On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 254

Chapter 254

Chapter 254 The way of heaven is reincarnation, who will the sky spare

Yunmo calmly found a seat and sat down, "I thought you invited me here to thank me."

Seeing Yun Shixian's complexion darkened, Yun Mo smiled lightly, "I think you already know what Yun Yao is doing behind the scenes, if she really succeeds, do you think the Yun family and the Yun family's company can still survive in this river?" Does the city have a foothold?"

Yun Shixian said angrily: "You can tell me about this matter first, and let me handle it! Even if there is a conflict between you and Xiaoyao, you shouldn't destroy her deliberately like this!"

After hearing this, Yunmo almost didn't laugh out loud, did she really think she was a naive and stupid little girl?

"Since Yunyao came back to this house, there have been eight times if not ten times of framing and plotting against me. Have you dealt with it once?

It's not that I haven't told you, but have you believed even half a sentence? In fact, it's not that you don't believe it, it's just that you chose your own daughter between my adopted daughter and your own daughter.

There are differences between closeness and distance, which is also human nature. I don't blame you, so you don't have the right and position to ask me anything now.

Yunyao will be reduced to today, it is completely the result of your connivance and laissez-faire, if you can't discipline your daughter well, don't blame others to discipline it for you! "

Yun Shixian stared at her unkindly, "Tell me, what do you want?"

"Household registration."

"Have you prepared the money?"

"You don't think I really have any other options, do you? Do you think the name Yunmo is worth 50,000 yuan? Although Huangmo is not as pleasant as Yunmo, it is still worth it when you think of saving 50,000 yuan. You are a successful businessman, in your opinion, is this deal worthwhile?"

Yun Shixian's eyes tightened, "Are you going to give up Yunmo's name and identity?"

Yun Mo propped her chin, "Under consideration."

If she hadn't been named Yunmo in her previous life, she would definitely have changed her surname back to Huang without hesitation, and even changed her name.

"Ten thousand is the minimum I can accept. If you are willing, I will come over with the money some other day and sign the divorce book. If not, I can only return Yunmo's name and identity to the Yun family.

As for Yunyao, instead of accusing me of being merciless and lenient, you should discipline her well and let her avoid provoking people she shouldn't. "

Li Li and Zhu Hongping returned home and immediately discussed the ownership and use of the hush money Yun Shixian gave.

Zhu Hongping: "Li, the money given by my in-laws is for Zhijie's sake, so the money should go to Zhijie. I will save it for him first, and then I will save enough for a new house."

Li Li was not happy when she heard that, "Mom, it's too early for Zhijie to come out. If I hadn't contributed money and effort this time, it would be so easy for the Yun family to pay, at least half of each person would be required."

Hearing what her daughter said, Zhu Hongping was immediately very upset.

"Now you have food, clothing, and a house to live in. Zhijie hasn't even married a wife yet. If you don't help, you still want to rob him."

"Have I been less supportive these years? Food, drink, clothes, what I didn't take home? Back when you and Zhijie came to me to borrow money and asked for money, when did I not give it?"

"I am your own mother, and Zhijie is your own younger brother. Isn't it right for you to help? It's all fussing, it's really a waste of raising you!"

Li Li was very angry at Zhu Hongping's words, "You can't say that, I'm married to the water that my married daughter poured out, and there must be a limit to how much I can help. Do I have to help Zhijie for the rest of my life? Then I might as well not get married, just like Zhijie and become an old aunt at home!"

The windfall from the sky was a surprise, but the mother and daughter quarreled over the ownership of the money.

Li Li was determined to split half of the money, Zhu Hongping simply took the money and went back to the countryside.

Li Li was limping on one foot, and couldn't get rid of her even if she wanted to. She could only watch Zhu Hongping run away, so angry that she burst into tears.

The quarrel between the mother and daughter soon reached Yunmo's ears.

She thought for a while, then turned around and went to Liu Lao Wu, and told him about Zhu Hongping's 500 yuan.

However, he did not forget to warn, "Be a little more secretive, and remember not to hurt people."

Liu Lao Wu smiled, "Don't worry, those people are habitual thieves, and they have seen big scenes, so they won't lose their whole life for this little money."

That night, Lijia Village was stolen. Some families lost chickens and ducks, some lost rice oil, and Zhu Hongping suffered the most serious loss, losing a total of 500 yuan!

Zhu Hongping was so angry that she cried and scolded her father and mother, and ran to the police station to make a fuss, insisting that she get her 500 yuan back.

500 yuan is not a small amount. The police first filed a case for her, made a record, and then asked her to go home and wait for news.

Zhu Hongping is not willing to leave, "When can I get the money back?"

"We'll do our best to investigate."

"Then when will I get back the money I lost?"

Seeing Zhu Hongping's entanglement, the police simply brought out the files of the theft cases in Lijia Village over the years.

It filled a whole big box, and there were at least seventy or eighty cases.

"Did you see it? These are unsolved theft cases in Lijia Village. There are only a few of us, so we can only investigate one by one. Go back, and we will notify you when we have any news."

Looking at those old files, Zhu Hongping felt guilty and anxious.

Guilty is because a considerable part of these thefts were committed by Li Zhijie and his friends.

Anxiety is worried that these cases will not be investigated if these cases are not solved, and the case of her losing money will not be investigated.

Heaven is good at reincarnation, and the sky will spare no one.

Zhu Hongping indulged his son Li Zhijie to act recklessly and harmed the villagers, and now he has finally reaped the consequences and tasted his retribution.

After learning that the 500 yuan was stolen, Li Li did not feel distressed, but felt happy.

"Li, if I knew it earlier, I might as well just give you the money. Huh, huh, 500 yuan, **** thief, you will die a bad life, you will lose your children and grandchildren..."

Hearing Zhu Hongping's cursing, Li Li couldn't help but said: "Mom, please stop cursing."

"I'm going to scold that those who steal are inferior to livestock. If they lack morality, they will have a son in the future without an **** hole..."

Listening to the curses, Li Li felt panicked.

"Mom, Zhijie used to do a lot of sneaky things, so you're not afraid to curse him too!"

Zhu Hongping suddenly became dumb like a **** being strangled.

After being quiet for a while, Zhu Hongping began to cry again, "It's a total of 500 yuan, my heart hurts like being cut by a knife, Li, find a way to get the money back."

"What can I do! The police can't find it, so where else can I get the money back!"

Zhu Hongping suddenly thought of something, and his expression turned sharp, "It must be the son-in-law!"

Li Li was taken aback, and just about to say that it was impossible for Ling Jiang to steal the money, when she heard the other party say, "My son-in-law is an evil star, he must have taken it, otherwise I would not be so unlucky and lose so much all at once money!"

Four more~

Good night

It's June, hey, please vote

(end of this chapter)