On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 378

Chapter 378

Chapter 378 Get angry with women, this kind of man doesn't matter

The boxed lunch on the train didn't taste very good, but it was a hot meal anyway, so Yunmo bought two.

Zhao Yazhi also bought a copy.

Although Sister Fang brought a lot of dry food, she might also want to eat hot food, so she suggested to her husband to buy two lunch boxes.

"Buy a fart to eat, see people **** and itchy ass, you compare with others, and don't take pictures of piss, can you compare?"

I don't know if he was in a bad mood after losing the card. Sister Fang's husband lost his temper at Sister Fang. Sister Fang's son was so frightened that he nestled in Sister Fang's arms and dared not make a sound. Sister Fang lowered her head, her eyes were a little red , and dare not mention the matter of buying boxed lunches.

Yunmo and Zhao Yazhi, who were sitting opposite and were preparing to eat, were very embarrassed.

Because of this episode, Yunmo and Sister Fang's family did not communicate any more along the way.

Yun Mo didn't take it seriously, she was just a passer-by, and after getting out of the car, everyone basically wouldn't see each other again.

After taking a nap, Yunmo found an English version of a classic to pass the time.

Ling Chuan was sitting beside her, flipping through the same book in his hand, Yunmo glanced and found that it was a book on business management that she had bought for him before.

The book is already a little old, and the corners of the book are curled. It is obvious that I often carry it with me to read it.

"Have you read all the books I bought for you?"

Hearing her words, Ling Chuan turned his head, "Hurry up, there's still one book I haven't read."

"Then when I go back, I'll buy you a few more copies."

"it is good."

Seeing Ling Chuan's gaze on the original English book in her hand, Yun Mo's heart moved slightly, "Ling Chuan, do you want to learn English?"

Ling Chuan was stunned and embarrassed, "I haven't learned it before."

Yun Mo was a little surprised, "Didn't you learn English when you were studying?"

Ling Chuan shook his head, "When I was studying, the school didn't have an English teacher, so there were no English classes."

Yes, Ling Chuan was studying in the early 1970s, the college entrance examination had not yet resumed, and the whole country was busy with production and construction and filling their stomachs, so there was no time to learn English.

"Actually, English is very simple. First memorize 26 English letters, and then learn the phonetic symbols. There are 44 phonetic symbols. After you learn these two, start to memorize some simple words and practice short sentences.

For example, I am Momo, I can say Iammomo in English, I is me, and momo is my name, isn't it simple? "

Ling Chuan nodded.

"Then try it and use your own name."

It was the first time he spoke English, Ling Chuan was babbling, but at least he finished it completely.

Afterwards, Yunmo taught him a few other spoken words in life.

One taught and the other learned. The time passed quickly, and it was evening in a blink of an eye.

The train stopped at a small station, and there were vendors selling oranges on the platform.

After teaching English for an afternoon, Yunmo's mouth was dry and irritable. Seeing the orange and round oranges, she couldn't help feeling a bit greedy.

"I want to eat oranges."

"You wait for me in the car, I'll buy it for you."

Yunmo suspected that the man was taking advantage of her, but she had no evidence.

I bought the oranges quickly, and the heavy net bag filled the air with the cool orange aroma, which was very pleasant to smell.

Yun Mo handed two to Zhao Yazhi at the top. After thinking about it, she took three more to Sister Fang on the opposite side.

Sister Fang subconsciously refused, "No need..."

"Take it, it will save me from getting out of the car after eating, it's too heavy."

"thank you."

Sister Fang accepted it gratefully, with a bit of embarrassment on her face, "I showed you a joke at noon, the child's father is in a bad mood, and he couldn't control his temper for a while."

Yun Mo said that she was fine, but she thought in her heart that if she was in a bad mood, she would vent her anger on women regardless of the occasion. This kind of man is fine.

In comparison, Ling Chuan is much better. Although his temper is a bit cold, he never takes it out on women, let alone loses his temper.

Yunmo picked a big orange and was about to peel it when Ling Chuan handed the peeled orange to her.

"Daughter-in-law, peel the orange and dirty your hands, you can eat this."

Yunmo took the peeled orange, and conveniently handed him the big orange she just picked.

The oranges are a bit sour, but it may be because of being bored in the car for a long time, and the sour taste is refreshing and appetizing.

After eating the oranges, the conductor pushed the dining car and started selling boxed lunches.

Thinking of the taste of the boxed lunch at noon, Yunmo really couldn't whet her appetite, but she kind of missed the various flavors of instant noodles in her previous life.

In fact, there are instant noodles in this era, but the instant noodles in this era are still in the initial stage of development. Both the taste and texture are far from those of the previous life, and they are still in bags. You need to bring your own lunch box and chopsticks to make them.

"Yunmo, let's go to the dining car to eat."

Just as Yunmo was worrying about what to have for dinner, Zhao Yazhi from the upper bunk came up to her ear and whispered.

Yunmo wanted to go, but someone had to watch her luggage.

Seeing her emotional movement and entanglement, Ling Chuan took the initiative to say: "Daughter-in-law, you go to the dining car to eat, I will watch in the car."

"Then find something to eat yourself, and I will pack it for you later."


Although the layout of the dining car is simple, the menu is quite rich.

Stir-fried vegetables, dumplings, noodles, buns and steamed buns are all available. Yun Mo ordered a tael of beef noodles, and Zhao Yazhi ordered two taels of dumplings.

The taste is not very good, but it is definitely better than box lunch, but the price is really expensive.

One tael of beef noodles costs one yuan, and two taels of dumplings costs one yuan and five.

Yunmo packed Ling Chuan a portion of twice-cooked pork, a portion of three-fresh pork slices, and three taels of rice, a total of 4.5 yuan.

Zhao Yazhi saw that the two dishes she packed were all meat dishes, and couldn't help but joked: "You are willing to be willing to treat your husband. You only ate one or two noodles yourself, but you ordered two good dishes for him."

"He usually eats a lot, and the box lunch is tasteless and oily, so it's not worth eating."

"That's right, the lunch box at noon is really bad. If it wasn't for the fear of wasting it, I really wouldn't want to eat a bite. Besides, Sister Fang and her husband also speak badly, which made me lose my appetite at all. Such a big man, even a few I can't even afford to lose chicken legs, I'm really speechless."

Yun Mo couldn't say anything, so she could only comfort her, "Don't think about it, you won't be able to see him when you get off the car anyway."

I don't know if it's because I slept too much during the day, or because I'm getting closer to Anshi, Yunmo is very energetic, and I don't feel sleepy after 9 o'clock in the evening.

Zhao Yazhi didn't sleep either, lying on the middle bed flipping through magazines, chatting with her from time to time.

Ling Chuan just sat beside her and read a book, but he closed his eyes after reading for a while, and the book in his hand slipped onto the bunk.

"Ling Chuan."

Hearing her shout, Ling Chuan opened his eyes in shock, "Daughter-in-law..."

Yunmo patted his shoulder, "Lie down and sleep."

"how about you?"

The sleepy black eyes of the man stared at her blankly, like a big dog, cute and docile.

Yunmo couldn't help but reached out and moved her hand over the man's head, "I'm not sleepy yet, I'll sleep again later."

"Daughter-in-law, I'll lie down and call me if you need something."


(end of this chapter)