On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 354

Chapter 354

Chapter 354 Song Tingfeng was teased by Chen Bin

As soon as Yang Xinghua heard the idea of the third daughter-in-law playing with her bacon, Yang Xinghua's old face immediately sank, and the knife swished at her.

Huang Kailin put down the work in hand, picked up the bamboo crutch that Yang Xinghua used to get up, stood up and looked at Song Tingfeng.

"The bamboo weaving factory, you and the third child don't want to do it, I won't force it, you can go back if you have nothing to do."

"Dad, the bacon thing..."

Song Tingfeng was still licking her face and talking about the bacon, but she didn't want Huang Kailin to turn his face suddenly, and raised the bamboo crutch in his hand to point at her.

"Are you going?"

Song Tingfeng was startled, her buttocks bounced up like a needle prick, and hurried out, "It's fine if you don't borrow it, I'll go first..."

Seeing Song Tingfeng come out in a panic, Huang Jianguo and Peng Fang immediately went up to meet her.

"Third siblings, are you leaving now?"

Song Tingfeng pretended to be calm and stroked her hair, "Yes, there are still things at home, that's all right, I won't tell you more..."

Worried that Huang Kailin would chase her out and beat people, Song Tingfeng just wanted to leave quickly, but Huang Jianguo and Peng Fang held her back and refused to let her go.

"Third brother and sister, big brother and the others opened a bamboo weaving factory, what do you and the third brother mean?"

"Our family is so poor that we can't even afford food. How can we build a bamboo weaving factory with spare money?"

After selling a few words, Song Tingfeng asked Huang Jianguo and his wife what they thought, "What about your family, do you want to do it together?"

Huang Jianguo shook his head again and again, "If we don't do it, we don't have any money. No, Peng Fang and I are going to go out to work after the Chinese New Year."

Hearing that Huang Jianguo and his wife were going out to work, Song Tingfeng became interested and left in no hurry.

"Where are you going to work?"

"Go to Wenzhou."

"What to do in Wenzhou?"

"Into the leather shoe factory, our family Xiao Zhao is now making leather shoes in the leather shoe factory, and there are casually 30 to 40 yuan a month, including food and housing."

Song Tingfeng's eyes lit up, "How can the leather shoe factory earn so much?"

Peng Fang was a little proud, "That's not true, especially during the end of the year, business is extremely good, and the factory has too many orders to fill, and those who do it quickly, some earn 50 or 60 a month.

The boss will recruit a new batch of workers next year, no matter who is experienced, Jianguo and I have made up our minds that we will go to Wenzhou after the Chinese New Year. "

My mother, be good, this one month in the leather shoe factory is equivalent to her man's two months in the winery.

Song Tingfeng's thoughts inevitably came alive.

She was about to ask a few more questions, when suddenly there was the sound of a motorcycle behind her.

The three of them turned their heads in search of sound, who was it not Chen Bin?

"Sister-in-law Huang, are you ready to leave?" Chen Bin stopped in front of the three of them and asked with a smile.

"Okay, let's go right away."

Song Tingfeng dealt with Chen Bin, then turned to Huang Jianguo and his wife and said, "I'm leaving first, and I'll see you some other day when I'm free."


Huang Jianguo and Peng Fang originally came to join in the fun, and wanted to hear Song Tingfeng's views on the bamboo weaving factory, but now that Song Tingfeng's people had left, they had no choice but to go back home.

Not far from the entrance of Xiacun, Chen Bin's motorcycle suddenly stopped on the road.

Song Tingfeng patted Chen Bin strangely, "Why did it stop?"

Chen Bin turned off the motorcycle, turned his head and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law Huang, what, you should give me the car money first."

Song Tingfeng suddenly looked unhappy, "Why are you so anxious, I will give you the same thing when I get to town!"

"Let's give it first, Mrs. Huang San, so that I won't be unclear later."

"Hey, Chen Bin, what do you mean? Are you still afraid that I won't give you the fare? Can I, Song Tingfeng, not be able to afford a few fares? Who do you look down on!"

Facing Song Tingfeng's anger, Chen Bin was still smiling.

"Sister-in-law Huang, I'm just a jerk. Don't bother with me. I always collect money first when I leave the car. I have to pay early and late, right? You give me first, so I can rest assured. OK?"

Song Tingfeng's eyes widened angrily, "Then what if I don't give it?"

"Sister-in-law Huang, this business is entirely voluntary. If you think it's inappropriate, I won't force you. Then get out of the car."

"Just get off the car, hum, I still don't believe it, I can't go back without you, Chen Bin!"

Song Tingfeng got off the motorcycle angrily, raised her leg and kicked the wheels of the motorcycle in a huff, whether it was intentional or not, Chen Bin slightly twisted the accelerator, and the motorcycle jumped forward two meters.

Song Tingfeng kicked in vain, and staggered and fell into the wheat field below the road.

Shili Township is a mountainous area with uneven terrain, and the village roads are terraced. On the terraced road, the upper side is level with the ground, while the lower side is overhanging.

The place where Chen Bin parked his motorcycle happened to be on the terraced field road, and the height below was more than one meter above the wheat field. Although he couldn't fall to death, he also threw Song Tingfeng into a mess.

Seeing Song Tingfeng planted into the wheat, Chen Bin secretly smiled, but he shouted with concern: "Sister-in-law Huang, are you okay?"

Song Tingfeng got up from the wheat field, raised her head, and stared at Chen Bin with fire-breathing eyes.

"The surname is Chen, did you deliberately cause me to fall?"

Chen Bin explained innocently, "Sister-in-law Huang, how can it be? It's too cold, my hands are very stiff, and the gas pedal of my car is also loose, so I accidentally added oil. So what, sister-in-law Huang, since You're fine, so I'll go first, see you later."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Song Tingfeng to respond, Chen Bin ran away on a motorcycle.

Song Tingfeng was angry and anxious, and wanted to call Chen Bin to pull her up, but unfortunately Chen Bin was driving too fast, and disappeared in front of him in a flash.

Song Tingfeng had no choice but to detour from other places.

The small road in the crop field is narrow and steep. Song Tingfeng has lived in the town since she was a child, and she is used to walking on the flat road. The soles of the leather shoes were all smooth, and they were not slippery at all. She stumbled over a dozen somersaults in the short length of a hundred meters.

Fortunately, if you wear thick clothes in winter, the soil in the ground is also soft, and it doesn't hurt to fall, it's just that you are covered in soil.

"Chen Bin, the son of a **** who was hacked into pieces, when I see someone again, I can't see that I will scold him to death..."

After finally returning to the country road, Song Tingfeng walked back cursing while patting the dirt off her body.

From Shili Township to the town, it takes at least two or three hours to walk on a 20-mile mountain road. Song Tingfeng can't bear this hardship. She plans to go back to the village to find a motorcycle again.

The overall economic conditions of Shili Township are backward, and the number of households with motorcycles can be counted on one hand.

There are a total of 40 households in Xia Village, and only 2 families have motorcycles. One of them is working out of town, and the other family has someone in it, but the motorcycle broke down.

Song Tingfeng didn't give up, so he walked for half an hour and went to Shangcun to find a motorcycle.

Upper Village is larger than Lower Village and has a larger population. There are more than 60 households. There are 5 households with motorcycles, including Chen Bin.

Unfortunately, the motorbikes of these five households have all gone out to do work, and they will come back at night.

Song Tingfeng was dumbfounded.

How could she go back to town without touching her?

(end of this chapter)