On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 303

Chapter 303

Chapter 303 Ling Jiale is crying and wants to go home

Compared with the joyful and lively scene in the courtyard, the Li family is desolate and miserable.

Because of the power outage, the entire Li family was pitch-black everywhere. Only the candles as thick as half a thumb were lit on the dining table in the main room.

Li Li, Li Dajun, and Ling Jiale, the three of them sat around the wooden table, eating bland green vegetable noodles, which were stir-fried shredded radish that they hadn't finished eating at noon.

This made Ling Jiale, who was used to living a good life in the city, very uncomfortable, and kept clamoring to go home.

"Mom, I don't want to live here, I want to go home!"

Li Li looked at her son angrily, "What are you going to do, we will live with grandpa from now on."

He couldn't bear to stay here for one night, and if he wanted to stay here forever, Ling Jiale would not do anything, so he immediately threw his chopsticks and sat on the ground crying and making noise.

"I'm going home, I'm going home, wow..."

Li's house is an earthen house, and the ground is dirty, wet and cold. Worried that his grandson would catch a cold and get sick, Li Dajun hurriedly put down his bowl and chopsticks and bent down to try to pull his grandson up.

Unexpectedly, Ling Jiale was so overbearing that he kicked Li Dajun's face.


Seeing Li Dajun staggering and falling backwards, Li Li hurriedly supported him, "Dad, are you okay?"

Li Dajun shook his head, "No, it's okay, it's just that I didn't stand firm."

Looking at the eye-catching footprints on Li Dajun's face, Li Li was also annoyed. She pulled up her son who was lying on the ground and slapped her **** twice.

"Whoa whoa!"

The hog-killing howls almost knocked over the roof of Li's house.

Seeing his grandson being beaten, Li Dajun hurried forward to stop him, "Li, don't play house music, I'm fine."

Looking at her son crying so much, Li Li felt very distressed, but Li Dajun is her own father, if his son dared to kick his grandfather today, wouldn't he dare to do something to her tomorrow?

It's impossible not to teach, Li Li pointed at her son angrily, Don't cry, if you cry again, I'll throw you outside and let the thieves pick it up!

"Whoa whoa..."

Ling Jiale was used to being domineering since she was a child, and she couldn't listen to Li Li's discipline at all, so she howled at the top of her voice.

"Jia Le, don't cry, grandpa will take you to buy peanut candy tomorrow..."

Li Dajun thought that he could coax his grandson by buying candy, but Ling Jiale didn't appreciate it at all, and kept waving his two chubby hands, hitting Li Dajun with "bang bang" like two small hammers .

Rao is Li Dajun who is strong and can't bear to retreat.

Li Li felt angry when she saw it, and picked up her chopsticks and greeted Ling Jiale.

The slender bamboo chopsticks hit the back of her hand painfully, Ling Jiale was like an irritated calf, and slammed into Li Li.

Li Li was unprepared, and was knocked to the ground with a stool.

"Ah, my waist..."

Hearing Li Li's cry of pain, Li Dajun hurried forward to help her, "Li, what's wrong with you?"

Li Li's face turned pale from the pain, panting heavily: "Dad, I hit my waist..."

Li Dajun became anxious when he heard it, "Can you still get up?"

Li Li quickly waved her hand, "No, I can't move..."

Seeing that he had gotten into trouble, Ling Jiale backed away in fear, then turned around and ran away.

Waiting for Li Dajun to help Li Li to settle down on the bed, and as soon as he went out, he found that his grandson was gone.

"Jia Le! Jia Le! Li, Jia Le ran out!"

On one side was the daughter who was lying on the bed unable to move, and on the other was the grandson who ran out of the house alone at night. For a while, Li Dajun didn't know which side to focus on.

Hearing that her son had run away, Li Li became anxious immediately, struggling to sit up from the bed, "Dad, hurry up and get Jiale back!"

Li Dajun looked at her worriedly, "What about you?"

"I'm fine, I just sprained it. I'll go to the clinic tomorrow and apply some ointment and I'll be fine."

Hearing this, Li Dajun turned around and ran out to find his grandson in peace of mind.

Ling Jiale didn't run far. It was too dark, and every household in the village had dogs. Looking for the sound of dogs barking, Li Dajun found Ling Jiale easily.

Seeing Li Dajun bring his son back, Li Li's anxious heart suddenly fell to the ground.

"Jia Le, come here."

Seeing that her son was unmoved, and even retreated in fear, Li Li felt extremely uncomfortable.

In the past, her son listened to her the most. As long as she opened her mouth and shouted, her son would definitely come running over.

"Jia Le, be good, mom won't hit you anymore."

Hearing this, Ling Jiale reluctantly walked to the bed.

Li Li stretched out her hand and pulled her son into her arms, "Silly son, why are you running outside at night, it's dark and cold outside, you want to be frozen to death outside, don't you?"

"I want to go home, I want to go home, I don't want to live in the country, I want to go home..."

Ling Jiale cried until his nose was tearing up, and he kept yelling.

Li Li was so sad that she burst into tears, "Your father doesn't want you anymore, we can only live here in the future, this is our home..."

Hearing Li Li's words, Ling Jiale cried even harder.

The countryside is cold and poor, and there is nothing delicious and fun, so he doesn't want to live in the countryside all the time, woo woo woo...

Looking at the mother and daughter who were crying in each other's arms, Li Dajun was deeply saddened and couldn't help crying.

What evil did he do? His son became a prisoner, his wife passed away, and his daughter is now divorced. How will he live as a layman in the future?

The next day was Saturday, Yunmo and Zeng Fang made an appointment to go shopping, while Ling Chuan and Ling Jiang were busy with business matters.

After going out, Yunmo and Zeng Fang went to the private room of the teahouse they had booked in advance, changed into unrecognizable outfits, and then took a taxi to the old street.

When she came to Ba Po Wang's house, Yunmo put the money she had agreed on on the incense table.

Wang Baba has an old look on her face, but her old eyes can't stop shining.

Now that the government is vigorously cracking down on feudal superstition, her life is getting more and more difficult. With this income, plus some of her previous savings, it should be no problem to enjoy her old age comfortably.

Thinking about it, Wang Bapo couldn't help saying auspicious words to Yunmo in a good mood, "The queen mother has received your heart, and will definitely bless you with a happy marriage, a happy marriage, a happy marriage, and a lot of wealth and prosperity."

Yun Mo didn't take the other party's words to heart, she responded politely, and then left with Zeng Fang.

Coming out of the eighth wife's house, Zeng Fang held Yunmo's arm and chatted softly.

"Momo, your elder brother and sister-in-law really divorced like this?"

"Well, the formalities were done yesterday afternoon."

As she spoke, Yunmo turned her head and glanced at the other party, revealing a smile in her eyes outside the scarf, "Didn't Aunt Yao tell you?"

"My mother? How would she know this?"

"Yesterday, I was afraid that I would run out of time, so I asked Aunt Yao for help. I found an acquaintance in the Civil Affairs Bureau to help open the back door."

Zeng Fang was stunned, "She didn't say anything, so she probably thinks it has nothing to do with me."

(end of this chapter)