On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Chapter 24 I will pay for the money for grandma's treatment

After Huang Jianye took the candy, Huang Zhiqiu brought up the idea of treating his mother Yang Xinghua's leg injury.

After hearing this, Huang Jianye immediately complained, "Sister, it's not that I don't want to treat my mother's injury, but you know my situation. Huang Yingjin is still in school, and Tingfeng has not been able to find a job since she was laid off the year before last. The whole family Living on the little money I earn, I really can't afford it.

"Jianye, when the siblings were laid off, didn't they receive a sum of compensation?"

"That money has long been spent."

After talking for a long time, Huang Jianye and Huang Jianguo had the same tone, saying that he had no money, but Huang Zhiqiu was gentle and not easy to force, so he could only leave with Yunmo disappointed.

When passing by a steamed stuffed bun shop, Yunmo couldn't walk any longer when she smelled the delicious steamed stuffed buns.

"Mom, I'm hungry, let's go eat buns."

Huang Zhiqiu turned around and saw her staring at the buns in the steamer in the store, feeling helpless and funny.

"Boss, how do you sell the buns?"

"10 cents for cabbage, 15 cents for meat stuffing."

"I want a meat filling."


The store owner picked up the oiled paper, quickly picked up a meat bun, wrapped it up in twos and passed it to the mother and daughter.

Huang Zhiqiu asked Yunmo to hold the steamed stuffed bun, while she took out her purse to pay.

After paying the money, Huang Zhiqiu took Yunmo to find a big tree to sit and rest in the cool.

"Momo, let's take a rest here. You eat the buns while they are still hot. They won't taste good when they get cold."

Yunmo looked at Huang Zhiqiu, "Mom, what about you? Don't you want to eat?"

Huang Zhiqiu touched her head with a smile, "Well, I'm not hungry."

Yunmo didn't believe this.

It's already 12 o'clock in the noon. The two of them have been busy all morning, working hard, how could they not be hungry.

15 cents can obviously buy two steamed buns, but because she wants to eat steamed buns, Huang Zhiqiu would rather go hungry and buy her big meat buns.

Yunmo looked at the hot steamed stuffed bun in her hand, her nose was sore, her eyes were a little hot, but she was extremely satisfied in her heart.

No wonder it is said that a child with a mother is a treasure, and a child without a mother is a grass.

Yun Mo opened the oiled paper and divided the bun into two.

"Mom, we are half of each other, this bun is too big, I can't finish it by myself."

Huang Zhiqiu was a little hesitant, but seeing his daughter's bright eyes, he couldn't help laughing again.

"Okay, let's eat together."

Eating steamed stuffed buns and drinking cold water mixed with spiritual spring water, both mother and daughter were very satisfied.

"Mom, what are cousins and cousins doing now?"

"Your eldest cousin Huang Qinghe married to Shangcun and gave birth to a fat boy last year. Your eldest cousin Huang Yu works as a temporary worker in the winery in the town, your second cousin Huang Zhao learns crafts in the stone factory, and your third cousin Huang Wen I will be in my third year of high school soon, my grades are not bad, I hope to be admitted to a technical secondary school..."

After listening to Huang Zhiqiu's introduction to several cousins and sisters, the buns were finished, and the mother and daughter set foot on the road back to the village again.

Walking and chatting all the way, resting under the tree when tired, and finally returned home smoothly before the sun went down.

After dinner, Yunmo called everyone except Yang Xinghua to Huang Zhiqiu's room.

"Today, my mother and I went to the second uncle and the third uncle, and also mentioned the matter of treating grandma's leg injury, but the second uncle and the third uncle said that they couldn't afford the money."

For a while, no one spoke, and the atmosphere was a little dull.

Finally, it was Huang Kailin who broke the silence, "Second and third, it's not easy for them."

"Yes, it's not easy for anyone in this year, but grandpa, isn't it easy for you and grandma to bring up the uncles so that they can start a family and start a small family of their own?

