On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 299

Chapter 299

Chapter 299 Divorce (1)

"Cut, who cares about your shit!"

The troublemaker spat at her back, and then dragged the other aunts to grind their teeth together.

"Seeing that the hard times are coming to an end, she is so stupid as to want to divorce and return to the countryside. Maybe she has some brain problems?"

"Who says no, it's hard to find a man like Ling Jiang who is honest and good at making money outside with a lantern on, and she despises Ling Jiang all day long, and doesn't look in the mirror. What kind of virtue is she herself? .

"The Ling family is about to prosper. According to the Zhou family, Ling Chuan is now doing business outside, and he can earn one or two hundred a day."

"Earn so much in one day? Mother, be good, can't you make a few thousand a month?"

"I guess there are, otherwise Lingchuan could buy such a big courtyard house on Guoxing Road?"

"Didn't you say it was rented?"

"When have you been so old? People have already bought the house, but they just didn't make any noise."

"Tsk tsk, I used to think that this Ling Chuan was a person who didn't like to talk, but I didn't expect that he is still a master who makes a fortune in silence!"

An aunt pouted her mouth in the direction of Ling's house, "Are you afraid that you have forgotten what Li Li did before? The two brothers finally found a profitable job, and she spread her mouth everywhere, forcefully calling the two brothers The business has been ruined."

"With such a troublemaker, the Ling family can't live in peace, and her mother is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Fortunately, God opened his eyes and took her away..."

In Ling's house, because there were movers moving things in the main room, Ling Jiang had no choice but to take Ling Chuan and Yun Mo to the side room.

"Chuanzi, brother and sister, the house is in chaos, let's sit here and talk."

"It's okay, big brother, it's the same everywhere."

Seeing Yunmo looking at the house, Ling Jiang showed a bit of embarrassment, "Chuanzi used to live in this house. Later, when your brother and sister got married, they arranged a wedding room for you and Chuanzi. After you moved out, I moved here to live."

Knowing that Ling Jiang and Li Li have been living apart, Yun Mo is slightly surprised.

Ling Jiang is 29 years old this year. As a normal man, his physical needs should not be small.

Yunmo couldn't help but cast a glance at Ling Chuan beside her.

He is also 24 this year.

Ling Chuan noticed her eyes, and subconsciously asked, "Daughter-in-law, what's wrong?"

Yunmo came back to her senses, realized what she was thinking just now, and her cheeks couldn't help but get hot.

"Ling Chuan, when is your birthday?"

Ling Chuan secretly wondered why Hao Duanduan asked about his birthday, but at the same time, he was overjoyed because his wife cared about him.

Ling Jiang, who was sitting across from him, spoke for him, "Siblings, Chuanzi was born in February of the lunar calendar, on the third day of February."

Yunmo nodded and silently wrote down the date.

"Brother, sister-in-law is going to move things back to Lijia Village today. I may not have time to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau with you in the afternoon to go through the formalities. Tomorrow is Saturday again, and the Civil Affairs Bureau is closed. How about this? Sign the divorce agreement today and wait until next week." Go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to complete the formalities."

Ling Jiang nodded again and again, "Sister and brother, you are the only one in our family who is highly educated. How do you think this divorce agreement should be drafted?"

"Brother, I have a specialization in art, so let's leave the drafting of a divorce agreement to a lawyer."

Ling Jiang hesitated, "If you hire a lawyer, the fee shouldn't be low, right?"

"If you just ask a lawyer to draw up a divorce agreement, the fee is not expensive, probably around 10 yuan."

Ling Jiang can still accept this price.

"Okay, brother and sister, then listen to you."

Outside the window, Li Limao hid under the wall with her waist down, eavesdropping on the conversation of the three.

Just as I was listening vigorously, the mover's voice suddenly came from behind me asking, Sister, all the things have been moved.

Li Li was taken aback, and quickly waved her hands and shook her head to signal the mover to go away.

After dismissing the movers, Li Li turned her head, just in time to meet Yun Mo's exquisite pretty face with a half-smile.

Yunmo stood in front of the window, looking down at her, "Sister-in-law, what are you doing?"

Seeing that the eavesdropping was found in the corner, Li Li straightened up and stood up, "You don't care, can I catch grasshoppers?"

Yun Mo didn't bother to argue meaninglessly with the other party, and directly talked about the business.

"Sister-in-law, we discussed it with my elder brother. Today you sign the divorce agreement first, and the formalities will be handled next week. What do you think?"

When she heard that the formalities would not be completed until next week, Li Li became a little anxious, "No, the formalities will be completed today."

Brother Wang said that if she didn't get a divorce, there would be bloodshed within seven days.

Divorce a day later, the danger is more dangerous, she doesn't want to wait a day.

Yun Mo thought about it, and felt that it would be better to go through the divorce procedures earlier, so as to avoid long nights and dreams.

Under Yunmo's arrangement, Ling Jiang first took Li Li back to Lijia Village after a massage, and asked the village committee to issue the divorce certificate. If there is no problem with the terms, you can sign directly.

But Li Li quit again, "What about my luggage?"

"You tell the tricycle driver the address, and let them pull things directly."

"No one is watching, what if I lose something?"

Yunmo had no choice but to let Ling Chuan go back to Lijia Village with the tricycle driver, and she went to find a lawyer by herself.

Li Li just gave up.

Time was tight, Li Li and Ling Jiang took a step first, then Ling Chuan followed the tricycle driver and left Ling's house, and Yun Mo went out last.

However, she didn't go to a lawyer right away, but went to the locksmith at the alley, first changed the lock on the gate of Ling's house, and then added a copper lock to the main house, wing room and kitchen.

After finishing these, she went out to find a lawyer.

Going to the village committee to issue a certificate went smoothly. After leaving the office of the village committee, it was not time for lunch.

Ling Jiang proposed to visit the old man at Li's house, but Li Li did not refuse.

Li Dajun has always disagreed with the fact that she wants a divorce. Now that the certificate has been issued, she will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to go through the formalities in the afternoon. She is still somewhat uncertain.


Before the two reached Li's house, they met Li Dajun who had returned from working on the ground.

Seeing Ling Jiang, Li Dajun looked very happy, with creases at the end of his eyes, "Why are you back when you are free?"

Ling Jiang didn't answer, but took over the challenge from Li Dajun's shoulders, "Dad, let me do it."

Li Dajun was not polite to him, and asked about Ling Jiang's business with a smile.

Chatted all the way, and soon arrived at Li's house.

Li Dajun beckoned Ling Jiang to sit in the room, "Li, go and cook, I'll talk to my son-in-law."

Li Li glanced at Ling Jiang, then turned and went to the kitchen.

After the Weng and his son-in-law chatted nonchalantly for a while, Ling Jiang said the purpose of today's visit in a difficult voice.

"Dad, me, Li and I, we are planning to divorce."

Coming from Lingjiang, the smile lines on Li Dajun's face that never faded, slowly disappeared after hearing this.

Second update~

Good night

(end of this chapter)