On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 288

Chapter 288

Chapter 288 The goods are being targeted

Seeing that Shi Xiu's mother-in-law was not easy to get along with, Ling Chuan didn't want to cause trouble for her anymore, so he quickly said: "Sister Shi, it's getting late, you can take the child home to rest early, we will go to the hotel by ourselves, there is a driver around Well, you shouldn't be cheated."

Knowing that he was kind, Shi Xiu showed him the way, and then led the old man and the child away first.

The hotel that Shi Xiu introduced was not far from the restaurant, and it took only two or three minutes to walk there.

There was a driver in the lead, and the boss didn't harass the price. A three-person room costs 7 yuan a night. Although it is 2 yuan more expensive than the previous place, you can take a free bath from 7 to 11 in the evening, which is a good deal.

After a tiring day, I moved goods all afternoon, and my body was tired and dirty.

The three entered the room and sat down for a while, then went downstairs together to take a bath.

It was cold, and there were many people taking a bath in the bathhouse, and the four sides of the bathing pool were full of people.

Ling Chuan still had 3,000 payment on his body, seeing so many people in the bathhouse, he started to think about quitting.

"Brother, go clubbing, I'll go to bed first when I go back to my room."

Ling Jiang just wanted to persuade a few words, but then he caught a glimpse of the canvas bag on Ling Chuan's body, and immediately understood.

There are many people in the bathhouse, and the mist is filled, if it is stolen, it will be a big loss.

Thinking, Ling Jiang was no longer in the mood to take a bath, and turned to the driver and said: "Little brother, you take a bath first, let's go upstairs to talk about something, and come down later."

The driver didn't think much, nodded and went to the clothes hanger by the wall to start undressing.

The Lingchuan brothers returned to the room, washed their face and feet with hot water from a basin, and then lay down on the bed to prepare for sleep.

Because they had just had a full meal, they didn't feel sleepy for a while. The two of them chatted one after another, and they talked about Shi Xiu.

Ling Jiang said with emotion, "It is said that the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is difficult. I didn't expect that a woman as capable as Sister Shi would suffer from her mother-in-law's idleness at home."

"It can only be said that every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite."

Ling Chuan agreed with his mouth, but secretly rejoiced in his heart, fortunately his family has no problems with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

But on second thought, his wife is so good, if his mother is still alive, she will definitely not embarrass his wife.

Before chatting a few words, there was the sound of snoring from the bed beside her.

Ling Chuan got up and turned off the light, covered the canvas bag tightly with a sheet, put a pillow on it, and then lay down and began to sleep.

The night gradually deepened, and it was 12 o'clock in a blink of an eye.

Ling Chuan was awakened by the rustling sound of getting dressed, and when he turned his head, he saw his elder brother getting dressed.

Ling Chuan took out his luminous watch and looked at it, then sat up from the bed.

Hearing the movement, Ling Jiang turned his head and looked at him with a suppressed voice, "Chuanzi, woke you up?"

"Brother, it's not safe at night, I'll go with you."

Ling Jiang thought about it, but didn't refuse.

It was freezing cold, and there were few pedestrians walking on the street, but the supper stalls on the side of the road were steaming.

The night vigil was exhausting, and it was cold, to avoid starvation and freezing, so Ling Chuan went to a roadside stall to buy three bowls of haggis soup, and asked the boss to add more pepper.

Pepper is pungent and hot, and mutton is nourishing. In this freezing cold night, drinking a bowl of hot haggis soup can keep you warm and drive away the cold.

Because it was too cold, Deng Wenbin was running around the pickup truck. He was a little happy when he saw Brother Lingchuan coming to take over.

"Brother Jiang, Brother Chuan, you are here."

Ling Chuan handed a bag of haggis soup to the other party, "Drink the soup and go back to the hotel to sleep."

"Hey, okay."

After squatting on the side of the road and eating haggis soup, Ling Chuan sent Deng Wenbin to the hotel, and then returned to accompany Ling Jiang to watch the night.

Coming to the car, Ling Chuan looked at the watch in his hand, it was not yet 1 o'clock.

"Brother, it's still going to be dawn, let's take turns squinting for a while, will you go to bed first or I will go to bed first?"

Ling Jiang took out the cigarette pouch, stuffed the shredded tobacco into the pipe, and said, "Go to sleep first, I won't be sleepy now."

"Okay, call me if you need anything."

After finishing speaking, Ling Chuan closed the car door and sat in the passenger seat, leaning against the back of the seat and closing his eyes to rest.

Ling Jiang squatted on the side of the road and smoked a cigarette. After smoking, he walked slowly around the pickup truck with his hands behind his back.

In the silent night, the time seems to have become extraordinarily long.

Occasionally, workers on the night shift passed by on bicycles, making the sound of rustling tires rubbing against the road, but there was no other sound except for that.

After smoking the third cigarette, Ling Jiang finally couldn't bear the drowsiness, and came to the car window to wake up Ling Chuan in the car.

"Chuanzi, you come out to watch the meeting, I will miss the meeting."

"it is good."

Ling Chuan stood up and regained his concentration, then found a place to squat down, took out a book from his bag by the dim streetlight above his head, and slowly flipped through it to pass the time.

It was cold at night, and his hands and feet became stiff after reading the book for a while. Ling Chuan put the book back in his bag, got up and walked around to keep warm, while memorizing the contents of the book he just read.

Suddenly, there were subtle footsteps in the distance.

Ling Chuan turned around and found that he was a thin young man of medium build.

The other party was wearing a half-new jacket, with his hands in his trouser pockets, and walked slowly past him.

After watching the young man turn into another street, Ling Chuan felt something bad in his heart.

Although there are other passers-by on the road from time to time, normal people rush home in such a cold day.

In the middle of the night, this person was wandering around the street with nothing to do, and he couldn't even think about it.

Ling Chuan turned his head to the car window, and tapped lightly.

Ling Jiang opened his eyes, his sleepy face was full of doubts, "Chuanzi, what's wrong?"

"I don't feel right, brother, don't sleep yet."

Hearing this, Ling Jiang's drowsiness suddenly woke up. He wiped his face, opened the door and got out of the car, looking around with a vigilant expression.

"Chuanzi, what's wrong?"

"Someone passed by here just now, I feel like a lookout."

As he spoke, Ling Chuan lifted the co-pilot's seat, and under the seat was a tool box, which contained various car repair tools.

Ling Chuan picked up a small hammer and handed it to Ling Jiang, and he himself took a wrench that was as long as a small arm.

Ling Jiang looked at the thing in his hand, feeling a little uneasy.

He is used to using the hammer, but he used to hold it for work, but today he holds it to guard against thieves.

"Brother, someone is coming over there."

Hearing Ling Chuan's reminder, Ling Jiang turned around quickly.

At the corner of the street in the distance, three young men were walking towards this side at a fast pace, looking around while walking, seeing that their sneaky posture did not seem like people who did good things.

Ling Chuan immediately raised his vigilance in his heart, and came to the front of the carriage holding a wrench.

Ling Jiang also subconsciously clenched the hammer in his hand, and followed closely beside Ling Chuan.

Ling Chuan is nearly 1.9 meters tall, and Ling Jiang is not too short, about 1.8 meters. Both of them are physically strong, and they still hold a **** in their hands. The three young men stopped slowly.

With a distance of about 20 meters, the two sides confronted each other silently.

(end of this chapter)