On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 308

Chapter 308

Chapter 308 Business is too good

On the second day, Ling Chuan first went to the printing factory to print 300 leaflets, then found Deng Wenbin, and told him the task and requirements of distributing leaflets.

Deng Wenbin was quick-witted, quick-witted, and quick-spoken. Within five minutes of going out with the flyer, two middle-aged women came to the store holding the flyer.

"The guy said just now that you can get gloves for free with this leaflet. Is it true?"

Seeing a customer coming to the door, the two brothers of the Ling family immediately stepped forward to greet them happily.

"Please, the two of you, the event is real, please come inside and register."

When they heard that they had to register, the two eldest sisters hesitated, probably because they were worried about being cheated of money or something.

Seeing the concerns of the two, Ling Chuan quickly explained, "Just leave a surname. We are a regular company with a business license. We need to keep records of how many gifts are sent out every day, so as to facilitate financial accounting."

After hearing this, the two elder sisters followed Ling Chuan to the shop.

As Ling Chuan said, the two only reported a surname and age, and each received a pair of thick and warm woolen gloves.

Both of them were very happy. After receiving the gloves, they didn't leave immediately, but wandered around in the store.

In addition to leaflets, Yunmo also produced various eye-catching price tags.

Use a round cardboard the size of an adult's palm, the background color is painted in eye-catching yellow, and it is matched with words such as "cotton coat 28 yuan" and "down jacket 68 yuan" in bold red, which are particularly eye-catching.

"Young man, this padded coat looks pretty good, can you try it?"

Seeing that there is a business coming, Ling Chuan immediately stepped forward to provide thoughtful service, "I can try it on, big sister, what size do you wear, I will get it for you."


All women who come to the store to buy clothes, no matter how old or young, you must praise them, praise to death, thin, you praise her good figure, fat, you praise her good skin, good temperament, rich appearance Blessing, you just have to remember, if you boast more, the other party may buy an extra piece of clothing.

Last night's daughter-in-law's instruction flashed through his mind, Ling Chuan helped the other party get clothes, and at the same time began to rack his brains to think how to praise the other party.

The elder sister in front of me is not too fat but not thin either. She definitely can't boast of her good figure, her skin is a bit dark, and she can't boast of her good skin either. It sounds too fake.

Wearing a lot in winter, the other party did not shy away from taking off his original coat in front of Ling Chuan, ready to try on the cotton coat in Ling Chuan's hand.

The moment the other party took off his coat, Ling Chuan unexpectedly discovered that the other party was not as strong as he looked, and suddenly had an inspiration in his mind.

"Sister, you look very thin. This dress should be too big for you. Size L is more suitable."

Sure enough, when Ling Chuan said that she looked thin, the elder sister's face was filled with joy.

"Young man, you don't understand, you have to buy bigger clothes for this winter, so you can add more clothes when it's cold."

"So that's how it is, eldest sister, you are really good at managing the house."

The elder sister was so praised that she smiled happily, "Oh, don't you have to plan carefully to live your life."

While speaking, the elder sister put on the cotton padded jacket neatly, and turned around in the mirror twice, showing a bit of satisfaction on her face.

Ling Chuan took the opportunity to boast again: "Sister, you have a good eye. This dress suits you very well, and it looks like you have a special temperament. Moreover, our clothes are all exported for foreign trade, and the quality is really good. If you don't believe me, you can Wear it to a department store for comparison, and make sure it doesn't lose to those famous brands in the store.

Auntie was already quite satisfied with the clothes, but after hearing what Ling Chuan said, her desire to buy them became even stronger.

"The clothes are not bad, but the price is a bit expensive. If you make it cheaper, I will buy it if it is cheaper."

"Sister, the price is already a bargain. If you don't believe me, go to a department store and compare it. The same quality and style, the department store should not be less than 50 yuan."

While talking, three more people entered the store with leaflets.

"Boss, I heard that you can get gloves for free here?"

"Yes, please wait a moment, I will come over to register you."

Ling Chuan replied loudly, and then said to the elder sister in front of him: "Well, elder sister, if you sincerely want this dress, I will make you a scarf, a good woolen scarf, and the wool alone costs seven or eight taels. Heavy, if you go outside to buy it, it will cost several dollars a piece.

When the three middle-aged women who had just entered heard what Ling Chuan said, they cheered and surrounded them.

"The cotton coat on her is not bad, how much is it?"

Ling Chuan hurriedly replied: "28."

One of them pinched the cuffs and the hem of the clothes with his hands, and exclaimed: "The fabric is quite soft, is it made of good cotton?"

"The inner layer is not cotton, but high-grade silk-like cotton. Silk-like cotton is as warm as cotton, but it is lighter, softer, and breathable than cotton, and it will not deform and lump after washing."

After listening to Ling Chuan's introduction, the elder sister who was trying it on subconsciously patted her body, No wonder it feels light when you wear it. I thought it was because the clothes cut corners and didn't use enough cotton.

"No, this is a new type of cotton coat. The inside is not cotton, but imitation silk cotton. It is as warm as cotton, but it is light and breathable, and it is very comfortable to wear."

"You just said that this cotton coat sells for 28, and you get a scarf?"

"Yes, buy a cotton coat and get a scarf for free."

"Then get me one, the color she wears, size L."

Seeing that my companion bought it, the other person hurriedly said, "I'll take one too. Do you have any other colors?"

Ling Chuan hurriedly answered: "Yes, this style has blue, purple, red and black."

"Then get me a red one. Wearing red for the Chinese New Year is foreign and festive!"

"Give me one too, I want a long one, will you get a scarf for the long one?"

"Send it as it is."

After a while, the brothers sold four cotton-padded jackets.

After the group of customers left, before the two brothers had time to catch their breath, two more aunts holding leaflets entered the door.

"I heard that you get gloves for free, is it true?"

"It's true, please, please take a look inside, both of you, we sell high-quality cotton-padded down jackets for foreign trade export, the price is affordable, and you can get a scarf when you buy it..."

In the blink of an eye, it was evening, and it was time to go to the kindergarten to pick up her daughter Chunhua from school, but there was an endless stream of customers, and Ling Jiang couldn't get away.

When she was in a hurry, Yunmo came to the store.

Ling Jiang greeted her as if seeing a life-saving straw, "Sister and sister, Chunhua is still in kindergarten, can you please pick her up?"

Yunmo came here to help, she nodded immediately upon hearing this, "Okay, I'll go now."

When Yunmo took a taxi to the kindergarten, it was already dark and the kindergarten was closed. Ling Chunhua squatted at the iron gate of the kindergarten, with a book of calligraphy and painting spread out on her knees, her hands cupped around her mouth, and she breathed out while reading the book. His small face revealed a sense of sensibility and quietness that did not match his age.

(end of this chapter)