I'm not blaming anything, but to be honest, I'm very chilled and disappointed by what my uncles did. Compared to me, my grandma, who is lying on the bed and tortured by pain, will only be more sad.

Everyone talks about raising children to guard against old age, but in the end, all the sons only care about themselves. May I ask which mother is not sad? "

What Huang Jianguo said made Huang Jianguo bow his head in shame, and his voice was a little sobbing, "Dad, blame me, I'm not capable..."

Huang Kailin patted his eldest son on the shoulder, hesitated to speak, and finally said nothing.

After a long silence, Yunmo spoke again.

"Mom, grandpa, uncle and aunt, let's send grandma to the hospital in the city to treat her leg tomorrow."

"Momo, you are a good boy, it's just the situation at home, alas..."

Huang Kailin spoke out with difficulty, but he couldn't continue before he finished speaking.

"Grandpa, I know it's difficult at home, so I will pay for the treatment of grandma's legs."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room raised their heads in surprise.

"Momo, you said you want to take money to treat your grandma?"

"Momo, I know you have good intentions, but healing an injury is not a small expense..."

Yunmo took out the gold bracelet, and all the voices disappeared.

Although the light in the room was dim, it did not diminish the brilliance of the bracelet at all.

The Huang family was shocked.

They had never seen such a big and beautiful gold bracelet in their life, it was like a dream.

"Momo, is this yours?"

"Well, I bought it with my own savings. I originally wanted to give it to my elders, but now my grandma's leg injury is more important. I will sell it when I go to the city tomorrow, and I will use part of the money to give my grandma's treatment." Leg injury, and paying off debts to uncle.

However, I didn't repay my uncle's debt for free. I will ask my uncle to write me a receipt. When I go back to Jiang City, I will ask Huang Yao for the money. "

Hearing that Yunmo wanted to help her family repay the debt, Huang Jianjun and Liu Zhi naturally agreed.

The moment he learned that his wife was able to go to the big hospital for treatment, Huang Kailin was already in tears.

"Momo, grandpa thank you on behalf of your grandma, don't worry, even if you give up this whole body, the Huang family will find a way to return the money to you."

"Grandpa, let's talk about the money later. Let's discuss sending grandma to get medical treatment first. I'm sure I won't be able to come back in three or two days after this trip, and I have to leave someone to look after me at home. How do you divide the work?"

After some discussions, it was finally decided that Huang Zhiqiu, Huang Jianjun, brother and sister, and Yun Mo, would take Yang Xinghua to the city.

Yang Xinghua's legs and feet are inconvenient, so Huang Jianjun had to carry her to the town, and then went to the city by car.

After discussing, each of them went back to their houses and had an early rest, because they would leave at 4 o'clock tomorrow morning, and went to the town to catch the early bus to City A.

In Huang Jianjun's room, Liu Zhi was lying on the bed, unable to calm down for a long time.

As a mother, no one knows how hard she is having these days.

The money is lost, the daughter-in-law who is about to marry is gone, and I still owe a lot of debts. I dare not speak loudly when I go out, for fear of being chased to pay back the money.

As a husband, how could Huang Jianjun not know his wife's suffering, he turned to face his wife, Zhi, don't think about it, since Momo said she would help us pay off the debt, she will definitely not break her promise.

After all, she is Zhi Qiusheng's daughter, not a white-eyed wolf like Huang Yao. This child has a pure heart and good ideas. "

Liu Zhi rubbed the corners of his eyes, and there was a slight cry in his voice, "I'm just sorry for our family's Qing Ning. In our family, she has the best grades in school. If she keeps studying, she will definitely have a future. Huang Yao is so **** good. She not only harmed Xiaoyu, but also ruined Qingning's future, I really wish I could strangle her to death."

"Don't be angry, the body is not worth it if you are angry, just treat Qingning's life as bad, alas..."

(end of this chapter)