On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 384

Chapter 384

Chapter 384 Use this gift to pay off the debt

"Oh, Momo, Xiaoling, are you packing up?"

"No, we are sleeping."

Peng Fang pushed the door open without even knocking on the door. It's no wonder Yun Mo has a good face.

"You kid, you can't tell a joke."

"What's the matter with the second aunt?"

"Then what, Momo, how long do you plan to stay with Xiao Ling this time?"

"Leave after the new year."

Peng Fang chuckled, "That's pretty good. It's rare for you to come back. You should stay longer and spend time with your mother. You are filial, unlike Huang Yao. She is really not a thing. The Huang family has raised her for 18 years. Run away as soon as you say, you are simply an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf..."

"Second Aunt, I suddenly remembered something."

"What's the matter?"

"Didn't the second aunt ask Huang Yao to borrow 200 yuan last September? Huang Yao said, let you return the money to me. She stole 500 yuan from home before, and I helped her pay it back."

When it came to repaying the money, Peng Fang's face changed, "She, Huang Yao, she didn't tell me about it."

"I still have the IOU written by Huang Yao, do you want to show it to my second aunt?"

Peng Fang's face froze, "No need, then what, Momo, I've already spent that money, and I won't be able to get it out for a while, I'll give it to you later when I have it."

Yunmo sighed, "Second aunt, I don't want to urge you to pay back the money, but now my family runs a bamboo weaving factory and is short of money, why don't you think of a way to pay back the 200 before the Chinese New Year?

Cousin Huang Zhao can earn tens of dollars a month in the leather shoe factory? 200 yuan should not be difficult for you. "

Before Peng Fang could think of an excuse for the delay, Yunmo said again: "If you really can't pay 200, you can pay 100 yuan first. For the second aunt's family, 100 yuan should not be much, so it's just cousin Huang Zhen." More than two months' wages."

"Momo, Xiao Zhao's salary is not bad, but he can't control the money, he can't save much money in a month, and the money has to be paid to Xiaowen's tuition. Xiaowen is like you, and he will take the college entrance examination next year. We haven't paid the tuition fee after being admitted to university. It's not that I don't pay back the money, it's that the family is really poor, Momo, can you understand me?"

Yunmo sighed quietly, "In this case, I definitely can't force the second aunt to return the money to me. However, second aunt, please give me a rough time, when are you going to pay back the 200 yuan?" ?

"In short, the past two years are definitely not enough."

"If I haven't paid it in the past two years, will I be able to pay it back in the next year?"

Peng Fang choked up, and said awkwardly: "That's not sure."

Yun Mo thought about it seriously, "Second Aunt, I actually have an idea. The 200 yuan is a little difficult to pay at once. How about I make a installment plan for you?"


"That's right, you can't afford 200 yuan at once, but you can always get 5 yuan, right? Cousin Huang Zhao earns tens of dollars a month, it's impossible that you can't squeeze out 5 yuan, you pay 5 yuan every month , and pay it back over time, in a few years, won't the 200 yuan be paid off?

Peng Fang was at a loss for words, and she couldn't say anything to refute for a while. Could it be that she couldn't come up with 5 yuan?

"Then it's decided!"

Saying that, Yunmo got up and went to the next door.

Before Peng Fang could react, Yun Mo had already called Yang Xinghua and Liu Zhi over.

"Grandma, it's like this. The 500 yuan that Huang Yao owed me has not been repaid, but Huang Yao borrowed 200 yuan to my second aunt last September, and Huang Yao asked me to ask my second uncle to collect the 200 yuan.

But the second aunt said she was not coming out yet, so I thought of a way to ask the second aunt to pay back 5 yuan a month. The 5 yuan will be kept by you and grandpa. "

Yang Xinghua was still hesitant at first, but thinking of the usual virtues of the second family, she probably wanted to rely on not paying back the money, so she nodded and agreed.

Yun Mo didn't care about Peng Fang's earthy face, and said with a smile: "Second aunt, let's start from this month. You will give grandma 5 yuan at the end of every month, and ask my mother to write you a receipt."

Peng Fang was still racking her brains thinking about how to play tricks, but Yunmo's next sentence blocked her thoughts.

"Ling Chuan came back with me this time. According to the custom, I also prepared a meeting gift for you, Second Aunt. If Second Aunt is really tight and can't even pay 5 yuan, why not use this meeting gift to pay off the debt, Second Aunt how do you feel?"

Hearing this, Peng Fang immediately made plans in her heart.

The tobacco and alcohol gifts brought back by the niece and niece and son-in-law are worth a hundred yuan. The 200 yuan bill has been exposed, and she will have to pay it back sooner or later. After all, she will not suffer.

After thinking it through, Peng Fang immediately put on a bright smile.

"Okay, Momo, just do as you said, and I will give 5 yuan to Mom in two days."

"Well, Second Aunt, I will be busy with the bamboo weaving factory for a few days first, and I will bring Ling Chuan to visit when the bamboo weaving factory is finished."

"All right, all right, then I'll be waiting for you to come."

Peng Fang left happily, but Huang Zhiqiu and Yang Xinghua both looked sad.

"Momo, Huang Yao hasn't returned the money to you yet? Isn't her biological family quite rich? Why can't she get 500 yuan?"

"I had a bit of trouble with her. She wanted to renege on the debt, but it's not a big problem. Anyway, I will collect the debt once we meet. She is not afraid of losing face and I have nothing to worry about."

Yang Xinghua looked disappointed.

Huang Yao was raised by her own hands. She pityed that Huang Yao had no father since she was a child, and she loved her more than her two granddaughters, Huang Qinghe and Huang Qingning.

As a result, after knowing that it was not the Huang family, the other party ran away overnight without even saying hello, and stole all the money from the family.

Eating dinner all the time, Yang Xinghua was depressed, obviously affected by Huang Yao's incident.

Yunmo had no choice but to rack her brains to say some interesting things to make the other party happy.

"Dabai and Erbai hatched eight goslings this year, and I gave four of them to my friends, and now I still have four at home. I plan to raise two of the four goslings by myself, and I took the chicks of Daidai and Guoguo for them. name, and the other two are going to be given to my niece Ling Chunhua."

Hearing that Yunmo had given the big white goose a name, the Huang family was extremely curious.

"Momo, are you still planning to keep those geese? They have a lot of food, and they have to eat a catty of grain a day."

Yun Moxin said more than that, but Dabai and Erbai had a big mouth. Every day, they had to have vegetables, dried shrimps, and small fishes, and they had to be mixed with spiritual spring water.

But there is no need for Yunmo to tell the Huang family in detail, "Fortunately, I can afford it anyway. Besides them, there are two dogs at home, and the house is very noisy every day."

Listening to her narration, a smile gradually appeared on Yang Xinghua's face, and her appetite improved a lot.

Yunmo secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

(end of this chapter)