On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 234

Chapter 234

Chapter 234 Wen Qingsheng Sends Special Products

After dinner in the evening, Yunmo gave Ling Chuan the list with several items written on it.

"Tomorrow you are free to buy these things, I will use them at night."

Seeing that the materials and tools for cooking were written on the note, Ling Chuan couldn't help being a little happy, "Momo, are you going to teach me how to cook tomorrow night?"

Although Yunmo never cooks at home, she can always teach Ling Chuan to make all kinds of novel and delicious dishes every time, which is amazing.

Yunmo actually intends to teach Gao Dongqin how to make a street snack, but teaching two is also teaching, "If you want to learn, you can learn together tomorrow night."

After hearing this, Ling Chuan realized that his daughter-in-law wanted to teach others, but he didn't ask too much.

Not long after Yunmo returned to her room, Ling Chuan suddenly came in carrying a large heavy cardboard box.

"Momo, this is the package delivered by the postman in the afternoon."

Yunmo was a little surprised. Could it be that Anshi's mother and grandfather sent her special products? I didn't say anything when I called a few days ago.

Ling Chuan didn't know what his daughter-in-law was thinking, but when he saw her happy face, his heart suddenly became sour.

Would the daughter-in-law still miss Wen Qingsheng in her heart?

Yunmo's attention was all on the package, and she didn't notice the man's emotions. After she happily opened the package and saw what was inside, she subconsciously looked at the side of the carton.

"It turned out to be the photo of the last group photo sent by Brother Wen, as well as some souvenirs."

Wen Qingsheng was quite careful. The photos were not only washed to size, but also framed.

Yunmo casually placed the photo frame on the bookshelf, and then took out the products in the cardboard box one by one.

There are pancakes, preserved fruits, halva, tuckahoe pancakes, dried golden jujubes, and several cans of pickles.

In addition, there is a letter.

Yunmo opened the letter, read it carefully, and handed it to Ling Chuan.

"You should take a look too. Brother Wen sends his greetings to you and invites you to visit the capital when you have time."

Ling Chuan took the letter paper, read the content on it, and found that it was a normal greeting between friends, and the jealousy in his heart finally faded a lot.

Wen Qingsheng was quite grand, he sent several catties of each kind of snacks, and sealed the bag by catty.

Yunmo picked out two packages of each special product, one for Ling Chuan to send to Uncle Luo next door, and one for Zeng Fang.

She originally wanted to share a share with her eldest brother Ling Jiang, but thinking of Li Li's partiality, if she took it back, it would all fall into Ling Jiale's mouth, so she simply refused to give it to Ling Jiang and asked Ling Jiang to bring spring flowers to eat at home on weekends.

Afterwards, Yunmo picked out half a catty of each snack and wrapped them in oiled paper into two packs, planning to ask Ling Chuan to give it to Zhou Xiaowei and Feng Cuihua tomorrow as employee benefits.

After finishing these, Yunmo went to the kitchen to get clean plates, put a few pieces of each snack, and put the rest in the space.

When Ling Chuan came back, Yunmo handed him the snacks on the plate, "You take these back to your room to eat, and I put the rest away."

Ling Chuan stretched out his hand and twirled a piece of dried persimmon from the plate, "This is enough for me, I put these here for you, you can eat when you are tired from studying."

Yunmo put the plate back on the coffee table without saying anything, and then pointed to the two oiled paper bags on the coffee table, "Bring this to Zhou Xiaowei and Aunt Cuihua tomorrow."

"it is good."

Yunmo thought for a while, and then said: "Theoretically speaking, the eldest brother should also give a share, but you know your sister-in-law's virtue, and any good things will definitely not fall into the mouths of the eldest brother and Chunhua, so I will not give it to you." Yes, when you have time, ask your eldest brother to bring spring flowers to eat at home."

Ling Chuan hesitated, "Momo, when elder brother comes over, can you also wrap some in oiled paper and let elder brother take it home for Jiale to taste? Jiale is the only son of elder brother after all."

Yun Mo looked at the man with a half-smile, "With such a eccentric mother, are you still afraid that Jiale won't have any good food? Earlier, my eldest brother and I got an apology from Boss Wei, and your sister-in-law turned around and took the things back." Now, if you have time, you might as well ask Big Brother and Chunhua, did they take a bite of those things?"

Ling Chuan pursed the corners of his lips, unable to speak.

The next evening, Yunmo brought Gao Dongqin back to the courtyard as promised.

In the yard, according to Yunmo's request, Ling Chuan had already kneaded the noodles, set up a frying pan, and prepared all the fillings, sweet noodle sauce, and chili sauce.

Yunmo pressed the fermented dough, nodded in satisfaction, and then explained to Gao Dongqin who was still confused: "I want to teach you to make a snack that is not available in Jiang City, called Maoxiangbingbing."

Saying that, Yun Mo asked Gao Dongqin to wash her hands, and then handed the rolling pin to the other party.

"You first roll out a noodle cake, the dough is the size of two eggs, press it into a 2 cm thick long dough piece, brush a thin layer of oil on the surface of the dough piece with an oil brush, then roll the dough piece into a circle, and finally Roll the rolled dough into a round pancake, about the size of a frying pan, and about the thickness of a one-dollar coin."

Housewives like Gao Dongqin can do everything from washing, cooking, and sweeping the floor, and making noodle cakes is a piece of cake.

While Gao Dongqin was rolling out the cakes, Yunmo asked Ling Chuan to raise the fire first.

Without much effort, a large, round and thin dough cake is rolled out.

Yunmo continued to teach Gao Dongqin, "Pour oil into the pan. There needs to be a little more oil, otherwise the baked cakes will not be fragrant enough...Put the flour cakes into the pot, cover the pot and bake on low heat. Bake for 3 to 5 minutes. When it turns burnt yellow, turn it over and continue roasting."

Now both sides are baked into golden brown, it's ok, brush the sweet noodle sauce and chili sauce in turn, the sauce should be even and thin, otherwise the cake will be easy to salty, brush the sauce and sprinkle with white sesame and green onion, cover the pot and simmer for 1, 2 Minutes will do. "

Two minutes later, as the sauce-flavored biscuits came out of the pan, a rich and attractive burnt aroma wafted in the air, and even the first and second dogs in front of the dog cage were so greedy that they wagged their tails vigorously and whimpered continuously in their throats.

Under Yunmo's guidance, Gao Dongqin picked up a kitchen knife and cut the soy sauce biscuit into small pieces.

After the cake was cut, Yunmo signaled Gao Dongqin and Ling Chuan to taste it, and then she also reached out and took a piece of sauce cake and stuffed it into her mouth.

The cake base is good, fluffy and crispy, but the taste of the sauce is a bit off. After all, it was bought from outside. If it is the sweet and spicy sauce made by her, the taste can be at least a few grades better.

However, judging from the reactions of Gao Dongqin and Ling Chuan, they should be quite satisfied with the taste.

"how do you feel?"

Hearing Yunmo's question, Gao Dongqin nodded hastily, her face full of surprise and disbelief.

"This cake is too delicious. I have never eaten such a delicious cake in my life."

Ling Chuan was also full of praise, "Momo, this cake is more delicious than green onion cake."

Yun Mo chuckled, "This is a vegetarian soy sauce pancake. You can also make meaty pancakes. After brushing the dough with oil, spread a layer of fried meat stuffing, and then roll out the pancake..."

Hearing her words, Gao Dongqin quickly stuffed the cake in his hand into his mouth, then grabbed another piece of dough, and started to make meat-filled sauce cakes according to Yunmo's method.

(end of this chapter)