On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Chapter 32 Borrowing money

Huang Qingning was so angry that he raised his hand and was about to hit someone, but Huang Yu jumped away nimbly.

"Hey, you can't hit it."

Huang Qingning couldn't hit anyone for a long time, turned around and acted like a baby to Yang Xinghua: "Grandma, look at brother, he always bullies me!"

Different from other old ladies who favor sons over daughters, Yang Xinghua particularly favors her daughters and granddaughters, which can be seen from her fact that Huang Zhiqiu is unmarried and gets pregnant first.

"Xiaoyu, how old are you, and you still bully Ningning, it's really outrageous."

Yang Xinghua spoke, Huang Yu had no choice but to ask for forgiveness, "Grandma, sister-in-law, can I make a mistake?"

"No way!" Huang Qingning put her hands on her hips angrily, "If an apology is useful, what do you need the police for?"

Huang Yu is also good-tempered, "Then what do you want?"

Huang Qingning tilted his head and thought for a while, his eyes lit up, "Buy me an umbrella."

Girls, it is natural to love beauty. I heard from Yunmo that less exposure to the sun will improve your skin. Now Huang Qingning especially wants an umbrella that can block the sun.

"Don't you have an umbrella?"

"That one is too bulky and makes my hands sore. I want the light one that can be folded up and put in a bag."

"How much does that cost?"

"It's not very expensive, 8 yuan a piece."

Huang Yu's eyes almost popped out, "8 yuan is not expensive, it is worth half a month's salary of me."

Huang Qingning was annoyed, "Are you going to buy it or not?"

Huang Yu gritted his teeth, "I will buy it, but I have to wait until I get paid next month."

"Okay! Then I'll wait."

Contrary to Huang Qingning's overjoyed, Huang Yu looked depressed.

Huang Qingning is the youngest and can read. Not only Yang Xinghua dotes on her, but everyone else in the family also dotes on her. He can't afford to provoke her.

Huang Qingning couldn't see Huang Yu's sad face, and said in a good mood: "Brother, look at your stinginess, don't worry, I don't want your things for nothing. Recently, two apprentice girls came to the factory. When I was buying an umbrella, I asked them to go with me by the way."

Huang Yu lacked interest in this, "Forget it, I won't think about that for the time being. In our current situation, don't delay others in vain."

Huang Yu and Huang Qingning just came back today, and they don't know that the family's debts have been paid off.

Huang Qingning didn't think it was a big deal, "Well, let's get to know each other right away. Besides, even if you want to marry someone, you might not be willing to marry him! Right, cousin?"

What Yunmo could say, no matter how she answered it was inappropriate, she could only smile and say nothing.

There are many people and strength is great. With the help of Peng Fang and several sisters-in-law, the dinner will be ready soon.

There are fried bacon with green peppers, cold cucumbers, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and a large pot of stewed chicken with wild mushrooms.

The wild mushrooms were picked up in the bamboo forest, and the chicken was specially sent by Liu Zhi's natal family to nourish Yang Xinghua's body.

The staple food is corn porridge. The fresh and sweet corn kernels are boiled together with rice.

Huang Jianye and Song Tingfeng lived in the town, and there were two children to take care of at home. As soon as the couple had eaten their fill, they hurried back on the motorcycle in the village.

Peng Fang helped clear the table, Huang Zhiqiu washed the dishes in the kitchen, and Yun Mo helped wash them with clean water.

When there was no one else in the kitchen, Peng Fang finally couldn't help asking about the gold bracelet.

"Momo, I heard from your uncle that you sold a gold bracelet?"

"Well, none of you are willing to take money to treat grandma's injury, so I have to find a way by myself."

When Peng Fang heard this, she immediately cried out, "It's not that we don't want to take the money, it's that we really can't help it. Your second uncle and I are both uneducated and unsophisticated. We only rely on farming and bamboo weaving to pull your two cousins away." come out.

Your third cousin is studying in the town now, and he needs money everywhere. I have to save the little money I have for him to pay his tuition and living expenses.

Momo, you are also a person who has studied, you should know the importance of the third year of high school, which is related to the life of your third cousin. "

Yunmo smiled at the other party, "It's very important. If you fail the exam this year, you will have to retake the exam next year. Grandma is already old, so it's nothing if she has a lame leg, right, second aunt."

Peng Fang: "..."

Huang Zhiqiu didn't expect her daughter to look cute and cute, and she would not be soft-spoken in the slightest. I have to say that seeing Peng Fang deflated, she felt quite relieved.

But although I felt that there was nothing wrong with my daughter's words in my heart, I had to "reprove" a few words, "Momo, how do you talk, it's not big or small."

"Second sister-in-law, Momo is still young, she doesn't know how to speak properly, so don't argue with her."

If it were someone else, Peng Fang would definitely have a good fight with the other party, but who is Yunmo? Mo turned his face.

"It's okay, how could I be angry with Momo, Momo cured Mom's leg, and it's too late for me to thank her as a daughter-in-law."

Yun Mo said quickly: "Second Aunt, in fact, you really want to thank me, why don't you pay for the medical expenses that are due to you."

Peng Fang's complexion changed, and just about to say something, Yunmo said again, "Second Aunt, there is an old saying that what the upper generation does, the lower generation will follow suit.

You and your second uncle will have an old day in the future, when you are sick, do you also hope that your second cousin and third cousin will treat you like your grandma? "

Peng Fang's face turned red and white, it was wonderful.

But in the end it was thick-skinned, and soon returned to nature, "Momo, you are still young, how can you understand the feelings of being a parent? To put it bluntly, mom is so old, even if her legs are cured I can't help the family, if it were me, I would rather die than drag down my second and third cousins because of my illness."

Yunmo gave the other party a thumbs up in admiration, "Second aunt sacrifices herself for everyone's high morals, which is really admirable."

"That is, I am very clear about it."

said she was fat, and she was panting.

Peng Fang became more and more enthusiastic, "When your second cousin and third cousin get married, I won't live with them. Everyone lives their own lives. I will definitely not be that kind of wicked mother-in-law who rubs my daughter-in-law ..."

Yunmo pretended that the other party was talking about the bible, and listened with great interest. Unexpectedly, the matter of borrowing money was mentioned as soon as the conversation changed.

"Momo, your second cousin is also 20 years old this year, and it's time for him to marry a wife, but your second uncle and I have no skills, so we are really tight..."

"If you don't have the ability, then don't marry a wife first, and then marry when you have the ability. A man should be self-reliant. The second cousin has hands and feet, and his education is not low. He must be able to earn a wife with his real ability, right? Second Aunt."

What can Peng Fang say, is it wrong to say that her son is incompetent and worthless?

(end of this chapter)