On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 251

Chapter 251

Chapter 251 We are looking for you, you are Yunyao

On Monday morning, Yun Yao deliberately went out half an hour earlier than usual.

After going out, she first went to the phone booth to call the hotlines of reporters from several large local newspapers, and then took a taxi to Nanming in a calm manner.

Zeng Fang dared to blackmail her with power, this time she must completely destroy the other party's reputation!

Looking at the receding street scene, Yun Yao's eyes were filled with vicious sneers.

The taxi soon stopped at the gate of Nanming's school.

It was still early before the start of class, and there were not many students coming in and out of the school gate. Yun Yao looked around, but couldn't see Li Li and Zhu Hongping, so she couldn't help frowning slightly.

I agreed to come to the school gate at 7 o'clock to block people, and it's already 7:10, why haven't I arrived yet!

There was nothing she could do in a hurry, Yun Yao could only find an inconspicuous place, and waited anxiously.

Ten minutes passed, seeing more students starting to go to school, Zhu Hongping and Li Li finally appeared.

Although today was a big event, Li Li and Zhu Hongping were used to being stingy, and they were reluctant to take a taxi. Li Li's foot was injured and it was inconvenient, so a lot of time was wasted on the road.

There was not much time left for class, and there were students rushing towards the school gate from all directions, dazzled Li Li and Zhu Hongping.

"Oh, there are so many people, how can I find them?" Zhu Hongping couldn't help complaining.

Today is Monday, and the cadres of the school's student union are guarding the school gate, checking their appearance and the wearing of student ID cards one by one.

Seeing her, Li Li dragged Zhu Hongping to the side of the cadres of the student union. While the students were being inspected, she carefully looked at every female student who entered the school.

Yun Yao, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help showing a smile on her face when she saw how witty the two were.

Zeng Fang actually arrived earlier, but she didn't show up. Instead, she was in a black car opposite the school.

"Fangfang, how about I ask the driver to take you home first, and leave this matter to Dad."

Seeing his daughter's inner struggle and fear, Zeng Xingguo said distressedly.

Zeng Fang took a deep breath and shook her head, "Dad, if I blindly evade and give in, it will only make the other party gain an inch. Only by fighting back fiercely and letting the other party taste the pain, will I not dare to do it again and again. challenge."

Zeng Xingguo was very pleased with his daughter's strength and courage, "Fangfang, go ahead and do it boldly. With me and your mother behind you, even if the sky is broken, we can make it up for you."

"Thank you, Dad."

Zeng Fang threw herself into Zeng Xingguo's arms, absorbed some warmth and strength, and pushed open the car door.

Seeing Zeng Fang's appearance, Yun Yao's eyes suddenly filled with a treacherous sneer.

For Zeng Fang, today is the most difficult moment in her life, and every step she takes feels like a heavy weight.

The two people at the school gate are the family members of the demon who attacked her.

Seeing them, the uncontrollable scene that could not be recalled appeared in her mind, and the huge humiliation and shame made her want to turn around and run away immediately.

But she can't, only after crossing this hurdle can she get a new life.

Yunyao followed Zeng Fang at a distance of 2 or 3 steps. Seeing Zeng Fang approaching Li Li's mother and daughter step by step, her eyes couldn't help flickering with excitement.

"Student, where is your student ID card?"

God is helping her, Zeng Fang even forgot to bring her student ID card, and was stopped by the cadres of the student union!

Yun Yao almost looked up to the sky and laughed.

And this scene naturally caught the attention of Li Li and Zhu Hongping.

Seeing Li Li and Zhu Hongping looking at her, Zeng Fang was so nervous that her mind went blank and she even held her breath.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Time seemed to be stretched by a pair of invisible hands. In just a few seconds, it seemed to Zeng Fang that a century of suffering had passed.

It's her, it's her, hurry up and call it out.

Seeing Li Li and Zhu Hongping scrutinizing Zeng Fang, but there was no response for a long time, Yun Yao who was behind couldn't help but secretly anxious.

"Student, where is your student ID card?"

Seeing that Zeng Fang didn't respond for a long time as if in a fugue, the cadres of the student union couldn't help asking again.

Zeng Fang came back to her senses, lowered her head in a panic and rummaged through her bag.

While Zeng Fang was looking for her student ID card, Li Li and Zhu Hongping looked away and looked at another female student entering the school.

This scene made Yun Yao puzzled and bewildered.

Could it be that it has been a long time, and the two of them don't remember Zeng Fang's appearance?

Thinking of this possibility, Yun Yao immediately walked up to Zeng Fang and greeted her loudly on purpose: "Zeng Fang, good morning."

This call really caught the attention of Li Li and Zhu Hongping immediately.

Seeing the two people looking this way with piercing eyes, Yun Yao was secretly happy.

It seems that the two really don't remember Zeng Fang's appearance, but only remember Zeng Fang's name.

Just when she was about to continue calling Zeng Fang's name to remind the two of them that the person in front of them was the target they were looking for today, Li Li and Zhu Hongping pounced on her like flies seeing shit.



Before Yun Yao could react, she was grabbed by Li Li and Zhu Hongping from left to right.

Zhu Hongping looked at her belly with bright eyes, "Daughter-in-law, I'm sure I found you. It's so cold, why do you wear so little? You are pregnant with a child now, so you need to wear more clothes to keep warm." Yes."

Li Li also echoed, "Yes, brothers and sisters, people with children should not suffer from the cold, and you cannot take medicine if you catch a cold. You are the one who suffers."

Yunyao froze on the spot as if struck by lightning, but she quickly realized, "You misidentified the person, I am not Zeng Fang, she is Zeng Fang!"

Following the direction of her finger, Li Li and Zhu Hongping looked at Zeng Fang who was at the side.

The face is a bit familiar, but I don't know it!

Zhu Hongping said directly: "What is real and fake? We are looking for you. You are Yunyao, the eldest lady of the Yun family. You have slept with Jia Zhijie and now you are pregnant with his child. We all know that !"

"Siblings, although my younger brother is useless, the child is still alive. You can't beat him quietly, that would be detrimental to morality."

"Yunyao, you are pregnant with the eldest grandson of our Li family. You must give birth to the child. Don't worry, we will not let you give birth to Zhijie's child for nothing. We will come to your house to propose marriage another day. Then you Get married and be the daughter-in-law of my Li family, as long as you can give Zhijie a fat boy, I will love you like a daughter."

"Yes, siblings, girls always want to marry. Since you have given Zhijie all of your body, our family will definitely be responsible for you."

Zhu Hongping's sharp tongue is well-known in all villages and villages, and Li Li, who is also sharp-tongued, the two of them talk to each other, and Yun Yao has no room to intervene.

Hearing such explosive news, the students around were not in a hurry to go to the classroom for class, and surrounded the three floors inside and outside to watch the excitement.

Yun Yao was so angry that her forehead was buzzing, and she pointed at the two of them angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about, the person who slept with Li Zhijie was Zeng Fang, not me!"

"It's you, it's you, it's you! I remember clearly that day you came to the house to look for Yunmo, but unfortunately Yunmo was out, so you went to her room and waited. Later, you thought there were too many mosquitoes in the room, so my brother gave you mosquito coils." Go in, then you and my brother rolled on the bed for some reason, and then you ran away crying..."

(end of this chapter)