On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 39

Chapter 39

Chapter 39 The Li family came to play hooligans

Before returning to Jiang City, she did want to divorce, but now, the idea of divorce does not seem to be so strong.

Judging from Ling Chuan's performance today, she is quite satisfied in her heart.

"Can you agree to divorce if I want to divorce? Didn't you say that you have something in Yun Shixian's hands?"

So, she doesn't plan to divorce for the time being?

Inexplicably, this recognition made Ling Chuan's heartstrings loose, "Let me discuss with my eldest brother about the separation of the family."


"I'm leaving."

"Walk slowly and don't send."

Hearing the sound of the courtyard door being closed, Yun Mo got up and closed the door of the room, then turned around and walked to the wooden table, ready to put away the money, but unexpectedly discovered that the bag of biscuits she gave Ling Chuan had not been eaten, and the There is still a small space left.

The biscuits are small squares in the shape of a field, and each square has six square sea salt soda biscuits.

Even if he has a conscience, he still knows how to leave a few yuan for her.

Although the soda cakes were crispy, their mouth would dry out after eating too much. Yunmo didn't want to eat after eating two pieces, so she crushed the rest and soaked some spiritual spring water to feed the geese.

On the way back, in order to prevent the excrement of the two geese from polluting the air, Yunmo didn't feed them all the time, and only hung them with spiritual spring water.

Probably starving, the two geese pecked off the biscuits in a few strokes, raised their necks, looked at her with gold-rimmed black eyes, and squawked from their throats.

Yunmo stretched out her fingers and tapped the crowns of the two big geese, "Hey, don't make trouble, I'll feed you delicious food tomorrow."

The two big geese seemed to understand her words, and their raised necks slowly lowered down.

After a long journey back from Anshi, and last night's tossing and tossing for a long time, Yunmo originally wanted to sleep in, but the door was slammed loudly shortly after dawn.

Woke up very angry, she suppressed her anger and opened the door, and then found that the person knocking on the door was Li Li, and there were two strange faces behind Li Li.

A man and a woman. The woman looks to be in her 50s, and the man is quite young, probably in her 20s. Judging by their faces, they look somewhat similar to Li Li. They should be Li Li's natal family.

"It's early in the morning, what do you want to do?"

Li Li pointed to the young man in his 20s behind him, "Sister and sister, look at what your family Chuanzi has done. You beat my brother like this. I can't explain it clearly today."

Yunmo glanced at the man subconsciously, and suddenly found that the other's eyes were a little weird.

She lowered her head subconsciously, only to realize that the buttons on the neckline were not fastened.

Actually, she didn't reveal anything, she was wearing a camisole underneath, but her skin was white, even if only a small piece of skin on her chest was exposed, it was very imaginative.

Yunmo closed the door with a "bang", buttoned her clothes before opening it again.

Just as the door was opened, Li Li raised her neck and poked her head into her room, "Chuanzi, tell him to come out, you must give my brother an explanation today."

Yun Mo looked at the other party with a half-smile, "Ling Chuan left in the middle of the night. Don't you guys dare to come here because you know he's not there?"

Li Li didn't expect Yun Mo to see through her tricks so easily, and was embarrassed for a while.

Li's mother behind Li Li said, "Chuanzi's daughter-in-law, it was Ling Chuan who beat her. If he is not here, then you will be responsible."

Mother Li's eyes kept looking into the room behind Yunmo, her eyebrows were mischievous, and she knew she had no good intentions at a glance.

Yunmo knew what she was looking for, but the Li family's plan was doomed to fail.

After Ling Chuan left in the middle of the night, she put the dragon jar into the space. Even if the Li family dug three dimensions of the Ling family courtyard today, they would never be able to find it.

Yun Mo walked out of the room, closed the door casually, and said to the Li family: "Let's go."

"Where to?"

"Don't you want to ask for an explanation? It doesn't matter if Ling Chuan is not here. Let's go directly to the Public Security Bureau. I also want to ask. People like you who steal other people's valuables should be sentenced to several years in prison."

The Li family originally thought that Yunmo was a delicate young lady, and they would obediently take out the dragon pattern pot after a few words of scaring, but they didn't want Yunmo to go to the police station directly because she was no less condescending than Ling Chuan.

"Just go, no one is afraid of you, your family Ling Chuan touched someone and beat him, he will also go to jail."

Yunmo couldn't help laughing out loud, shaking her head while laughing.

Mother Li stared at her, "Why are you laughing?"

"Of course I'm laughing at your ignorance. Beating someone is a public security case, and stealing valuables is a criminal case. The two cannot be compared at all. Let's put it this way, Ling Chuan's beating is a fine at most, and he was criticized by the Public Security Bureau for a while." You don't even need to keep a criminal record. But you stole a huge amount of property, and once you are prosecuted, you will be sentenced to at least three years in prison!

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the Li family members changed a little.

Especially Li Zhijie, he was the one who did it, and if it really brought trouble to the Public Security Bureau, he would definitely not be able to afford it.

He was a little timid immediately, pulled Mother Li's sleeve, and whispered: "Mom, let's forget it, let's go back."

Mother Li struggled for a moment, then shouted at Yunmo with no confidence: "Stop frightening people with flattery here!"

Yunmo sneered, "If you don't believe me, go to the Public Security Bureau and ask yourself."

Seeing that Yunmo was difficult to handle, the Li family decided to ask Yunmo to compensate for the medical expenses instead.

"Siblings, no matter what, Chuanzi injured my younger brother. You must pay for the medical expenses, lost work expenses and mental damage expenses, otherwise this matter will never end."

Yunmo sneered, "Okay, then let's settle the accounts of what you ate and took away first. The sauerkraut I pickled by myself is the only one in the world. For the sake of my family, I will charge you 50 yuan." It's enough for one pot. And the rice, flour, grain and oil in my room, even if you pay 50 yuan, it's exactly 100 yuan in total, so bring it.

"You charge 50 yuan for a jar of broken sauerkraut, why don't you grab it!?" Mother Li's eyes almost popped out.

Yunmo took two steps back in disgust, so as not to spray the other party's saliva on her face.

"Is it too expensive? The sauerkraut I pickled myself is in my own house. Did I put a knife around your neck and let you steal it together with the jar?

Don't think that if Ling Chuan isn't here, you can team up to bully me, a weak woman. Believe it or not, I'll call my dad, and he'll come right over and send you all to the police station! ? "

I have to say that Yunmo's words really bluffed the Li family.

The Li family has been farmers who have dealt with mud for dozens of generations, but the Yun family is a big and respectable family in the entire Jiang City. Their Li family can't afford to offend them.

Seeing the stalemate, Li Li came out to smooth things over, "Sisters, don't be angry, it's all a misunderstanding. My dad has no other hobbies, but he likes sauerkraut. I just watch your sauerkraut pickle so sour." It tastes good, I'm afraid it will go bad after a long time, we really don't mean to covet your jar."

Today's update is complete~

(end of this chapter)