On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 248

Chapter 248

Chapter 248 Zhu Hongping picks things up

Knowing that his son-in-law Ling Jiang is a man who suppresses his parents and his wife, Zhu Hongping was shocked and frightened for a while.

Thinking that his son might become a prisoner of labor reform because his son-in-law beat him, Zhu Hongping couldn't help complaining to his daughter: "Why didn't you tell me about this earlier!?"

Li Li was very aggrieved, "I only found out about it a few days ago, so I haven't had time to tell you about it."

Zhu Hongping didn't care about complaining about his daughter at this time, and hurriedly asked Ba Po Wang for help.

"Grandmother, hurry up and think of a way to help resolve it."

Wang Ba Po still used the same rhetoric, "It can be resolved for a while, but it can't be resolved for a lifetime. I have already told your daughter the solution. If you want to save your life and safety, the only way is to stay away from this evil star."

Afterwards, under the repeated pleadings of Zhu Hongping and Li Li, Wang Bapo was willing to take out two privately hidden "magic weapons" to protect the mother and daughter, and earned 10 yuan with tears and blood.

As soon as he got home, Zhu Hongping couldn't help but yell at Ling Jiang and the Ling family.

"The surname Ling is really not a thing. He is a evil star. He killed his Ling family, not to mention his own family, and even made my family Zhijie miserable. What will we do in the future..."

Li Li has also been disturbed by this incident for the past few days, and she is even more disturbed by Zhu Hongping's disturbance.

"Mom, I'm hungry, I want to drink malted milk!"

Tired of playing, Ling Jiale ran home from outside sweating profusely, hugged Li Li's leg and acted like a baby.

Li Li has always been doting on her son, and she would never give the moon to the stars. She took a towel and wiped off the sweat on his face and back, and then went to get a cup to make malted milk for him.

After drinking malted milk, Ling Jiale happily ran outside to play again.

Looking at her son's sturdy little body, Li Li suddenly thought that she forgot to buy a body protector for her son.

"Mom, give Jiale your sachet. I'll go to Bapo's again in the afternoon to buy you another one."

Although Zhu Hongping loves her grandson dearly, she loves herself more. The sachet is a talisman, so what would she do if she gave it to her grandson?

She immediately stretched out her hand to her daughter and said, "Give me 5 yuan, and I'll go to Bapo's to buy one for Jiale right now."

Although Li Li loves the money, she also knows that the money will be spent sooner or later, so she happily touched 5 yuan to Zhu Hongping, and told Zhu Hongping, "Mom, when you go out, you can watch some Jiale, don't let him run away." gone."


As soon as Zhu Hongping stepped out of the gate of Ling's house, he heard someone shouting and cursing in the alley.

"Little bastard, good sand is all over the place by you, hurry up and go away, don't mess around here."

Zhu Hongping looked over in search of sound, and saw his grandson Ling Jiale at a glance.

Yo ho, how dare you call her grandson a little bastard.

Zhu Hongping rushed over aggressively, "Don't be ashamed, bully my child and there is no one around me..."

Seeing Zhu Hongping, the other party began to reason unceremoniously, "Look at your child being naughty, my well-pile river sand is all over the ground, how can I use it?"

"Whoever told you to put it everywhere, you deserve it if you made it!"

"What do you mean by leaving it everywhere? Is it okay if I put it in front of my house?"

"This alley belongs to the public, not for you to put sand, I don't think you are in the way, do you have reason?"

"Why am I blocking your way? Do you live here? No one in the neighborhood has spoken. What right do you, an outsider, have to point fingers?"

"Just get in my way, just get in my way..."

As he spoke, Zhu Hongping deliberately kicked the sand with his feet, kicking the sand everywhere.

The other party stepped forward to obstruct, Zhu Hongping refused to obey, you come and go, the two escalated from quarreling to pushing and fighting.

Ling Jiale on the side saw her grandma fighting with someone, turned around and ran back home quickly.

"Mom, grandma is fighting with someone!"

By the time Li Lizhu came out of the house with a stick, Zhu Hongping and that person had already been pulled away by the neighbors, so she took the opportunity to persuade Zhu Hongping to go back home.

Back home, seeing Zhu Hongping who was still cursing non-stop, Li Li was very upset.

"Mom, you are really serious. You got into a fight with someone again after only two days of life. You can't see me when you look up. How can I get along with people after that?"

Zhu Hongping was already angry, but when he heard his daughter scolding him, he also became angry.

"Okay, you think I'm troublesome, so I'll leave now, so I don't get in your way!"

Li Li hurriedly stopped the person, "Mom, I didn't mean that. This city is not like our countryside. Neighbors and neighbors have a good relationship. If there is any problem in the future, we can take care of each other."

Zhu Hongping also knew in her heart that her daughter was right, but she was ashamed to admit that she was wrong.

Li Li didn't understand her old lady's bad temper, so she took the initiative to pass the steps, and handed over 2 yuan from her body.

"Okay, Mom, don't be angry, it will be noon soon, you take the sachet and go to the intersection to weigh a catty of pork and come back."

After receiving the money, Zhu Hongping finally calmed down, and Dang even led Ling Jiale out.

While passing by the river sand piled up by the neighbor's house, Zhu Hongping opened his mouth and gave a **** sound, and then raised his foot to kick the river sand that he had just swept all over the ground.

Ling Jiale followed suit, jumping on the sand and kicking and trampling.

It wasn't enough to step on, so Ling Jiale simply jumped up and down on the sand, but she was so happy that she accidentally stepped on half of a brick under her feet, and her body suddenly lost her balance.


Seeing his grandson fall, Zhu Hongping hurried to pull him up, this made Ling Jiale cry even louder.

"It hurts, my hand hurts, wow..."

Seeing his grandson crying out of breath, Zhu Hongping realized the seriousness of the problem, and quickly carried him home.

"Li, come and take a look, Jiale just fell outside, and she cried out that her hand hurts..."

Li Li found that her son's right arm was limp and unable to lift, her face turned pale, "It's broken, it must be a broken bone, I have to go to the clinic..."

Just as he was talking, Ling Jiang came back with Ling Chunhua on a bicycle.

Learning that Ling Jiale had broken his hand, Ling Jiang immediately carried his son to the clinic.

After a preliminary examination by the doctor, it was confirmed that the arm was broken.

"I can't cure it, you have to go to the hospital to see the orthopedics department and take a film."

As soon as the doctor said that there was no cure, Zhu Hongping yelled, "Why can't it be cured, aren't you a doctor? You can't treat people as a doctor. What kind of clinic do you open? Just close the door early!"

There were other patients in the health center, seeing Zhu Hongping's indiscriminate messing around, they condemned them one after another.

"You are a real person. If you are sick and can't go to the hospital for treatment, what are you doing to embarrass the doctor?"

"That's right, if you break a bone, you must take a picture first. Doctors don't have perspective eyes, so you can see where your bones are hurt through the flesh?"

Facing the accusations of everyone, Zhu Hongping is not to be outdone.

"I'm talking to the doctor, it's none of your business!"

(end of this chapter)