On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 344

Chapter 344

Chapter 344 The younger brother is used to bully

"Little Mo'er, I'm really sorry, I went out for a while because of something, have you been waiting for a long time?"

"It's okay, Aunt Luo, I just arrived too."

Seeing Yun Mo standing up to greet her, Luo Xuelan waved her hand, "Sit down, you don't have to be restrained here."

"Well, thank you, Aunt Luo." Yunmo smiled and sat back on the sofa.

Luo Xuelan looked around, "Hey, why are you alone, did Xia'er go out too?"

"Sister Xia went upstairs to change."

"Oh, I said so."

Luo Xuelan sat beside her with a smile, and pointed to the snack box on the coffee table, "These, are those snowflake crisps with different flavors you mentioned?"

Yunmo nodded, "Yes, time is tight, and some raw materials are lacking, so the finished product is rough, but the essence is there."

"Well... Xiao Mo'er, you will make a list of the raw materials you need later, and I will send someone to purchase them. As long as there are any in this world, I can find them for you."

Yunmo smiled, "Okay."

"Okay then, I'll take a look at the finished product first."

Luo Xuelan picked up the top box of Snowflake Cakes and opened it. First, she observed it carefully, then picked it up to smell the fragrance, and then looked at Yunmo with a smile.

"Is this rose scented?"

"Yes, I baked this rose petals with roses bought from ordinary flower shops. If you want to pursue a better fragrance and taste, you can use dark red roses and Pingyin roses.

Ink red rose, deep in color, rich in fragrance, high in anthocyanin content, with a sweet taste of lychee on the taste.

The color of Pingyin rose is purple, the fragrance is pure and elegant, warm and sweet. These two kinds of roses are excellent for desserts. "

Luo Xuelan nodded while savoring, "From what you said, the rose petals in this snowflake cake do have a bit of astringent taste, but it's covered by milky aroma and icing sugar, so ordinary people can't taste it."

"If you use the two kinds of roses I just mentioned, the sweetness of the snowflake crisps can be reduced appropriately, so that the taste will be better, and you won't get greasy if you eat more."

A dessert snack that is not greasy, how much temptation should it have for girls.

After tasting the rose-flavored Snowflake Crisp, Luo Xuelan rinsed her mouth with tea, and was about to try the second box, when Xie Xia changed her clothes and came down from the stairs.


Luo Xuelan hurriedly smiled and waved to her daughter, "Xia'er, come here and try this together."

Xie Xia sat down, looked at Luo Xuelan, who was full of interest, and Yunmo, who was also smiling, and came back belatedly.

"So these snowflake crisps are ordered by my family?"

Yun Mo couldn't help laughing, "Yes, sister Xia, were you very disappointed last night? You reminded me so much, but I didn't express it at all."

"last night?"

Luo Xuelan's eyes flicked between the two, flashing with excitement, "What happened last night?"

"Nothing happened."

Fearing that Luo Xuelan's words would be surprising, Xie Xia interrupted subconsciously, and immediately changed the subject, "Mom, did you like this snowflake crisp?"

"I've taken a fancy to it, but it's a pity that Xiao Mo'er disagrees, or you can persuade her for me."

Xie Xia took a piece of Snowflake Cake from the box, and while eating, she replied: "What is difficult for a strong man is not what a gentleman does."

Luo Xuelan pushed her coquettishly, "You don't have any handles, what kind of gentleman are you?"

Xie Xia almost spit out the snowflake crisps after taking a bite.

"Fortunately, I don't count on you, otherwise I would be mad at you. Little Mo'er, leave her alone, let's continue talking about us."

Yun Mo couldn't help laughing, "Okay, Aunt Luo."

It took half an hour for Yunmo to briefly explain the selling points of the ten flavors of Snowflake Cake and Luo Xuelan's mother and daughter.

Luo Xuelan was very satisfied with what she heard, waved her hand, and went directly to the study to print the contract.

Yunmo and Xie Xia stayed in the living room drinking tea.

Xie Xia looked at her, "No wonder my mother came to me yesterday and told me that she thought you were very interesting."

Yunmo touched her face, "Is there any?"

"In fact, a considerable part of Ronghua's food products are crafts and recipes collected from outside. Without exception, those people have raised the price, only you are different. You are the only one who proposed to take profit points , you are not worried that this thing will not be sold, and it will be dropped in your hand?"

Yun Mo blinked at the other party, "Sister Xia, do you have no confidence in your company, or do you not have confidence in me?"

Flirtatious without knowing it, she is talking about something like Yunmo.

Xie Xia looked away with a slightly pink ear, "Don't worry, according to my intuition, this snowflake cake of yours will definitely make money."

"Borrowing sister Xia's auspicious words, when I make money, I will treat everyone to delicious food."


Xie Jinghuai went downstairs at some point, looking at the table full of Snowflake Cakes, his delicate face was full of bewilderment and curiosity.

"what are these?"

Xie Xia raised her chin toward Yunmo, her gaze returned to her usual coldness, "Call someone."

Xie Jinghuai's black and white pupils looked at Yun Mo, "Hello, sister."

Yunmo nodded with a smile, "Master, these desserts on the table are called Snowflake Cakes, and each box has different flavors, you can try whatever you want."

Xie Jinghuai looked around on the ten boxes of Snowflake Cakes, and reached out to take a piece of chocolate.

"Is it delicious?"


As soon as Xie Jinghuai finished his answer, he was kicked by his sister in a serious way.

"General? Give you a chance, say it again."

Xie Jinghuai dared not speak out, Yubai's face turned pink.

Xie Xia raised her eyebrows, "Are you dumb?"

Good men don't fight with women, "...delicious."

Xie Xia gave her younger brother a "teachable child" look, and added a "squeeze the face to kill", "Eat more if it tastes good."

Xie Jinghuai blushed.

was pinched red.

He really wanted to forcefully slap the words "I won't eat" on his sister's face, but it was really delicious, crunchy and soft, sweet and not greasy, and it was his favorite chocolate flavor.

Xie Jinghuai was at war with heaven and man in his heart, but in the end he couldn't resist the temptation, and reached out to take another piece of Snowflake Cake.

After sitting for a while, Luo Xuelan hurried back to the living room with the printed contract.

Seeing her son hugging the snowflake crisps and eating with gusto, Luo Xuelan was both surprised and happy.

I don't know if it's because he was born in a family of food. My son has never been interested in snacks, so he is a little more interested in chocolate.

Unexpectedly, this snowflake crisp unexpectedly suits his appetite.

Luo Xuelan handed the contract that still smelled of ink to Yun Mo, "Little Mo'er, take a look first, and discuss any disputes."

"Okay, Aunt Luo."

Yunmo took the contract and read it line by line.

The previous cooperation model is the same as what was negotiated before, there is no problem, but when she saw the terms of profit sharing, Yunmo was stunned.

"Aunt Luo, did you make a mistake here? We said before that it is 10% of the profit, but what you wrote is 15%..."

"That's right."

Luo Xuelan interrupted her with a smile, "Go ahead and read, we'll talk after we've read everything."

"it is good."

Yunmo nodded, and then looked at the following terms.

(end of this chapter)