On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 271

Chapter 271

Chapter 271 My Brother, Xie Jinghuai

Yunmo held the two little goslings in her hands, "Then I'll take them away?"


Erbai turned his head away, as if he didn't want to see the scene of separation.

Yunmo found a small cardboard box, put the two little goslings in, and then patted Erbai on the head comfortingly.

"Don't worry, they'll be fine."

After Yunmo went out with the cardboard box, Erbai turned around, stretched his neck and stared straight at the closed door, his black eyeballs gradually became moist.


As if feeling the sadness of his mother, he walked up to Erbai in a daze, and rubbed Erbai's leg with his tender beak.

Erbai lowered his head, touched Dazed's head with his beak, and then squatted down and became Dazed.

In the yard, Yunmo cut a few ventilation holes in the cardboard box, and then handed it to Ling Chunhua to hold, while she took the first and second guarantors, and was about to set off to find Zeng Fang.

I made an appointment with Xie Xia before, and went to Xie's house for lunch today, and looked at the clothes by the way.

Yunmo had just locked the gate of the courtyard when Zeng's car arrived.

"Jasma, spring flower."

Zeng Fang greeted the two through the car window, and then her eyes fell on the small cardboard box Chunhua was holding.

"Chunhua, what are you holding?"

"It's a goose."

Zeng Fang looked at Yunmo in surprise, "Are you going to give the little goose to sister Xia? Can Erbai agree?"

"There's nothing I can do if I don't agree. The family can't raise so many. I only plan to keep Daidai and Guoguo, and give away the rest."

Zeng Fang immediately said: "Then you give me two more to raise."

"Okay, you can come and choose when the time comes."

"It's a deal, you have to keep it for me."

"Don't worry, it's up to you to choose first, and I'll find a way to give away the others after you choose."

While speaking, Yunmo opened the rear door and carried Ling Chunhua into the car.

It was the first time for Ling Chunhua to sit in a car when she was so old. She was sitting in a restrained and upright posture, holding the small cardboard box with both hands and not daring to move.

Seeing Ling Chunhua's nervousness, Zeng Fang smiled and stroked her ponytail, "Who braided it for you? It's so pretty."

Ling Chunhua was a little shy, and replied softly: "Auntie."

"What did you call me?"

Ling Chunhua opened her round eyes and thought for a while, "Auntie."

"Hey, how cute."

Zeng Fang happily grabbed a handful of candies from the storage box, "Here you are."

Ling Chunhua didn't answer, but turned to look at Yunmo who got into the car from the other side of the car.

Yunmo was busy carrying the first and second darlings into the car, and didn't notice Ling Chunhua's eyes asking for help.

Zeng Fang stuffed the candy directly into Ling Chunhua's pocket, "Look at what your aunt is doing, put the candy away, and eat slowly."

Yunmo looked up at the two of them, seeing Ling Chunhua looking at her helplessly, she couldn't help but smile.

"Say thank you to Aunt Fang."

Ling Chunhua immediately turned her head to Zeng Fang and said, "Thank you, Aunt Fang."

"you are welcome."

The Xie family lives in the Summer Palace in the west of the city, which is a well-known rich area. The houses are all old foreign houses from the Republic of China period.

Xie's house is a three-story French-style building in the southwest corner of the block.

White walls, cyan tiles, and white marble pillars are used to build a tall round arch at the gate.

After decades of honing, the beautiful building mixed with historical details reveals a simple atmosphere and grandeur, which is a wealth and magnificence that cannot be piled up with money.

Even Zeng Fang couldn't help admiring, "Sister Xia's house is so beautiful."

For Ling Chunhua, who lived in the dilapidated, dirty and messy environment of the old street since she was a child, the house in front of her is like a fairy tale world, out of reach.


Xie Xia came out of the gate and saw three people and two dogs standing in a row at the gate, so she couldn't help raising her eyebrows, "Go in first."

The big boy and the second boy seem to still remember Xie Xia, wagging their tail wildly and whining from their throats.

Yun Mo bent down and untied the dog leash around their necks, and the two guys ran forward immediately, circling around Xie Xia's feet.

Xie Xia bent down to pick up one of them, turned it upside down, and smiled lightly at Yunmo: "It's been well raised, it's gained weight."

Yunmo stepped forward with a smile and picked up the other one, "You don't even know how edible they are, three meals a day, each meal can be a big bowl, more than I eat."

"Wow, woof."

Just as he was talking, a sturdy adult husky suddenly appeared at the gate, looking up at the dog's head and barking at the first and second guarantors.

Seeing Mommy Gou, the big boys and the two boys hugged by Xie Xia and Yun Mo all struggled excitedly.

Yunmo bent down and put the second boy on the ground, and the second boy immediately ran towards the adult husky, and because he was running too fast, he fell over halfway, which made everyone laugh out loud.

Xie Xia also put the big boy in her hand on the ground, and let the other party go to the husky dog mother, then turned her head, and her eyes fell on Ling Chunhua beside Yunmo.

"Your child?"

Yun Mo explained with a smile, "It's my niece. His father is away on a long journey and asked me to take care of her for two days."

"It looks cute."

Ling Chunhua was already shy, but when Xie Xia praised her like that, her little face immediately turned red, like a big apple that just ripened.

"Spring flowers, call people."


Xie Xia nodded lightly, then summoned a servant and told him to help Ling Chunhua get the cardboard box.

The servant took the cardboard box and noticed that something was moving inside, and curiously looked into the cardboard box through the vent hole.

"What's the matter?" Sensing the servant's expression was different, Xie Xia asked casually.

The servant replied curiously: "Miss, there are two ducklings inside the cardboard box."

"It's Little Goose." Ling Chunhua corrected timidly.

Xie Xia glanced at Ling Chunhua, took the cardboard box from the servant, and opened it.


Looking at the two little goslings with their heads up and calling, Xie Xia was silent for two seconds, then turned to look at Yunmo, "What does this mean?"

Yun Mo blinked her moist and beautiful apricot eyes, "The gift is specially given to you."

Xie Xia rubbed her forehead, "I don't keep pets."

Yunmo looked at the big boy and the second boy who were playing affectionately with the dog mother.

"The dog is raised by my brother."

Hearing the faint dislike in Xie Xia's tone, Yunmo said with a smile: "Raising geese is not as troublesome as raising dogs. You can circle a place and put water and goose food on it."

Xie Xia glanced at her suspiciously, then at the two light yellow and fluffy little goslings in the cardboard box, and finally handed them over to the servant to settle.

Needless to say, the luxury and opulence inside Xie's house, the price of a set of sofa in the living room alone is comparable to the courtyard house where Yunmo lives now.

Sitting on the sofa was a little boy wearing a white sweater, probably less than ten years old, his facial features were somewhat similar to Xie Xia's, exquisite and handsome, the European-style crystal ceiling above his head gave him a layer of soft brilliance, as good-looking as if It is the little prince who came out of the comics.

"My brother, Xie Jinghuai."

Xie Xiayan briefly introduced to several people, then walked up to the boy, and nodded his head.

"Call someone."

The boy was working on a robot toy in his hand. After being interrupted, his face showed a bit of irritability and depression.

(end of this chapter)