to the young couple, his eyes were full of tenderness, "Momo, Xiao Ling, you went to town today just to make this wire scraping machine?"

"Yeah, Mom, let's go sit and talk indoors. The motorcycle is shaking so badly that my bones are almost falling apart."

Huang Zhiqiu sighed, "There is no way, this is our condition, and it will be fine when the road is built later."

This road needs to be repaired. If the village does not repair it, she must find a way to repair it, otherwise it will be too inconvenient.

Yunmo thought silently in her heart, but continued to talk about going to the town.

"Today I met my third aunt in the town. She invited us to sit at home. I didn't go. I said that I would go to her for New Year greetings in a few days. You can't come to the door empty-handed for New Year greetings, so I bought these things.

Mom, the things Ling Chuan brought from Congjiang City are for you and grandparents, you put them away, don't be coaxed away by others. "

Huang Zhiqiu couldn't laugh or cry, "Look at what you said, am I that stupid?"

"Of course you are not stupid, but you are too soft-hearted. You care about the face of your relatives, and you can't save face and make the relationship stiff, but others don't necessarily think so. If they dare to talk to you, even if they don't want to save face, you don't have to give it to me." They stay."

"Okay, I got it, I will take care of things."

(end of this chapter)