On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 286

Chapter 286

Chapter 286 Buying Security Guards

Seeing that the security guard was so arrogant and unreasonable, even the good-tempered Ling Jiang was impatient.

"We paid for the goods, why should we detain them?"

The security guard was very impatient, "Don't talk nonsense about what I have, anyway, you can't take this batch of goods today!"

Seeing that the smell of gunpowder between the two parties was getting stronger and stronger, Shi Xiu hurriedly dealt with it.

"Everyone calm down, listen to me first."

Under Shi Xiu's gaze, both Ling Chuan and Ling Jiang restrained their anger and kept quiet.

The security guard didn't know Shi Xiu, so naturally he wouldn't give her face, "Who are you? What's the matter with you? Go aside!"

Shi Xiu was not angry either, and patted Ling Chuan and Ling Jiang's arms with a smile, "They are my half-brothers, and I brought them to the factory to get the goods. You have to come forward to mediate, don't you?"

As he spoke, Shi Xiu took two steps forward and pulled the security guard aside to whisper.

"Little brother, look at the cold weather, stay at home and drink some wine by the stove, what a beautiful day, if it is not for making a living, who would want to run around outside, don't you think so?

My two big brothers, young and ignorant, are doing this for the first time. They accidentally broke the factory rules and caused you trouble. I will apologize to you on their behalf. "

Speaking, Shi Xiu took out 10 yuan from her pocket and stuffed it into the other party's hand, "Little brother, I am older than you, if you don't mind, you can call me Sister Shi.

I do business in the small commodity market on Guomao North Road. In the future, if your daughter-in-law or sister-in-law needs to buy jewelry, you can come to me directly, and I will give them a few pairs of jewelry to wear. "

Shi Xiu's low profile undoubtedly gave the security guard enough face, and the other party's anger suddenly disappeared a lot.

"I haven't married a wife yet."

Shi Xiu immediately burst into laughter, "What's the matter? You are handsome and have a stable job. It is not easy to find a wife? There are many young, beautiful and unmarried working girls in our small commodity market. Come here when you are free. Find me, how many can I introduce to you?"

These words reached the security guard's heart, "Sister, are you serious?"

Shi Xiu patted her chest, "Leave it on me, the little girls in our market are all fresh and hardworking, earning no less than you men."

The security guard looked at Ling Chuan and the others, and then at the 10 yuan in his hand, and was struggling in his heart.

It was the warehouse supervisor's order to make things difficult for Ling Chuan. If he lets him go, it will definitely be difficult to do business tomorrow.

Seeing the other party's wavering, Shi Xiu immediately struck while the iron was hot, "Little brother, I know you also follow orders, but this rule is dead, and people are alive.

Look, there are 27 bags of goods written on the bill of lading, and there are actually 27 bags of goods in our car. There is no problem, right? Even if the people above ask, it has nothing to do with you, right? "

After Shi Xiu's reminder, the security guard was immediately enlightened.

The number of goods is correct, as long as he doesn't mention the sealing of the sack, the leader will not know, and he will not be held accountable at that time.

The security guard put 10 yuan into his pocket while waving to Ling Chuan and the others.

"Okay, okay, let's go!"

Ling Chuan was overjoyed, and immediately asked Ling Jiang and Deng Wenbin to load the goods.

Worried that something would happen again, the three of them worked hard to move the goods, and within a short while they loaded all 27 big bags into the carriage, which made the three of them sweat profusely.

The security guard went to open the iron gate with the key. When passing by Shi Xiu, he still reminded, "Sister, did you mean what you said just now? I'll be looking for you in two days."

"Of course, you just come and dress up a bit more energetically. Girls nowadays love handsome boys."

The security guard narrowed his eyes with a smile, "Okay!"

Ling Chuan had no choice but to let go of his hanging heart until the truck drove out of the factory gate.

After driving for a certain distance, Ling Chuan knocked on the partition of the cab, signaling the driver to stop the car.

After the pickup truck pulled over and stopped, Ling Chuan jumped out of the car and came to the passenger seat where Shi Xiu was sitting.

"Sister Shi, don't go to the train station now, we'll leave tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, Ling Chuan briefly talked about the fact that Rong Zhengchang invited him to go to the garment factory to see the goods tomorrow.

Shi Xiu didn't say anything, "Then what do you do with the goods in your car? In such a cold day, you can't stay in the car overnight, right?

This is also where Ling Chuan was in trouble.

27 sacks are not small in size, and they definitely won't fit in the hotel. You have to find a proper place to store them.

"How about this, ask the driver to drive the car to my door and park it, and you will take turns keeping vigil at night."

This is a way.

Ling Chuan found the driver again, negotiated the price, and then the truck drove towards Shi Xiu's house.

Shi Xiu's home is not far from the Small Commodity Market, and is the staff compound of the Ministry of Railways.

The internal management of the compound is strict, and no foreign vehicles are allowed to enter. Small trucks can only be parked on both sides of the road at the entrance of the compound.

After the truck was parked, Shi Xiu reminded Ling Chuan and the others: "The law and order in this area is not very good, and petty **** like to hang around in this area at night, the goods on this truck must be guarded by someone." , can't leave people even one step.

Ling Chuan nodded solemnly, and then allocated time for the three of them.

Deng Wenbin kept watch at night, Ling Jiang kept watch in the first half of the night, and he kept watch in the second half of the night.

After he made arrangements, Shi Xiu invited them to have dinner at home, but Ling Chuan refused.

Shi Xiu's husband is a railway worker, and he is often away from home. There are only his mother-in-law and a son at home.

"Sister Shi, thanks to you today, otherwise this batch of goods would probably have been seized, and I'm really sorry for delaying your work for a day. You go back and call your family, let's go find a nearby restaurant for dinner together."

Shi Xiu hesitated for a while, maybe also felt that it was inconvenient to bring so many people home, so she agreed.

Introduced by Shi Xiu, Ling Chuan chose a local specialty restaurant.

"I often invite customers to eat at this restaurant. The taste is delicious, the portions are sufficient, and the price is reasonable."

Ling Chuan nodded in agreement, "Sister Shi must have chosen the right place."

After sitting down, the waiter came to order, and Ling Chuan asked Shi Xiu to arrange it directly.

Shi Xiu did not refuse. With Deng Wenbin, there were 7 adults and 1 child in total. They ordered 8 dishes, four meat and three vegetables, plus a beef blood soup.

After the food was served, Ling Chuan told everyone to eat it while it was hot, and he asked the waiter for two lunch boxes, filled one box of rice and one box of vegetables, and immediately got up to go out.

Seeing Shi Xiu, he persuaded: "Brother Ling, you can eat first, the food will be cold later, and you can take it with you when you go back after eating."

"It's okay, I'm traveling fast, and I'll be back soon. Brother, you greet everyone, if the dishes are not enough, order some more."

Ling Jiang nodded knowingly, "Don't worry, I know."

(end of this chapter)