On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 320

Chapter 320

Chapter 320 The Death of Yunhuan (4)

Facing Yun Shixian's accusation, Yun Mo's face was somewhat sneering, "Boss Yun, don't rush to accuse me, am I messing around, or Yun Huan was really murdered, let the forensic examiner Wouldn't it be clear once you test it?"

Jiang Yu originally had some doubts about Yun Mo's words.

After all, it is a fact that the youngest daughter has leukemia, and she has been hospitalized for so long. If she was really poisoned, there must be so many medical staff, no one will be aware of it.

But now Yunmo is confident that she will let the forensic doctor do the autopsy, but she is not sure.

"Shixian, how about..."

Jiang Yu was interrupted by Yun Shixian's stern words when Jiang Yu just opened his mouth, "Xiao Huan has leukemia, which is a diagnosis made by an authoritative doctor in the hospital.

Yunmo, from the moment your household registration is moved out of the Yun family, you are no longer a member of the Yun family! You are not qualified to comment on the Yun family's family affairs. If I know that you are spreading bad rumors about the Yun family, then don't blame me for not remembering the past! Now, get out of Yun's house immediately! "

At the beginning, Yunmo just thought that the Yun family could not accept the fact that Yun Huan was poisoned, so they would speak ill at each other, but at this moment, there is still something she doesn't understand.

Yun Shixian is indeed a model of non-toxic and husband-free.

Whether it is to preserve the reputation of the Yun family, to maintain the superficial prosperity, or from the perspective of profit and loss, Yun Shixian is obviously unwilling to get to the bottom of it and seek justice for his dead young daughter.

Actually, before she came here, she hadn't thought about this possibility.

However, there is still unavoidable luck in her heart. Tigers are poisonous and do not eat their children. No matter how good Yun Shixian is at calculating benefits, she should always have a humanity for her biological daughter in her heart.

"Ha ha."

Yun Mo couldn't help laughing twice, not only laughing at her own innocence, but also mocking how people's hearts can be so cold-blooded.

"Since you blood relatives don't care about the cause of her Yun Huan's death, I naturally have nothing to say as an outsider. I have a **** in my head, and I don't fear others' knowledge or my own. Anyway, I have a clear conscience. I have done myself What should be done, I hope you can live your life with peace of mind and no guilt."

After a short period of panic and fear, Yun Yao also calmed down a lot.

"Xiaomo, if you are really good for Xiaohuan, then when I begged you to go to the hospital for bone marrow matching, why did you refuse to die? Now that Xiaohuan is gone, you come here again to talk nonsense, you Do you have to disturb the entire Yun family before giving up?!"

Seeing that Yunyao was ashamed to use the matter of bone marrow matching as an example, Yunmo couldn't hold back her anger.

"The dead are the greatest, there are some things I didn't want to say, but since you mentioned it, let's take advantage of today to clarify it.

You found a bone marrow donor who matched Yun Huan early on, hey, it's just not necessary, and I, an outsider with no blood relationship, is required to do the matching. Don't you think it's a waste of time to take off your pants and fart? "

Hearing this, both Yun Yao and Yun Cong were taken aback, while Jiang Yu and Yun Shixian looked at each other in blank dismay.

Yun Cong and Yun Huan's bone marrow match, only Jiang Yu and Yun Shixian knew about it at home, and the hospital side also kept it a secret at Yun Shixian's request, and it would not be shared. How did Yun Mo know?

Yun Mo didn't know about this at first, but thanks to Jiang Yu, she asked Xu Lili to investigate Yun Shixian's cheating.

In the process of following up and investigating Yun Shixian, Xu Lili accidentally discovered that Yun Shixian and the doctor in charge of Yun Huan's condition often met in private, and personally gave each other a big gift.

Out of curiosity, Xu Lili secretly hid next door to eavesdrop on the conversation between the two parties, and ended up knowing about Yun Cong and Yun Huan's bone marrow matching by mistake.

"Xiao Mo, you're starting to talk nonsense again. Xiao Huan's bone marrow matching did not find a match at all, otherwise it would not have ended like today."

Yun Yao, who didn't know it, thought she had grabbed Yun Mo's braid, and couldn't wait to refute.

Yun Mo looked at Yun Cong who was still in a daze with a half-smile, "Why, no one told you that Yun Cong and Yun Huan's bone marrow match was a kiss?"

"Enough! Today is the day when Xiao Huan can rest in peace. Whoever dares to destroy it, I will never forgive you! Yunmo, are you going to leave by yourself, or should I let someone drive you out?!"

"I'll go on my own, it's a waste of time."

When turning around, Yunmo thought of something again, and turned to look at Jiang Yu who was still in a daze.

"For Yang En's sake, I kindly remind Mrs. Yun that you might as well look after your own things when you have time, or you can go to the north of the city antique market to find Liu Laowu, and he will give you the answer you want."

After the words fell, Yun Yao's face suddenly changed.

Yunmo sneered silently, and pulled Zeng Fang away from Yun's house without looking back.

As soon as she walked out of Yun's house, Zeng Fang couldn't help complaining angrily, "The Yun family members are all sick, they don't investigate the truth, but insist that you are purely making trouble, and Yun Shixian is a pig-headed person. It's a miracle that the company didn't go bankrupt!

"It's not that he has no brains. On the contrary, he is too flexible and knows how to weigh the pros and cons."

Zeng Fang's eyes widened in surprise, "I can't, Yun Huan is his own daughter, she didn't pick it up."

Yunmo sneered, "If there is a father, there will be a daughter. My mother and grandmother are all pure, kind and simple old people. Yun Yao grew up in this kind of environment, and she should be a pure and kind person, but she is born The bad species can only show that the Yun family has inherited the selfishness and cold-bloodedness in their bones."

"Then what should we do now? Are we going to let Yun Yao escape this time? I am so unwilling."

"People who deal with the devil will not end well in the end. Yun Shixian is not a kind person. He kept Yunyao in order to extract more value from her."

Hearing this, Zeng Fang quickly held her arm tightly rejoicing, "Momo, it's a good thing you have nothing to do with the Yun family now. Such a family is too scary, and it's no wonder your character was so unpleasant before."

Yunmo smiled gratefully, "Fangfang, I still have to thank you. If it wasn't for your family's help, I wouldn't have left the Yun family so easily."

"It should be, Momo, you have helped me so many times, without you, I can't even imagine what I would be like now, I can help you, I am very happy, happier than getting full marks in the exam .

Speaking of exams, Zeng Fang changed the subject and asked about Yunmo's itinerary for the winter vacation.

"I plan to go to the provincial capital for a few days, Momo, why don't you go with me? Let me tell you, the provincial capital is much more lively and fun than Jiang City."

Yunmo hesitated, "I think about it, I plan to go back to Anshi for the Spring Festival this year."

"Then you're back in Anshi, what about your family, Lingchuan?"

"What to do, what to do, he still lives without me."

(end of this chapter)