On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 237

Chapter 237

Chapter 237 The enemy of the enemy is a friend

on Monday.

As soon as Zeng Fang entered the classroom, she found a bag of handmade biscuits on the table. After observing, everyone in the class had them, and some of them had already been opened and eaten.

Zeng Fang casually asked her deskmate, "Who sent the biscuits?"

"New classmate."

As he spoke, his deskmate pouted in the direction of the classroom door.

Zeng Fang looked up and saw Yun Yao and Shan Zhenzhen walking into the classroom talking and laughing, their faces turned slightly cold.

Seemingly aware of her gaze, Yun Yao looked at her, and then smiled meaningfully.

"Zeng Fang, I didn't expect that after going around for a while, we would become classmates again. Please give me your advice in the future."

Zeng Fang sneered, "I don't dare to teach you, you even managed to steal the test papers from the Education Bureau. I am absolutely ashamed of your courage and courage."

Yunyao had been prepared for a long time and took the opportunity to explain to everyone, "Actually, I was wronged. It was the cleaner who sold the answer who blackmailed me, so he maliciously framed me. If I really did such a thing, how could I do it now?" If he could still stand here, he would have been arrested long ago."

Shan Zhenzhen: "Yunyao, we believe in you."

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Shan Zhenzhen originally only regarded Yunyao as a follower who flattered her, but now seeing that Zeng Fang and Yunyao were not getting along, she immediately classified Yunyao as a friend.

Chunxin wanted to disgust Zeng Fang.

With Shan Zhenzhen's statement, others also supported Yunyao.

Most people at this age are relatively simple, and do not understand the dangers of the human heart and the power of power. Driven by Shan Zhenzhen, most people believed Yun Yao's defense, thinking that she might have been wronged.

Compared to the imposing manner of Shan Zhenzhen and his group, Zeng Fang seemed much weaker.

Compared with No. 3 Middle School and No. 6 Middle School, Nanming is at the bottom in all aspects, including the atmosphere of the school and the quality of the students.

And top students with good grades like Zeng Fang are a minority in the class and even in the entire grade, and they are even more outliers in the eyes of poor and bad students.

Because of this, Zeng Fang didn't have many friends in class, so she got closer to her deskmate.

Facing the protection of Shan Zhenzhen and his group, Zeng Fang didn't bother to waste any more words, and took out her English book to prepare for her morning self-study class.

It was rare to see Zeng Fang deflated, Shan Zhenzhen felt extremely happy, and her attitude towards Yunyao became more enthusiastic.

"Yunyao, let's go, you sit behind me."

"Um, okay."

When passing by Zeng Fang, a strange coldness flashed across Yun Yao's eyes.

Zeng Fang, I'm here, and your good days are coming to an end. If you want to blame, it's because you made friends with the wrong person.

Zeng Fang appeared to be reciting vocabulary seriously, but in fact she couldn't concentrate on studying at all, and her head seemed to be a mess.

Actually, Yun Yao reminded her last weekend, and the two discussed a series of countermeasures.

But when facing Yun Yao, she panicked when the other party didn't even make any moves.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it has been three days since Yunyao arrived in Nanming.

With a smooth and pleasing personality, coupled with generous shots, Yun Yao and Shan Zhenzhen seem to have become sisters.

After learning that Yunyao opened a clothing store in the commercial street, Shan Zhenzhen called on her friends and friends to bring the little sisters in her circle to support Yunyao.

In order to express her gratitude, after school, Yun Yao specially invited Shan Zhenzhen and her sister Shan Zhenzhen to eat steak in a western restaurant.

When girls got together before, it was inevitable to chat and gossip.

When talking about rising, Yun Yao deliberately turned the topic to Zeng Fang.

"Actually, don't look at Zeng Fang who is usually arrogant like a little princess. In fact, in private, she is just a broken shoe that has been played with by men."

As soon as the words came out, the interest of the table was instantly attracted.

"What's going on? Did she have a relationship with a man?"

With a vicious smile on her face, Yunyao explained in detail how Zeng Fang was bullied by Li Zhijie.

Such breaking news is as timely as picking up a pillow after falling asleep to Shan Zhenzhen.

"When I expose her old background, she will dare to be arrogant in front of me in the future."

Compared to Shan Zhenzhen's gloating, the other little sisters who are familiar with her are calmer.

It's okay to eat melons, but you can't bring yourself and your family into trouble.

Someone persuaded Shan Zhenzhen, "True, Zeng Fang's grandfather is not someone we can afford to offend, you should take it easy."

Shan Zhenzhen disapproved, "She did such a disgraceful thing by herself, and she is not allowed to tell others? Besides, if I don't tell you, who knows that I spread it."

Yun Yao agreed with a smile, "No matter how powerful the Zeng family is behind it, it is impossible to keep everyone's mouths shut."

"that is!"

In the morning, as soon as she stepped into the classroom, Zeng Fang clearly felt that the atmosphere was not right.

Strange eyes kept falling on her, and the whispers around her never stopped.

As soon as she sat down, her deskmate pulled her out of the classroom on the pretext of receiving water.

"Zeng Fang, everyone is rumoring that you were raped by a man..."

Facing the worried and pity eyes of her deskmate, Zeng Fang's originally flustered and fearful heart gradually calmed down.

She knew that news of this matter would spread sooner or later. In the past few days, she has been in panic all the time, like a death row prisoner who is about to go to the execution ground, waiting for the final execution.

But when things really happened, she was fearless instead.

The worst ending is nothing more than this moment.

"Zeng Fang, are you okay?"

Seeing her blankly silent, the deskmate couldn't help but care.

Zeng Fang came back to her senses and shook her head angrily, "It's okay, I'm just wondering who is spreading rumors behind the scenes!"

The deskmate was surprised: "So, this is fake."

"Of course it's a lie. If someone really dares to bully me, do you think my parents and my grandfather will let that person go?"

"Oh my god, who is so hateful to make such rumors, it is simply vicious."

Seeing the indignation at the same table condemning the rumor spreader on her behalf, Zeng Fang felt a little sorry and guilty in her heart.

Fangfang, this world is not as kind and beautiful as you imagined. Outsiders will not show mercy just because you are a victim, nor will they care about your mood and feelings. carnival. Hiding scars is not necessarily a kind of bravery and strength. When the scars scab, it will become the hardest armor on your body.

Thinking of her friend's words, the trace of guilt in Zeng Fang's heart slowly dissipated, and her gaze gradually became firm.

She just didn't want to show her scars, she didn't do anything wrong.

Zeng Fang, who returned to the classroom, did not remain silent, but chose to take the initiative to confront Yun Yao head-on.

"Yunyao, I know that you spread rumors behind your back. I warned you, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. Do you really think I won't do anything about it?"

Faced with Zeng Fang's questioning, Yun Yao certainly would not admit it.

After all, Zeng's family and Zeng Fang's natal family were not vegetarians, so she was really offended, and Yun Shixian couldn't spare her.

"Zeng Fang, I don't understand what you are talking about."

(end of this chapter)