On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 337

Chapter 337

Chapter 337 Set up a factory

Today is Saturday, the school is closed, the weather is cold, and the final exam is coming up next week, Yunmo did not go out, but stayed in the room and reviewed her homework while warming up by the fire. Ling Chunhua sat on the small desk next to her and practiced calligraphy.

"Little Mo girl, your phone number!"

Hearing Uncle Luo shouting next door, Yunmo hurriedly got up and ran out of the house, "Here we come!"

When she came to Uncle Luo's house, Yunmo was not in a hurry to answer the phone, but handed the snack box to Uncle Luo.

"What good things have you been tinkering with?"

Uncle Luo took the dim sum unceremoniously, smiling so hard that he couldn't close his mouth.

"It's Snowflake Crisp. I just made it last night. I wanted to bring it to you for tea in the afternoon."

"Okay, go into the house and answer the phone quickly, and leave me alone."

As soon as Yunmo entered the room, Uncle Luo immediately opened the snack box in his hand curiously, and saw a dozen pieces of matchbox-sized milky white pastries neatly stacked in the box, accompanied by the rich and attractive milk fragrance Open, the gluttons in the stomach are ready to move.

Uncle Luo took a piece of milky white snowflake crisp and bit into it. It was crunchy, soft and full of fragrance.

In the room, Yunmo was talking on the phone with Huang Zhiqiu.

"...We have seen the blueprint you sent back. Your grandfather practiced it yesterday afternoon. There is no problem. The finished product can meet the requirements on your blueprint, that is..."

Huang Zhiqiu sighed in embarrassment, "Momo, we estimated that to deliver 10,000 rice dumpling boxes according to the construction schedule, at least 40 workers must be hired."

This point, of course, Yunmo has long considered, and even has a plan.

"Mom, let's set up a factory. This order is just the beginning, and there will be more orders in the future."

"It's not that easy to set up a factory."

"Mom, it's not difficult to set up a factory. Just find a good factory and apply for a business license. Don't worry about the funds. I have two plans. One is that I will lend you money to set up a factory. , When the goods are delivered next year and the payment is received, you can return the money to me.,

One is funded by me, and the factory is in charge of me. You are in charge of operation and production, and I will distribute some dry shares to you.

Mom, these two plans, you go back and discuss with grandpa and uncle, and give me an answer tomorrow. "

Huang Zhiqiu hesitated, "Momo, the capital needed to set up a factory is not a small sum, can you get it?"

"Mom, don't worry, there are not many, tens of millions can still be paid out. Ling Chuan has earned four to five thousand in business in the past two months."

"So many?!" Huang Zhiqiu was surprised and delighted, "Why is the son-in-law so capable?"

"That's not right, so don't worry about money. You only need to do three things now. One is to find a factory, the other is to apply for a business license, and the third is to think about whether the factory should be run by you or by me."

After a pause, Yunmo continued: "Mom, I actually hope that you can run this factory by yourself, or you can run it together with your uncle. As for Grandpa, you can give him a position and dividends, but it's best not to take a share , I don't want the factory you worked so hard to build up to be taken advantage of by others in the end.

Huang Zhiqiu is a smart person, and he understood his daughter's concerns in an instant.

The Huang family is not only her and Huang Jianjun's two sons, but also Huang Jianguo and Huang Jianye's two brothers.

If the factory has Huang Kailin's shares, after Huang Kailin's death in the future, the two brothers will definitely jump out and compete for the shares.

"Mom, if grandpa wants to recruit Huang Jianguo and Huang Jianye into the gang, then don't let go of your mouth easily. You must ask them to spend real money to talk, and they will not recognize any IOUs or white notes. Otherwise, this factory will not operate."

Huang Zhiqiu sighed dumbfounded, "Momo, why don't you treat your second uncle and third uncle like this?"

Yunmo snorted softly, "I haven't forgotten what their attitude was when we came to discuss treating grandma's injuries. They can even ignore their own mothers who gave birth. Such selfish people don't care about the past. If you make money with them, they will not remember your kindness, but will secretly miss the money in your pocket.

Mom, don't think that I'm worrying unnecessarily. Since ancient times, for the sake of money, there have been many cases of brothers turning against each other. "

"Okay, I will listen to you."

"Mom, you will know later how prescient my decision is today."

Huang Zhiqiu was funny, "If you say you are fat, you are still panting."

"I'm not fat."

"It's better to be fatter, you are too thin."

Yun Mo squeezed the soft flesh on her waist, and couldn't help complaining, "You don't know, Ling Chuan cooks my favorite dishes every day, causing me to overeat by accident, making my waist thicker lock up."

"You, Shaosheng doesn't know the blessings in the blessings, that's all, I'll hang up first, are you at home tomorrow afternoon?"

"Here I am."

"Okay, I'll call back tomorrow afternoon."

"it is good."

As soon as Luo Xuelan stepped into the courtyard, she saw her uncle with his back facing her, sitting at the stone table in the yard, eating something with relish.

She handed the gift box to the nanny and walked over.

I don't know if it's because I'm getting old and my ears are hard of hearing, or I'm too focused on eating, until Luo Xuelan approached, Uncle Luo didn't notice.

"Uncle, what are you eating?"

The sudden voice frightened Uncle Luo. When he turned around and saw that it was his niece, he immediately complained angrily.

"Why do you make no sound when you walk?"

"It's because you're paying too much attention to eating."

Luo Xuelan opened a chair next to her and sat down, her eyes fell on the snack box on the stone table, "What is this?"

"You still make food, you don't even know about this?"

Luo Xuelan raised her eyebrows, stretched out her hand to take a piece of Snowflake Crisp, looked at it carefully, smelled it again, then took a small bite slowly and began to chew.

After eating a bite of Snowflake Crisp, Luo Xuelan changed her previous indifference.

"Uncle, what's the name of this snack?"

Uncle Luo intends to show off, "Guess."

Luo Xuelan put the remaining half of the Snowflake Cake into her mouth, savored it carefully, swallowed it, and opened her mouth to throw out the conditions.

"I heard from Xia'er that you took a fancy to a rosewood tea table earlier, and I'll send someone to bring it to you in two days."

Uncle Luo grinned amusedly, "This is called Snowflake Cake, and it's a snack that Xiao Mo made up by herself. Well, she's just in the house on the phone."

Luo Xuelan turned her head and looked in the direction of the living room, just in time to see Yun Mo coming out of the living room.

Seeing Luo Xuelan in the yard, Yunmo paused slightly, then walked forward with a smile.

"Mrs. Xie."

Luo Xuelan nodded and responded, "Well, sit down, let's have a chat."

After the nanny brought the tea, Luo Xuelan asked Yunmo about the origin of the snowflake crisp.

"This is Snowflake Crisp? The name is quite innovative."

The reason why it is called Snowflake Crisp is that it is covered with a layer of milk powder and icing sugar, which looks like it is covered with snowflakes, and secondly, its taste is soft and crisp, just like thick snow.

Luo Xuelan picked up a piece of Snowflake Cake and looked it over carefully, then nodded in agreement, "It's quite suitable for the occasion."

Second update~

(end of this chapter)