On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 241

Chapter 241

Chapter 241 Li Li's Mother and Daughter's Abacus

Zhu Hongping clutched his chest, feeling sorry for the money for a while, and then remembered something, "Li, where did you get so much money?"

"Where else can I get it? Of course I borrowed it from someone."

Zhu Hongping curled his lips, "Then you don't have any private money?"

How dare Li Li say that she has lost all her private money in business, "My little private money has been wiped out by Zhijie long ago, and I don't have any money on me now, and Lao Ling won't give me any money now... "

As soon as he heard that Ling Jiang refused to give money to his daughter, Zhu Hongping immediately raised eyebrows and wanted to ask him for an explanation, but was stopped by Li Li who talked badly.

"Okay, you just came out just now, let's take a rest first, and worry about money later."

Zhu Hongping was willing to give up.

At night, Ling Jiangtu cooks some noodles to save trouble. After eating, he goes out to do business. Tonight, Zhu Hongping is here. He specially cooked a pot of white rice, fried a capers, and cooked a vegetable and egg drop soup.

Although he tried his best to be considerate, he was still disgusted by Zhu Hongping.

"The clear soup lacks water, and you can't even see any meat."

Even Li Li felt that her mother was too picky, "Mom, it's so late, where can I buy meat, just eat it."

"I can't buy it at night, can't I buy it during the day? The son-in-law buys gold and silver for the mother-in-law, but I can't even eat meat. I think you are pure and don't want me to be happy."

Ling Jiang didn't say a word from beginning to end, just took two spoonfuls of capers, took a few mouthfuls to clean the rice in the rice, and said hello to Zhu Hongping while setting down the bowl and chopsticks, "Mom, eat slowly, I'm going out to do business. "

Going out with Ling Jiang to do business is a habit, and Ling Chunhua's eating speed has also been cultivated.

Ling Jiang just got up, she also put down the bowl and chopsticks, "I have eaten too."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and ran back to his room, put on his schoolbag, and quickly caught up with Ling Jiang.

It wasn't until the father and daughter both went out that Zhu Hongping came back to his senses, What's the matter with the son-in-law? Why did you bring Chunhua with you when you went out to do business?

It's okay not to mention it, but when Li Li is mentioned, she gets angry and complains to Zhu Hongping about Ling Jiang's recent behaviors.

Zhu Hongping heard this, and slammed the table angrily, "It's okay, it's against him, let the son not hurt, but spoil a poor girl, is he mentally ill?"

Seeing that her daughter hesitated to speak, Zhu Hongping's face changed slightly and she thought of something, she turned her head and patted her grandson's head, "Jia Le, be good, go out and play in the yard."

Ling Jiale is used to being greedy. He doesn't like white rice and capers at all. Hearing this, he clamored for malted milk.

In order to dismiss her son, Li Li had no choice but to get up and take a cup to make half a cup.

When Ling Jiale was happily holding malted milk and going out to play, Zhu Hongping couldn't help but feel weird, "You are willing to buy malted milk for Jiale now, and you still say you have no money, why are you afraid that I will find you?" You borrow money."

Have you borrowed less? Have you returned half a minute?

Li Li was not very happy, and her mouth was also angry, "Where did I buy it? Last time, Lao Ling bought it to apologize to the surname Wei, and I took it back."

Zhu Hongping got excited again when he heard that, "Okay, I just said that they have an affair, you still don't believe me! No one surnamed Ling would be willing to buy such a good thing for that woman? That woman is dressed in enchanting clothes Rao, it's not a good thing at first glance, bah, shameless bastard..."

"Mom, don't be suspicious. The surname Wei is beautiful and rich. Why do you want to find someone like Lao Ling? Lao Ling is such a dull-mouthed gourd that he can't even give a fart. Even me You can't even look down on him, do you really think he is a treasure that everyone is scrambling for?"

Zhu Hongping was not convinced, "What if she likes a strong man like Lao Ling?"

Thinking of the married life between her and her husband, which can be counted on both hands, Li Li almost laughed angrily.

Hearing what her daughter said, Zhu Hongping remembered what she was going to say just now, "Li, let me ask you, you just said that your son-in-law only loves Chunhua, not Jiale, does he know something?"

Li Li's face changed, "Impossible! Mom, don't talk nonsense."

Seeing her daughter turning pale with fright, Zhu Hongping couldn't help but feel disgusted, "What are you afraid of? If there is anything to be afraid of, even if he knows, as long as you kill him and deny it, what else can he do to you?"

The old things hidden in her heart were brought up, and Li Li was flustered for a while, "Mom, don't mention this matter in the future, let's eat first, I have something to tell you after eating."

Zhu Hongping pouted, but didn't say any more.

After eating, Li Li cleared the table, and then took Zhu Hongping back to the room to tell Zeng Fang that she was pregnant.

After learning that her son was born, Zhu Hongping was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth.

"No, we can't let her get rid of this baby, we have to find her! Let her give birth to Zhijie's baby no matter what."

Zhu Hongping did what he said, and immediately took Li Li to find Zeng Fang.

Li Li quickly stopped the person, "Mom, you can't go like this, it's useless to go, the family surnamed Zeng is rich and powerful, we will definitely suffer a lot if we come to the door like this."

"Then what should I do? Could it be that she just watched her get rid of Zhijie's child?"

"I've already figured out a way. Let's go to the school surnamed Zeng to find her and make a big deal out of it in front of everyone. Then she will be ashamed of her surname Zeng. Let's take this opportunity to ask her to marry Zhijie. Not only will Zhijie have a son and daughter-in-law, but he will also have a rich and powerful father-in-law, and maybe he can rescue Zhijie, and then our Li family will be able to follow the Zeng family's success, and we will achieve multiple things."

Zhu Hongping nodded again and again, with an excited radiance on his face, "Yes, yes, Li, it's better if you think carefully and do it like this!"

Immediately, the mother and daughter murmured about going to school to find Zeng Fang and make a big fuss.


Yunmo was about to go to bed when there was a sudden knock on the door.

When she got dressed and went out, Ling Chuan had already opened the door.

Seeing the people outside the door, Yunmo's heart sank slightly, "Come in."

After waiting for someone to enter, Ling Chuan closed the door, turned around, and saw the strange man in black shirt and black hat being taken home by his wife, feeling inexplicable uneasiness and worry in his heart.

Although he didn't know the identity of this man or what he was doing, his intuition was that he was definitely not doing the right thing.

Thinking, he raised his foot and followed.

Seeing Ling Chuan follow into the main room, Yun Mo didn't say anything, but asked the visitor, "Is there any urgent news?"

Xu Lili took off the hat on his head, "It's something more urgent, and it's not convenient for you to answer the phone here, so I have to go to the door in person."

As he spoke, Xu Lili handed her a tape, "Ms. Yun, listen to this first. What to do is up to you to decide."

"it is good."

(end of this chapter)