On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 231

Chapter 231

Chapter 231 Heavenly Fiend's Fate, Restricting Parents and Restricting Wife

Li Li never expected that she spent a lot of money to buy a bunch of yellow talisman papers from Ba Po Wang and brought them home. Instead of getting rid of the evil spirits on her husband, she made her husband treat her like a thief.

Li Li was naturally unwilling to go to the witch, and wanted to ask for an explanation.

Wang Ba Po, who had been prepared for a long time, first asked Li Li for her birthday, and then asked Ling Jiang when her parents died and were buried, and then she calmed down and pinched her fingers to calculate silently.

After waiting for about five minutes, Ba Po Wang stopped what she was doing and looked at Li Li solemnly with old eyes.

"Not right, not right."

Li Li felt trembling when she saw her, "Grandma, what's wrong?"

"I thought that your man just ran into evil, so I just asked for a talisman to exorcise evil spirits. Just now I re-combined the horoscopes of you and your man, and found that the palaces of your husband and wife are in conflict, and your horoscopes are incompatible.

Your man is one of the rare fates of heavenly evil. A person with this fate will overcome his parents, his wife and children, and remarry after losing his wife. "

As if a sap hit her head, Li Li was so frightened that everyone was dumbfounded.

"Baby, this, is there a way to resolve this?"

Ba Po Wang shook her head with a serious face, "Even with the auspicious auspiciousness of exorcising evil spirits, it can only be resolved for a while, but not for a lifetime."

Hearing this, Li Li was shocked, frightened and anxious for a while, "Then, what should I do?"

"When encountering a person with such a fierce personality, there is only one way to save his life, and that is to stay away from him."

"Stay away? How can we stay away? He is my man, and we will live under one roof after all."

"End of grace and justice, never reciprocity."

Li Li's eyes widened suddenly, "You mean... let me divorce my man?"

Ba Po Wang nodded, "That's right, only in this way will you not continue to be restrained. Let me ask you, have your relatives around you recently suffered bad luck or disaster?"

My younger brother was arrested and sent to prison, and my mother is now locked up in the detention center and can't get out. Isn't it really unlucky.

Li Li nodded hastily, "Grandma, you are right, the people in my family are really unlucky recently, could it be that they were all restrained by my man?"

Ba Po Wang squinted her eyes, looked at Li Li's face sharply, and then her face changed slightly, "Your Yintang is dark, your eyes are dull, your lips are split and your tongue is scorched, and your spirit is lax. I'm afraid it won't be long before you will be in trouble too." When the situation is imminent, it is necessary to make a decision early, so as not to regret it later."

After speaking, Baba Wang took out a thin red hand rope, and a wooden sign the size of a thumb was hanging under the rope.

"You wear this mahogany hand card first. In case of disaster, it can block you for a while, but it can only block it for a while, and it can't solve the root problem."

Li Li stared blankly at the mahogany card in her hand, "This, how much does this cost?"

Ba Po Wang sighed, "Forget it, this time I will trade my own practice for merit and blessings, so I don't need to give money, you can do it yourself."

After returning home, Li Li kept thinking about what Ba Po Wang said, and she didn't feel hungry even after the meal.

In the evening, when Ling Jiang returned home, he was surprised to find that his daughter-in-law did not ask him for money or quarrel with him as usual, but sat absent-mindedly under the eaves in a daze.

Ling Jiang didn't think much about it, and after telling his daughter Ling Chunhua to go back to the house to write, she went into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Afraid that his wife would treat his daughter harshly and would not give her food to eat, Ling Jiang would call off work every evening to pick up her daughter to go home for dinner first, and then take her daughter out of the stall together.

Although it is a bit hard work, the daughter has a sweet mouth and can often coax the female buyers to smile. Buying more gadgets from his booth will help him a lot.

Dinner is cooked quickly, it is egg noodles.

Four bowls of noodles, each with a fried golden egg.

In normal times, when she saw her husband scrambling for four eggs, Li Li decided that her nose was not her nose and her eyes were not her eyes, but she started nagging, but she was abnormally silent today.

"Old Ling, when did grandpa and grandma leave?"

It is rare for a daughter-in-law to settle down, and Ling Jiang is also in a good mood. Hearing the other party's question, he patiently replied: "It's been a lot of years, maybe I was just born a few months ago, and my grandfather left for less than a year, and my grandma followed me gone."

Grandpa and grandma died one after another when they were just born. Doesn't this confirm Wang Bapo's theory of restraining relatives?

Li Li felt a chill in her heart, and the chopsticks in her hand fell to the ground.

Ling Jiang looked at her strangely, "Why do you ask this all of a sudden?"

Li Li bent down to pick up the chopsticks, trying her best to suppress the uneasiness and panic in her heart.

"It's nothing. I heard people talking about the older generation today, so I just asked casually."

Ling Jiang didn't care and continued to bow his head.

Li Li didn't eat at noon, her stomach was growling with hunger, but she couldn't get up her appetite at all.

Think about it too, whoever knows that he will be in trouble at any time, how can he be in the mood to eat.

After dinner, Ling Jiang took his daughter out to do business.

Li Li gave the egg in the bowl to her son, and then sat at the dinner table and continued to think about her thoughts.

Brother Wang had dinner, guessing that there would be no business coming to the door tonight, so she locked the door and went out leisurely with her cloth bag on her back.

I met many neighbors along the way, and all of them greeted her warmly.

Wang Ba Po is very old and a well-known witch, so she is especially respected and loved.

After walking out of the old street, Baba Wang raised her hand to hail a tricycle, first went to the shop where she usually buys yellow talisman cinnabar scented wax, bought a lot of things, then went to a nearby small shop, and took out the leftovers left by Yunmo. The number was dialed.

"Little Mo girl, I have your call."

Hearing Uncle Luo standing next door shouting at the base of the wall, Yunmo immediately ran out of the room to answer, "Here we come!"

Came to Uncle Luo's house, answered the phone, and it was indeed the call from Ba Po Wang.

Knowing that Ba Po Wang had implemented the first step according to her request, Yunmo told the follow-up plan carefully before hanging up the phone.

Come out of the living room of Uncle Luo's house, and see Uncle Luo standing in the yard looking up at the stars, Yunmo is both grateful and moved.

She knew that the other party stayed in the yard because she was afraid that she would feel uncomfortable answering the phone.

Thinking, Yunmo walked forward with a sweet smile, "Uncle Luo, I'm done."

Uncle Luo turned his head and smiled, "It's so fast, why don't you talk for a while?"

"I'm done talking, sorry for your inconvenience, Mr. Luo."

"It's okay, if you want to call in the future, just come here directly."

Yunmo has a sweet mouth, a good personality, and is good at pickling sauerkraut, which made Uncle Luo very fond of him. Ever since he learned that Yunmo and his nephew and granddaughter are in the same class, he has treated Yunmo as half a junior.

Although Yun Huan actively cooperated with the treatment, her condition has not improved, and there are even signs of deterioration.

The doctor was also puzzled by this.

Among the leukemia patients like Yun Huan he treated, the vast majority of them showed remission and improvement after chemotherapy.

Seeing that chemotherapy didn't work for Yun Huan's condition, the doctor had to come up with a second planbone marrow transplantation.

(end of this chapter)