On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 375

Chapter 375

Chapter 375 As long as you know, treat me better in the future

At this time, several police officers on duty were surrounding the young man, and no one dared to get too close.

Seeing Yunmo walking towards this side, a policeman yelled at her to back off.

Yun Mo smiled and said: "Comrade Public Security, the snake is fake, and this man is a thief. You should arrest him."

Hearing her words, several police officers looked at each other in blank dismay.

Yunmo showed the big opening on the satchel that was cut by a blade, "This is my toy snake. I put it in the satchel, but now the wallet inside is gone."

Now, what do you still not understand? The man in the gray jacket is full of contempt and anger.

It turned out that this man was a thief!

Seeing that something was wrong with the gray jacket, he got up and wanted to run, but the policeman, who is not a vegetarian, kicked him to the ground.

Another policeman picked up the toy snake on the ground, examined it carefully, and then walked up to Yunmo.

"Is this your toy snake?"

Yun Mo just nodded, the police immediately said: "Okay, come with us."

Can she say no?

Fortunately, after knowing that she had to catch the train, the police did not make things difficult for her, but simply made a statement and let her go.

As for the man in the gray jacket, several wallets were found on his body, and there are all personal and physical evidence, so the crime of theft cannot be escaped.

Ling Chuan didn't know that Yunmo had a portable space, and thought her wallet was really stolen, and his face was full of anxiety.

"Daughter-in-law, I'll go see if there are still tickets."

Yunmo grabbed the man and took out a train ticket from the empty satchel like a magic trick.

"Here, here is my ticket."

Ling Chuan was both delighted and confused, "Daughter-in-law, isn't your wallet stolen?"

"There is no one in this world who can steal my wallet."

Ling Chuan asked about the toy snake again. He was very clear and sure that there was no toy snake in his daughter-in-law's satchel when he went out.

Seeing the man's expression changed, Yunmo suddenly realized something, "Ling Chuan, are you afraid of snakes?"

Ling Chuan pursed the corners of his lips, showing a rare embarrassment on his face, "Aren't you afraid?"

"I'm afraid, but I know it's fake, so I don't feel much."

As she said that, Yunmo looked at the man and secretly laughed, "I thought you were not afraid of anything, but it turns out that you also have something to be afraid of."

Ling Chuan explained in a low voice: "When I was a child, a snake crawled onto my pillow at night. I was frightened and had nightmares for several days."

Just imagining that painting, Yunmo couldn't help shivering.

She took the man's arm comfortingly, "It's okay. Snakes generally don't bite people actively. As long as you don't touch it or hit it, it will leave on its own. Moreover, snakes are called earth dragons in the folk. Auspiciousness and good luck, so having a snake in the house is not a bad thing."

Ling Chuan was dubious, "Then why is our Ling family still defeated?"

"Heaven sends a great mission to the people, you must first suffer your heart, toil your muscles and bones, and starve your body. The suffering you suffered in the first half of your life is the blessings you have accumulated for the rest of your life. Look, your life with your eldest brother is not right now. Are you starting to feel better?"

"Daughter-in-law, my eldest brother and I have a good life thanks to you. My greatest blessing is to marry such a good wife as you."

Yunmo is not humble either, "It's good that you know, and treat me better in the future."

"Well, I will!"

With the sound of "crazy, crazy" rail vibration, the train slowly pulled out of the platform.

Hard sleepers are divided into upper, middle and lower berths, Yunmo sleeps in the lower berth, Ling Chuan sleeps in the upper berth of the same bed, and the middle berth is a young girl in her twenties.

Across the shop is a family of three, a young couple in their twenties with a 7- or 8-year-old son.

A boy of this age is exactly the age when dogs dislike cats, he yells loudly for a while, and kicks the edge of Yunmo's bed with his shoed feet.

Fortunately, the boy's mother is not a spoiled child. If the boy behaves out of line, the mother will scold her and apologize to her.

Yunmo has nothing else to say except that it doesn't matter. After all, the train is a means of public transportation, not her own private car.

After the little boy was scolded, he started to be noisy again within half an hour, running around in the carriage, playing with other children in the carriage.

Screams, cries, laughter, one after another, the noise made Yunmo's ears hurt, and she continued to read the book.

She closed the book in her hand and looked up to see the scenery outside the window, when a voice suddenly came from above her head.

"Hi, are you a senior in high school?"

Yunmo looked up and found that it was a girl sleeping in the middle bunk.


Probably bored, the girl enthusiastically pulled her to chat.

From the chat, I learned that the girl's name is Zhao Yazhi, she is from Anshi, and she is studying in university in the provincial capital here. She is 20 years old this year.

Zhao Yazhi was lying on the middle bunk, Yunmo had to raise her head to talk to the other party, her neck became sore after a while.

"Sister Zhao, do you want to sit down for a meeting?"


Zhao Yazhi's eyes fell on Ling Chuan.

Before Yunmo could speak, Ling Chuan got up on his own initiative, sat on the folding stool in the corridor, and gave up his seat.

Zhao Yazhi got down from the bed happily, carrying some snacks and fruits in his hand.

Yunmo also took out the snacks she brought, put them on the small table, and chatted with the other party while eating.

"Did you have winter vacation so early in your senior year? Don't you make up lessons?"

"Not yet, I asked for leave and returned to my hometown early."

"No wonder."

Zhao Yazhi ate a piece of original flavor of snowflake crisps, and was full of praise immediately, "This is delicious, is it nougat? It feels more fragrant and softer than nougat, and it's not too greasy."

"This is called Snowflake Crisp, and it's a new dessert launched by Ronghua."

"No wonder I haven't tried it before. It turned out to be a new product. When I get back, I'll go to the department store to see if it's on sale."

"It may have to wait until after the Chinese New Year, because it is a new product, and it has not yet been mass-produced. Only a small batch will be launched in Anshi and the provincial capital before the year."

"That's it..." Zhao Yazhi looked at Yunmo curiously, "You have eaten all the snacks that haven't been released yet, so you must be some kind of relative of Ronghua?"

"My classmate's father is an executive in Ronghua, and she gave me these snacks."

"So that's the case, then I've got you covered today. You should also try my snacks, the chocolate is pretty good, and there's jelly, have you ever eaten jelly?"

For this era, jelly is still an imported high-end snack, and there is no official jelly brand in China.

It can be seen from this that Zhao Yazhi has a good background, and she can take out imported snacks to entertain a person like her who just met by chance.

Yunmo pretended to be curious, "I haven't eaten it, it looks pretty pretty."

Zhao Yazhi took a jelly and taught her how to eat it.

Seeing the young couple opposite him looking at him curiously, Zhao Yazhi also took three jellies and handed them to them.

The woman took the food and thanked her repeatedly, but she didn't want to eat it. Instead, she put it in her backpack, as if she wanted to leave it for the children to eat.

(end of this chapter)