On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 283

Chapter 283

Chapter 283 The goods are wrong

After chatting, Shi Xiu got down to business, "Brother Ling, you are late, the batch of goods in the factory has been emptied two days ago."

Before coming here, Ling Chuan actually anticipated this possibility.

However, there are countless knitting factories in Urumqi. The second-hand goods of this factory have been cleared, but it does not mean that other factories have also been cleared.

"Sister Shi, the three of us have traveled all the way here. Can you help us build a bridge and find another source of goods? After the work is done, you will definitely be paid for your hard work."

Ling Chuan is also a regular customer, and Shi Xiu also remembers Yunmo's love in her heart, so she accepted Ling Chuan's request without much hesitation.

Shi Xiu is considered an old man in the business field of Urumqi, with a wide network of contacts and many ways, and within half a day, he helped Ling Chuan find out that there is a knitting factory that is clearing goods.

"That factory is a new factory opened in the past two years. The equipment is all imported. The craftsmanship is first-class. The colors and patterns are much better than those you bought last time. Of course, the price is also higher. It's more expensive, 1 yuan and 5 pounds."

Ling Chuan made a quick calculation in his mind.

1 yuan and 5 catties, the cost of the apportioned gloves is about 3 cents, the cost of the hat is about 4 cents and 5 cents, and the cost of the scarf is 1 yuan and 1 cent. The cost of a three-piece set is 1.85 yuan, excluding travel expenses, freight and labor. If you sell a set for 3 yuan, you can still earn about 6 or 7 cents.

"OK, no problem."

Seeing that Ling Chuan could accept the price, Shi Xiu was unambiguous, and immediately closed the store and took them to the factory to see the goods.

Compared with the previous factory, this factory is obviously much larger in terms of scale. There is a marble signboard about 20 meters long at the gate of the factory, and there is a majestic stone unicorn on both sides of the signboard.

The factory building inside the factory is even more magnificent and spacious, arranged in an orderly manner, and it looks like a new big factory at first glance.

The products produced by such a big factory must not be bad.

Ling Chuan secretly looked forward to this shipment.

Led by the security guard, several people came to the gate of the warehouse where the old goods were cleared.

In the warehouse with an internal area of more than 500 square meters, there are countless woven sacks scattered around. The sacks are bulging and obviously full of things.

At this time, there were quite a few people in the warehouse, some of them were wearing overalls, they seemed to be factory employees, and some vendors, who seemed to come from other places like Ling Chuan, were busy picking and carrying sacks.

A man in charge came up to them, "Are you also here to get the goods?"

"Yes, my brother is from Jiang City. I heard that you are clearing the goods. I want to come here to pick up a bargain."

The steward sized up the three of them in Lingchuan, then tilted his head, "Go in."

Ling Chuan walked around the warehouse, but couldn't see where the goods were, so he had to find the steward who greeted them just now.

"Where is the goods?"

The steward casually pointed to the sacks scattered on the ground, "These are all, let's choose. A sack weighs 50 catties and costs 75 yuan."

The sacks are all sealed with cotton thread, so you can't see what's inside.

"Can you take it apart and see what's inside? I want to get some of each, so it's easier to sell when I take it back."

"No, if you want it, if you don't want it, just pull it down. These are all things produced last year. They are new in color and the craftsmanship and color are all first-class. You didn't see that everyone was rushing to get them. You continue to dawdle and wait. I can't even grab a hair."

This is true. Not long after a few people came in, the number of sacks on the ground was reduced by half, and it is still decreasing.

Ling Chuan immediately called Ling Jiang and Deng Wenbin to start moving the sacks without any hesitation, and he picked them by relying on the feel of the sacks and the protrusions on the surface of the sacks.

When picking out a dozen or so bags, Ling Jiang suddenly pulled Ling Chuan aside and whispered.

"Chuanzi, the weight of these goods is not right. I carried a few bags, and each bag can be up to 45 catties, and some of them are estimated to be less than 45 catties."

Hearing this, Ling Chuan's face suddenly became serious.

Ling Jiang used to carry grain at the grain and oil station for more than half a year, and he was quite sensitive to the number of jins.

It doesn't matter if there is a catty or a half catty missing, but one bag is short of 5 catties, and ten bags is 50 catties. On average, the price of one catty of fabric is 1.66 yuan.

This is no small matter.

But Ling Chuan didn't say anything, but continued to choose goods.

As the number of sacks in the warehouse became less and less, everyone started the scrambling mode, and Ling Chuan didn't care about picking and picking, so he picked up a sack and rushed towards it.

The open space outside the warehouse was painted with chalk, and the names were written on it. The sacks each selected were placed on the chalked land, and the money was counted at the end.

Half an hour later, the sacks in the warehouse were swept away, and hills were piled up on the open space outside the warehouse.

The steward led the two workers to settle accounts one by one.

Ling Chuan frowned and covered his stomach, turned his head and said to Ling Jiang: "I'm going to the toilet, and when it's our time, tell the steward to let him count the others first."

Ling Jiang nodded quickly.

After a while, the steward brought people to Lingchuan's site to count the sacks.

Ling Jiang hurriedly said: "Three big brothers, I'm really sorry, but my younger brother is in charge of the account. He has a stomachache and went to the toilet. He will be back in a while. Do you think you can count the others first? "

The manager was a little displeased, but he didn't say anything, and turned around and went to the next house.

Ling Chuan didn't come back until the other people's goods had been cleared.

Seeing that he had been away for so long, Ling Jiang couldn't help being concerned, "Chuanzi, are you okay?"

"It's okay, maybe I caught a cold, and I have a little stomachache."

Just as they were talking, the steward came to them with someone, and asked angrily, "Can you count now?"

"Yes, please."

The steward quickly ordered the number of sacks, "There are 30 bags in total, three to five thousand five thousand..."

Ling Chuan suddenly interrupted the other party in a low voice, "Brother, you seem to have made a mistake. I counted 27 bags just now."

The steward frowned angrily, but before he could open his mouth, Ling Chuan continued: "My eldest brother used to carry food for others, and he knew the amount when he carried it on his shoulders. 27 bags are just right, not much. Quite a few."

After hearing this, the anger on the steward's face slowly disappeared, replaced by panic and hesitation.

Seeing the steward's reaction, Ling Chuan knew he had guessed right.

Such a large-scale and well-ordered factory can never ruin its reputation because of a small profit.

The most likely is the private behavior of the steward who is in charge of clearing the goods in front of him, taking advantage of the shortfall to earn the price difference.

Although the accounts of other vendors have been settled, neither the people nor the goods have left. The dozens of sacks cannot be moved by manpower, and a truck must be found to load them.

Once this incident breaks out, it will be a trivial matter not to make money, but if it gets to the top, they won't even be able to keep their jobs.

The steward quickly became concerned, and asked with a puzzled face: "Did I count wrong? Then I will count again."

Third watch~

Good night

(end of this chapter)