On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 322

Chapter 322

Chapter 322 Did you do it! ?

Although Secretary Tong's answer was not revealing, it did not dispel Yun Cong's doubts.

He suddenly shouted loudly: "Uncle Tong, turn around, I'm going to find my dad!"

"Young Master, Mr. Yun told us to go to the crematorium first."

"I'll make you turn around! Or I'll jump off."

Hearing this, Secretary Tong didn't make a sound, but locked the car door without delay.

Hearing the "click", Yun Cong immediately stretched out his hand to pull the car door, but found that the door was not moving at all, so he raised his hand and slapped the window hard in anger.

Worried that the broken window glass would cut Yun Cong, Secretary Tong had to pull over the car.

"Young Master, don't do this."

"Open the door, let me down!"

Seeing Yun Cong's intense emotions, Secretary Tong had no choice but to unlock the car.

After getting off the car, Yun Cong took a taxi and drove away.

After buying the mutton and vegetables home, Ling Chuan was busy in the kitchen, and Yun Mo was in charge of making tea and serving cakes for Yao Cheng and Jian Xun.

After more than a month of feeding, the size of Daidai and Guoguo has more than doubled compared to when they were just hatched. Er Guai tilted his head, stared intently, raised his neck from time to time and yelled "Aww", obviously very envious.

Seeing this, Zeng Fang became sympathetic, and asked Yun Mo to let the first and second darlings be released.

Yunmo waved her hands again and again with lingering fear, "You see them pitiful now, I really want to let them go, they can tear down the whole courtyard."

Zeng Fang has never raised a husky, so she thinks Yunmo's words are exaggerated.

"Maybe it's because they are in the molar period, so they like to bite things, why don't you get them some molar sticks or something."

"It's not teeth grinding, it's purely due to beating."

Jian Xun explained with a smile: "Huskies are born playful, energetic, and curious, so they like to tear apart and bite things to release their energy and get satisfaction."

Zeng Fang rejoiced while eating the pastry, "Fortunately, I don't have pets, but Momo, the two goslings in my family are fed according to the method you taught, why are they not as good as your Daidai and Guoguo?" How soon?"

Of course it was because she mixed spirit spring water in the goose food, and the goslings ate a lot, so they naturally grew up faster.

But Yunmo couldn't say that, "Maybe it's because I'm happier with my parents? In the future, when you have time, you can bring Tie Zhu and Cuihua over to play."

"Okay, I'll bring them over this weekend."

After sitting with the three of them for a while, Yunmo got up and went to the kitchen to help Ling Chuan prepare the side dishes and cook the soup base, and told Ling Chuan about the Yun family.

Hearing that Yun Yao was suspected of poisoning his younger sister Yun Huan, Ling Chuan paused, and then turned his head to look at her seriously.

"Daughter-in-law, when you go back to Yun's house in the future, don't go alone, I will accompany you."

"Don't worry, I won't go to the Yun family anymore. Yun Shixian himself said that I am an outsider and have nothing to do with the Yun family."

"It's fine if you don't go, the Yun family has no good people."

Yunmo put the washed Chinese cabbage in the Shau Kei to dry, then turned around and soaked another radish in hot water, ready to soak it before peeling it.

"Ling Chuan."

"Well, daughter-in-law, what's the matter?"

"Do you have any plans for the New Year this year?"

"I listen to you."

"Then, do you want to go back to Anshi with me?"

After asking, Yunmo's face felt hot for no reason, and her heartbeat also accelerated a little.


Ling Chuan responded twice in a low voice, and Yun Mo couldn't help but feel relieved.

When she looked up, she found that the tips of the man's ears were pink, and she suddenly became narrow-minded.

"I haven't told you about you yet, aren't you afraid that if you go, they will beat you out with a broom?"

"Not afraid." Ling Chuan put the knife in his hand flat, and carefully sliced the already thin mutton into two thin slices, "I have thick skin, so I'm not afraid of them hitting me."

Yunmo laughed, but she made up her mind to take some time to inform Huang Zhiqiu in advance, hoping that the Huang family would not be too frightened.

"Well, it's not bad, this hot-boiled mutton is really not bad, it's similar to what I ate in the capital before, if I have to pick something wrong, it's just that the mutton is not as sweet as the mutton in the capital."

Yunmo said casually: "The boiled mutton in the capital is made of big-tailed mutton. The meat is soft and tender, rich in fat, and has a faint milky aroma. It must be incomparable to ordinary goat meat."

Yao Cheng couldn't help giving a thumbs up, "Sure, Yunmo, you know even this."

Yun Mo smiled slightly, without explaining, "Eat it while it's hot. When I have a chance in the future, I'll treat you to authentic boiled mutton."


"Mr. Yun, the test results are out. After preliminary testing, Miss Yun Er's blood does contain super-concentrated formic acid."

Hearing what the doctor said, Yun Shixian subconsciously clenched his hands hanging by his side, and his face was even more indescribably gloomy and ugly.

"Does this have anything to do with leukemia?"

The doctor hesitated, "It's hard to say, formic acid generally causes skin and mucous membrane irritation symptoms, such as inflammation and ulcers, but...according to the blood routine examination I did for Miss Er, I suspect that Miss Er may be poisoned by formaldehyde. "


"Long-term and excessive inhalation or intake of formaldehyde may cause abnormal bone marrow hematopoiesis, leading to leukemia. In addition, formaldehyde will be decomposed into formic acid through the action of enzymes in the body, which can also explain why Miss Er's blood contains a high concentration of formic acid .

Yun Shixian frowned so much that he could kill mosquitoes.

Before the youngest daughter fell ill, she lived at home and ate and drank with them. Everyone else was fine, but something happened to the youngest daughter. The only explanation was that someone poisoned the youngest daughter in a targeted manner.

"How long does it take for formaldehyde poisoning to cause leukemia?"

"It's hard to tell. Although formaldehyde is toxic, it can be excreted from the body through the body's metabolism. Even long-term inhalation of trace amounts of formaldehyde may not necessarily cause leukemia."

"What if the poison is poisoned through diet?"

The doctor thought for a while, "Actually, the liquid form of formaldehyde is formalin. Some unscrupulous vendors will use formalin to dilute water to keep food and fruits fresh. If people eat a large amount of formalin for a long time Excessive food can also cause formaldehyde poisoning."

It was already 4 p.m. when Yun Shixian transported the body of his youngest daughter to the crematorium.

Seeing Secretary Tong alone waiting at the door, Yun Shixian couldn't help frowning, "Where's Xiao Cong?"

"The young master went to the hospital to look for you, didn't you see him?"

Yun Shixian waved his hands in a bad mood, "Okay, don't worry about him, you can go through the formalities first."

"it is good."

Yun family.

Jiang Yu woke up from a coma all afternoon, lying on the bed in a daze for a while, she finally woke up, and immediately struggled to get up on the bed, stumbled out of the room.

Outside the door of Yunyao's room, the driver, Old Liu, is dutifully guarding her.

Seeing Jiang Yu rushing aggressively, he quickly called "Madam" respectfully.

"Is Xiaoyao inside?!"

The driver Lao Liu nodded, but before he could answer, Jiang Yu had already pushed the door open, and then slammed the door shut after entering.

The driver, Lao Liu, didn't care. The boss just told him not to let the eldest lady go out, and didn't say that the wife could not go in.

Yunyao was leaning on the head of the bed thinking about something, and suddenly saw Jiang Yu rushing in, and instinctively stood up in fright.


Jiang Yu rushed over with red eyes, and grabbed her neck fiercely, "Did you do it!? Did you do it!?"

Third watch~

Good night!

(end of this chapter)