On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 352

Chapter 352

Chapter 352 Song Tingfeng Quarrels with Someone

Ling Jiang still wanted to say something, but his daughter Ling Chunhua's urging voice came from outside the door, so he could only give up.

"Chuanzi, since you were a child, you have been right-minded, so I won't say much, anyway, you know what's in your mind."


As the final exam approaches, everyone arrives at school earlier every day.

The time for winter morning self-study class is 7:50, and it was only 7:30 when Yunmo arrived, but almost everyone in the class arrived, and they were all studying silently.

Yunmo also sat down in her seat, took out her Chinese textbook and began to review.

After the morning self-study was over, Yunmo subconsciously turned her head and glanced at the back row of the classroom, just in time to meet Xie Xia's gaze.


Xie Xia asked her with her mouth.

Yunmo hesitated for a while, got up and walked over, bent down and asked in a low voice: "Sister Xia, is Aunt Luo at the company at noon?"

"Should be here, do you need to find her?"

"Well, I want to go at noon."

Xie Xia didn't ask her what she was going to do, "I just happen to have nothing to do at noon, so I'll go with you."

"Okay, thank you, Miss Xia."

After her daughter and son finished breakfast and carried their schoolbags to school, Song Tingfeng tidied herself up, and then went to Shili Township on a motorcycle with her bags on her shoulders.

When I arrived at the entrance of the village, I happened to meet Peng Fang who was chatting with others on the side of the road.

Seeing her, Peng Fang swayed over while spitting out a melon seed husk, "Rare guest, why did you come to this corner of the country in such a cold day?"

Song Tingfeng touched a few tickets and handed them to Mo's master, got off the motorcycle, and chatted with Peng Fang while arranging her messy hair.

"It's so cold, what are you doing here?"

"What else can I do, chatting with people when I'm idle."

Speaking, Peng Fang leaned in front of Song Tingfeng, and asked in a voice heard by two people, "Did you hear about the bamboo weaving factory with Zhiqiu?"

Song Tingfeng was about to reply when the voice of Mo's master came from behind him.

"Hey, big sister, your money is not right."

Song Tingfeng turned her head back, "Why is the count wrong!?"

"From the town here, it's all 5 yuan, and you are only 3 yuan 5, which is still 1 yuan 5."

Song Tingfeng pretended to be stupid, "What are you talking about, I obviously gave you 5 yuan, so don't blackmail people!"

"There are only 3 yuan and 5. If you don't believe me, you can count them yourself."

The innocent motorcycle driver thought Song Tingfeng had made a mistake, so he handed over the money in his hand, wanting him to count it again.

Who knows that Song Tingfeng didn't even look at it, and just opened his mouth, "I don't count, anyway, I gave 5 yuan, who knows if you hid the money..."

This made Mo's master blush with anger, "Sister, you obviously didn't pay enough for the car, so why are you still relying on me? There are so many people watching here, where can I hide the money?"

Song Tingfeng rolled her eyes, "Who knows where you hid, anyway, I gave you 5 yuan!"

After finishing speaking, Song Tingfeng was about to leave.

Mo's master was furious, and pulled her clothes, "You are not allowed to leave, you must make up the remaining 1 yuan and 5..."

"Let go, if you don't let go, I'll call someone!"

"I'm afraid you won't make it? I'll let everyone judge. If you take my motorcycle and don't pay enough for the car, you will leave. I have never seen such a shameless woman like you!"

"Who says shameless!"

Song Tingfeng raised her hand and slapped the opponent's face resoundingly, which stunned Mo's master.

"You, you still hit people?"

Song Tingfeng crossed her waist, extremely fierce, "What's wrong with beating you, making your mouth dirty, and not asking who I, Song Tingfeng..."

Seeing that the driver of the motorcycle wanted to do something to him, Song Tingfeng stepped back and shouted: "You dare to touch me, try to make you unable to walk out of this ten-mile town today, do you believe it or not!?"

These words frightened the driver of the motorcycle, and he didn't dare to act rashly for a while.

Chen Bin, as usual, had breakfast and lunch, and was going to work in the town on his beloved motorcycle.

As a result, when passing by the boundary of Xiacun, I saw many people gathered at the entrance of Xiacun, and it seemed that some people were arguing.

Country people love to join in the fun, and Chen Bin is no exception. He turned around as soon as the car turned.

After parking the motorcycle to the side of the road, Chen Bin casually pulled a villager over and asked why, "Uncle, what are you doing?"

"It's not like the third member of the Huang family, who took a motorcycle and didn't pay enough for the car. It's not going to be a long time."

After learning the ins and outs, Chen Bin quickly squeezed into the crowd.

"Brother, give me face, forget it, it's meaningless to keep arguing like this, why don't you go to the town to do more work."

Mo's master was furious, and Chen Bin's words seemed to add fuel to the fire. He turned his head furiously and wanted to scold his mother, but when he recognized Chen Bin, he was stunned for a moment.

They are all on motorcycles in the town, and they don't see each other when they look down. They usually say hello and chat with each other when they meet each other.

"It's you?"

Mo's master's tone is not good, but it's not bad either.

Chen Bin handed a cigarette to the other party with a smile on his face, "Brother, can we talk for a while?"

Mo's master looked at Song Tingfeng, then at the cigarette handed out by Chen Bin, and reluctantly accepted the cigarette, which was regarded as taking the step of Chen Bin.

No one knew what Chen Bin said to Mo's master, but after hearing Chen Bin's words, the other party left without asking Song Tingfeng for the fare.

Seeing that there was no more fun watching, the surrounding villagers also slowly dispersed.

Song Tingfeng walked up to Chen Bin with a smile, looked him up and down, "You are from the next village, what is your name..."

"Chen Bin." Chen Bin smiled, "Sister-in-law Huang, I usually ride motorcycles in the town when I have nothing to do. Are you going back to town later? Why don't I wait for you? I'm going to town anyway."

"Okay! But I have to go to Huang's house first, why don't you go with me, and we will go together later."

Chen Bin thought for a while, "Sister-in-law Huang, how long will it take for you to leave?"

"Soon, half an hour at most."

"Well, Mrs. Huang, go back to Huang's house first. I'll visit a friend and find you later."


After Chen Bin rode away on the motorcycle, Peng Fang pulled Song Tingfeng and winked and smiled, "This Chen Bin is really showing his kindness, even you are showing hospitality."

Song Tingfeng is not stupid, she reacted as soon as she heard it, "No way? This Chen Bin looks like he is in his early 30s, Huang Zhiqiu is much older than him, and has even given birth to a child..."

"I'm in my early 30s, but I'm only 28 this year. I just look old. Although Huang Zhiqiu is old and has a bad reputation, he is handsome. His waist is as thin as that of a big girl with yellow flowers. It is not as big as ours. of.

However, people have high standards, and they don't like Chen Bin. You don't know, I mentioned the cook of my natal family to someone yesterday, but they were not happy about it. "

"Just that old bald guy surnamed Lei? The one who was married twice?"

"Ah, it's him."

(end of this chapter)