On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 380

Chapter 380

Chapter 380 Go to school to see the factory

Huang Zhiqiu smiled and nodded, looking up and down Ling Chuan, "Come all the way here, thank you for your hard work."

"Not hard."

Yun Mo introduced Huang Qingning and Huang Yu brothers again.

After the two parties greeted each other, Huang Qingning smiled and said, "It's noisy here, let's go out first and talk about it later."

"Yes, let's go."

It was also at this time that everyone saw the cart behind Ling Chuan, and all of them opened their eyes wide.

"Cousin, cousin-in-law, are you visiting relatives or moving, why did you bring so many things?"

Yunmo explained: "Some were bought by Ling Chuan and I, and some were special products that my friends asked me to bring back for you."

Huang Yu volunteered to help Ling Chuan pull the cart, but Ling Chuan declined, and finally gave the cart to Huang Yu under Huang Zhiqiu's persuasion.

"Cousin Xiaoyu, please."

Huang Yu scratched his head, hesitated to speak, but finally said nothing.

Yunmo could guess Huang Yu's awkwardness. In terms of seniority, both she and Ling Chuan called Huang Yu brother, but in fact, Ling Chuan was two years older than Huang Yu.

Based on what Huang Zhiqiu meant, he wanted to take them back to their hometown to settle down, rest for a night, and then go to the city tomorrow to see the factory.

But Yunmo wanted to go to the rented factory to see first. She asked for leave and came back early, originally to promote the progress of the bamboo weaving factory.

Worried that it would be inconvenient for them to carry so much luggage, Huang Yu suggested: "Put the luggage and things in my dormitory first, and come to my dormitory to get them when you leave in the afternoon."

Yunmo didn't want to be so troublesome, "No, let's charter a car and go back to Lu'an Town by the way."

"Chartered car!?"

For the Huang family, who have to budget carefully when traveling by car, chartering a car is undoubtedly a luxury consumption that is unimaginable.

Yun Mo patiently explained: "There are so many of us, even if we go back by car, it costs tens of dollars, plus it costs money to go back and forth to see the factory, and it is also laborious to move so much luggage.

Charter a car, put your luggage in the car, and go back to Lu'an Town after watching the factory. It costs a little more money, but saves a lot of time. "

Seeing his daughter and son-in-law's obviously tired face, Huang Zhiqiu agreed to the proposal of chartering a car.

There are quite a few taxis near the train station, but Yunmo doesn't plan to take a taxi.

There are so many people and so many things that a taxi will definitely not be able to accommodate them. At least they need to find a van.

However, these days, there are few black cars, and even fewer black vans.

However, this is not difficult for Yunmo.

She took out a note and typed it according to the number on the note. Half an hour later, a silver-gray van stopped on the side of the road outside the train station.

A young man in his early 20s jumped out of the van, stood at the front of the van and looked around, obviously not knowing who was going to pick him up.

Yun Mo took the initiative to step forward, "Excuse me, is this Boss Zhang's car?"

The driver looked at her, his eyes flashed with amazement, "Are you Miss Yun?"

"it's me."

The driver helped Huang Yu and Ling Chuan put their luggage and carts into the back of the van, while Huang Zhiqiu and Huang Qingning pulled Yunmo aside and whispered.

"Momo, who is Boss Zhang? How do you know each other?"

"Boss Zhang runs a gold shop. I met him last time when I was selling gold bracelets."

Before she left, when she went to Boss Zhang's gold shop to get the rest of the money, she happened to see Boss Zhang helping someone contact a car rental company.

After inquiring, I found out that Boss Zhang had a relative who opened a car rental company. She asked Boss Zhang casually for a number.

Unexpectedly, it really came in handy.

In the car, the driver politely asked where Yunmo was going.

Yun Mo asked the driver to find a good breakfast shop to stop, then turned to Huang Zhiqiu and the others and said, "Find a place to have breakfast first, and then go to the factory when you're full."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

The driver parked the car in front of a store called Xu Ji Xiao Long Bao.

The Xiaolongbao in this store is quite famous in the neighborhood, I often come here to eat.

Yun Mo smiled and nodded, "Then try it, brother driver, you can lock the car and go in and use it together. You have to work hard today."

The driver did not refuse, and followed them into the store.

The business of the breakfast shop is quite good, a dozen tables are full, and they waited for a long time before they got their seats.

In addition to the signature soup-filled steamed buns, there are also pot stickers, sesame seed cakes, beef soup, etc., all of which are the special flavors of Anshi.

Yunmo ordered a portion of everything, and seeing that she ordered a lot, Huang Zhiqiu, Huang Qingning, and Huang Yu each ordered a bowl of soy milk, and the driver ordered two big meat buns and a bowl of plain rice noodles.

The hot breakfast was served one after another, Yunmo was already hungry, picked up the chopsticks and first picked up a soup dumpling for Huang Zhiqiu.

Almost at the same time, Ling Chuan also put a fried golden potsticker in her bowl.

Just this move made Huang Zhiqiu feel a little more fond of Ling Chuan, his son-in-law.

After eating and drinking enough, everyone continued to set off.

After driving for more than half an hour, the van finally stopped in front of the gate of an abandoned school.

"Cousin, look, this is here. The whole school, including the small river on the left of the school, and the whole mountain behind it, belong to us."

At the first glance, Yunmo was very satisfied.

With beautiful mountains and clear waters, the place is spacious, and the transportation is convenient, it is simply not perfect.

After that, Huang Zhiqiu took out the key, opened the school gate, and led everyone into the school for a tour.

"...The general situation is like this. The roof, windows and ground need to be repaired, and it is estimated that it will cost a lot of money."

Yunmo smiled and waved her hands, "It's okay, mom, I have enough money. I have two friends who also plan to invest in a bamboo weaving factory. The total is three thousand and five. The money has already been given to me. When I go back, I will Then discuss with you and uncle about the distribution of shares."

Hearing that someone invested in a bamboo weaving factory, Huang Zhiqiu was naturally very happy.

"Momo, do you still remember Chen Bin? You have ridden in his motorcycle before."

Looking at Huang Zhiqiu's smiling face, Yunmo's heart skipped a beat.

No way, no way, it won't be what she thinks, right?

"Momo, Chen Bin came to the house two days ago and said he wanted to set up a bamboo weaving factory with him. Your grandfather didn't answer him, saying he wanted to ask you what you mean."

It's okay, it's not what she thought.

Yunmo subconsciously let out a sigh of relief.

However, Chen Bin knew at a glance that he had something wrong with her mother. Well, the wording was not appropriate.

But Yunmo didn't say anything dead, "Mom, let me think about it, I'm not in a hurry anyway."


After viewing the factory site, Yunmo had some plans and directions in mind, and turned her head to ask Huang Zhiqiu about paying the rent, but saw a silver-gray car approaching here not far away.

Yunmo is a little strange, because this is a fork in the road, and it ends at the school gate, and there is a country road that is only for walking.

Noticing her gaze, Huang Zhiqiu also looked back.

"I've seen this car before. When I went to the township government to talk about renting land, it stopped at the gate of the township government. I heard from Mr. He that they are businessmen from Zhejiang Province, and they also took a fancy to this land. But the price is not negotiable

(end of this chapter)