On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 358

Chapter 358

Chapter 358 To deal with shameless people, just be more shameless than her


Song Tingfeng gritted her teeth and glared at Chen Bin, so angry that she almost exploded on the spot.

"Okay, I won't ride in your car anymore! I really thought the world wouldn't change without you, Chen Bin, and you're not the only one who has motorcycles..."

"Sister-in-law Huang, then I'll be leaving first."

As soon as Song Tingfeng stood on the ground, Chen Bin hit the gas pedal and rode away on the motorcycle.

Seeing that Chen Bin was getting farther and farther away on the motorcycle, Song Tingfeng finally panicked, and couldn't care less about yelling shamelessly.

"Chen Bin! Come back, Chen Bin!"

Chen Bin stopped the motorcycle slowly, turned his head, and smiled uncomfortably.

"Sister-in-law Huang, what's wrong?"

Song Tingfeng stomped a few times on the spot, "10 yuan is 10 yuan! You come back!"


After charging 10 yuan for the fare, Chen Bin drove Song Tingfeng to the door of his house on a motorcycle.

When getting out of the car, Song Tingfeng couldn't help running on Chen Bin angrily.

"Surnamed Chen, how did I offend you? Are you such a cheater!?"

Chen Bin still had a smile on his face, "How can it be, Mrs. Huang, the price of gasoline has increased, so the fare will naturally increase accordingly."

"You're lying! Can the price of gasoline go up so much?"

"It won't be Chinese New Year soon, it's expensive, there's nothing I can do about it, Mrs. Huang, I don't want to chat with you if I have something else to do."

After finishing speaking, Chen Bin slammed the accelerator, and the motorcycle shot forward like an arrow.

Song Tingfeng couldn't dodge in time, and was sprayed with exhaust gas, so angry that she scolded her mother.

Chen Bin came to the gate of the station where he usually solicits customers, greeted several motorcycle drivers waiting for business one by one, and finally parked the car next to the motorcycle driver who took Song Tingfeng to Huang's house in the morning.

The other party looked at him strangely, "It's so late, I thought you weren't coming."

"Come, why not come."

Chen Bin took out his wallet while answering, counted one and five and handed it to the other party.

The other party hesitated and didn't answer, "If you forget it, just treat me as unlucky, that stinky bitch, I won't pick her up in the future."

"Don't, I've been waiting for several hours to help you get back the money, take it."

The other party took the money, a little embarrassed, "Then, thank you, I will treat you to dinner another day."

"It's easy to say."

The driver of the motorcycle picked up the money and asked Chen Bin curiously, "How did you get the money back? That wicked woman is so fierce that I can't do it."

Chen Bin smiled, "To deal with shameless people, you just need to be more shameless than her..."

In the morning, the reason why Chen Bin was able to persuade the motorcycle driver to leave was because he promised that he would help the other party recover the undercharged fare.

Taking advantage of the time when Song Tingfeng went to Huang's house, Chen Bin greeted Xiacun and Shangcun, who had motorcycles at home, and told them not to drag Song Tingfeng back to town.

Chen Bin is very popular, and he is willing to lend a hand to help anyone with any problems. Naturally, everyone is willing to sell him a face.

After throwing Song Tingfeng on the road in the morning, Chen Bin did not go far, but waited on a **** four or five miles away from Xiacun.

This **** is the first **** to the town. It is two to three hundred meters high, and the whole journey is about two or three miles.

Song Tingfeng is wearing leather shoes, climbing this **** is definitely not enough.

But Chen Bin didn't expect that Song Tingfeng was less useful than he thought, and he couldn't walk before he reached the broken place, so he had to ride back and pretend to meet by chance on the road.

Although the work was delayed for half a day, Chen Bin was very pleased with himself.

Teased Song Tingfeng, on the surface, to seek justice for his colleagues, but secretly, he was expressing his anger for Huang Zhiqiu.

He has liked Huang Zhiqiu for a long time. Although the two of them don't have much contact with each other, he has been paying attention to each other both openly and secretly.

When Huang Zhiqiu wears new clothes and shoes, or cuts his hair, he will notice it.

Every time, as long as I see Huang Zhiqiu from a distance, my heart will be beautiful for several days.

It won't be long before he will always find that those new clothes and shoes worn by Huang Zhiqiu will appear on Song Tingfeng's body and feet.

At first he didn't think much of it, he just thought it was a coincidence.

It wasn't until some time ago that I overheard the women in the village gossiping, and realized that Song Tingfeng often took advantage of Huang Zhiqiu, a sister-in-law, and secretly felt dissatisfied with Song Tingfeng in her heart.

"Mom, give me five cents, I want to buy marshmallows!"

As soon as he got home from school, Huang Jin pestered Song Tingfeng for pocket money without even putting down his schoolbag.

Song Tingfeng is usually doting on her son, and she will be satisfied if she wants to eat a snack for five cents.

But today she went to the countryside and got angry, and was brutally slaughtered by Chen Bin. There was nowhere to vent her anger. At this time, her son came to ask for money, so she didn't hit the gun.


The money didn't come, but he got a big slap in the face, and Jin Jin covered his face and cried out.

Huang Ying, who entered the door afterwards, saw this scene, and did not dare to say a word, nor did she dare to step forward.

But even if she even took a breath, she still didn't escape Song Tingfeng's scolding.

"Are you dead wood? What are you doing there? Why don't you cook the rice and wait for the old lady to serve you, no one can worry about it!"

Huang Ying was so frightened that she quickly put down her schoolbag and went into the kitchen.

Daughter slipped away, Song Tingfeng had nowhere to vent her anger, so she had to target her son.

"Cry, cry, cry, you know you're crying, you're crying! I owe you something, right? You know you want money when you open your mouth and shut your mouth. Go away, and you'll be upset when you see it!"

The 8-year-old child didn't understand what he had done wrong at all. He was beaten and scolded, so he could only express his dissatisfaction and grievance by crying loudly.

Song Tingfeng lost his temper and saw his son crying sadly, so he pulled his son to him to comfort him.

"Okay, don't cry, it's cotton candy, I'll take you to buy it."

Jin Jin stopped crying, and wiped the tears on his face with the back of his hand, sobbing.

After buying marshmallows, Song Tingfeng stopped by to buy vegetables.

On the way home after buying good food, I happened to meet Huang Jianye who was returning home from work.

Seeing her and her son, Huang Jianye approached cheerfully, "Daughter-in-law, what delicious food did you buy?"

"What a delicious fart!"

Huang Jianye was a little confused by the scolding, "Daughter-in-law, what's wrong, who messed with you?"

"Your mother messed with me!"

Huang Jianye didn't dare to provoke the angry tigress, and instead teased his son.

"Jin Yuanbao, is marshmallow sweet?"

"Well, sweet."

"How sweet is it? Give your dad a taste."

Jin Jin nodded, held up the marshmallow in his hand and handed it to his father.

Huang Jianye didn't open his mouth to bite, but stretched out his hand to roll off the whole snow-white and soft marshmallow, squeezed it into a ball the size of a pigeon egg, and stuffed it into his mouth.

The whole process took only two or three seconds. When Jin Jin realized it, there was only a bare bamboo stick left in the marshmallow in his hand.


Seeing her husband making her son cry, Song Tingfeng kicked him in anger.

"It took me a long time to coax my old lady, but you made him cry again!"

(end of this chapter)