On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 339

Chapter 339

Chapter 339 Rice Claypot Eel

Seeing Xie Xia standing all the time, Ling Chunhua helped her move a stool in a very sensible way.

Xie Xia sat on the stool and rubbed Ling Chunhua's head in a good mood, "Thank you."

Ling Chunhua smiled shyly, turned around and ran to the kitchen. Xie Xia didn't pay much attention, she turned her head and continued watching Yunmo's fried snowflake crisps.

After a while, a steaming teacup suddenly appeared in front of her.

Xie Xia turned her head in surprise, looking at Ling Chunhua's clean and clear eyes, her heart was soft.

"Pour me some water?"

Ling Chunhua nodded.

"So good."

Seeing Yunmo frying one pot and then another, she was so tired that her face turned red and she didn't stop breathing, Xie Xia couldn't help wondering.

"When are you going to do it? Can't you do it next time after eating?"

Yunmo wiped the sweat off her forehead with a paper towel, "There are still three flavors left, and I can finish the job after I finish it."

Xie Xia raised her eyebrows, "Did someone else ask you to book these?"


"I'll help you."


After frying seven pots of snowflake crisps in a row, Yunmo's arms were sore and numb. Xie Xia offered to help, of course she couldn't ask for more.

With the help of Xie Xia, the next three pots of snowflake crisps were successfully cooked one after another.

Although Yunmo had nothing to do in her previous life, she occasionally made snowflake cakes as a snack, but it was the first time she did so many at one time.

Ten flavors of snowflake crisps are neatly arranged in ten large discs. Just looking at them gives a sense of accomplishment, and there is no mobile phone in this era, otherwise she would have to take pictures of Jiugongge and post them on Moments.

After resting enough, Yunmo found two paper boxes for snacks, picked four pieces of each flavor of snowflake crisps, and neatly stacked them in the snack box.

Xie Xia thought it was prepared for her. There are exactly four people in her family, and a piece of each taste is just right.

As a result, Yunmo turned around and asked Ling Chunhua to send the two boxes of snowflake crisps to the next door.

It doesn't matter, there are so many on the table.

Xie Xia thought calmly.

"Sister Xia, will you have dinner at my house tonight?"

Thinking that she would be alone when she went back, Xie Xia agreed without hesitation.

Yunmo took the snowflake cakes into the house, and then took Xie Xia to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

Before entering the vegetable market, I met an old man with black mud on his trouser legs, carrying a bamboo basket, and approached everyone to sell the things in the bamboo basket.

The old man quickly peddled it in front of Yunmo and Xie Xia.

"Girls, do you want to buy rice field eels? Big and fat live rice field eels, just caught from the field, cost one yuan a catty."

The water is cold in winter, and the prices of aquatic products are relatively high. Grass carp is sold for 1.5 yuan. This wild eel is rarer than grass carp, and 1 yuan is really not expensive.

Yunmo probed into the bamboo cage and saw a few round and slippery eels entangled together, wriggling constantly. It looked a little uncomfortable, but thinking of the delicious taste of wild eels, Yunmo was a little moved.

"Sister Xia, do you eat weeds?"

"I can do anything but snakes."

Yunmo decisively took down the bamboo cage and all the eels in the bamboo cage.

After buying the eel, Yunmo began to think about how to make the eel.

It's so cold, you can have eel claypot rice, and you can have one pot per person.

The rice field eel in the bamboo cage is about 7 catties. After cooking the claypot rice, it should be almost enough to cook the rest with dry-roasted eel.

After buying the ingredients for the side dishes, Yunmo went to the grocery store and bought ten pairs of small casserole and sand boiler stoves.

The reason why I bought so many is because I bought ten pairs before the boss was willing to deliver the goods to my door.

The owner of the grocery store was very accurate in timing. Yunmo just entered the door, and then the boss rode a tricycle to deliver the casserole and stove. Seeing that there was no man at home, he enthusiastically helped move into the yard.

The tools and materials are ready, ready to make dinner.

Seeing Yunmo holding up the knife and staring at the eel in the bamboo cage without moving for a long time, Xie Xia couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

"Can't you kill eels?"

Yunmo looked up at her, "Would you know it?"

Xie Xia: "...No."

The two stared at each other for a while, Xie Xia couldn't help but said: "You won't kill, so why are you buying it?"

"I didn't think of this problem when I bought it. In the past, others took care of it. I just need to cook."

Xie Xia rubbed her forehead, turned and walked out.

Yun Mo quickly stood up, "Sister Xia, are you leaving? Are you not eating at my house?"

Xie Xia turned her head, with a half-smile on her face, "What are you going to treat me to eat? Eel raw?"

Yunmo explained with a guilty conscience: "Ling Chuan will be back later, and he will kill him."

"Forget it, I'll find a helper."


Xie Xia soon came back with her helper. It was Aunt Gao, the nanny of Uncle Luo next door, and Uncle Luo came with her.

"Girl Xiaomo, my nanny comes to work at your place, and no one cooks for me, so I can only come to your place for a meal."

Yunmo smiled, "No problem, there is nothing else, the food must be enough."

Aunt Gao is indeed a master, she cleaned up a big eel in two or three strokes, Yunmo was amazed to see it.

Seeing that she was interested, the nanny said with a smile: "It's very easy to kill an eel, as long as you master the method. First hit its head with a stick to knock it unconscious, and then slide it with hot salt water. The mucus of the eel is washed clean, which can not only remove the muddy smell on the eel, but also facilitate slaughter."

It sounds simple, but Yunmo still dare not do it.

The nanny smiled and sighed, "I was the same when you were your age. I felt disgusted and dirty when I saw people killing chickens and pigs. Later, I got married and had children. In order to feed the children, let alone kill chickens and fish. , I don't even think it's a big deal to dig food out of the garbage pit.

Yun Mo wrinkled her nose, "I don't think it's dirty, but I'm afraid."

"Once raw and cooked twice, you will get used to it after killing a few more times."

Yun Mo shuddered, "Then it's better not to eat it, I would rather not eat it."

While talking, there was a movement outside the gate, it was Ling Chuan who came back.

Seeing so many people in the yard, Ling Chuan was stunned for a moment, then quickly parked his bicycle, and strode towards Yunmo.

"Aunt Gao, let me come."

Aunt Gao glanced at him with a smile, "It's okay, that's all, Xiao Ling, go get a bucket of water and come here, and wash the ground later to avoid leaving a fishy smell."

"it is good."

Ling Chuan went back to the house and changed into old clothes, and then went to the well to fetch water with a bucket.

After killing the eel, it's Yunmo's turn to work.

She picked two rice field eels of even size, and prepared to save them for dry roasting. Ling Chuan asked Ling Chuan to cut the eels into small pieces, and then tore out the eel bones.

Blanch the eel bone with wine and **** to remove the fishy smell, then put it in an iron pot and boil the soup over high heat.

While cooking the soup, Yunmo marinated the eel slices with salt, cooking wine, pepper, ginger, onion, soy sauce, oyster sauce, starch, etc.

Ling Chuan was not idle either. He changed the dry-roasted eel into knives, and washed all the newly bought casserole.

Wait until the bone broth in the iron pot turned beige, Yunmo found out the bamboo strainer, filtered the soup to remove the bone residue, put it in a big pot, and prepared it for cooking claypot rice later.

Second update~

Eel stewed rice is really delicious, I can eat three bowls of it.

(end of this chapter)