On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 227

Chapter 227

Chapter 227 The house was stolen

As time went by, Ling Chuan became more and more comfortable with business matters, and the business gradually improved. The daily revenue rose from 10 or 20 yuan to 70 or 80 yuan, and occasionally even exceeded a hundred.

However, with the increasing number of customers, he and Zhou Xiaowei alone are too busy, and they often have to be busy until eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening before they can finish work.

It is not an option to go on like this. Sooner or later, the body will be exhausted.

While looking at the account book at night, Yunmo took the opportunity to propose to recruit one or two more people to help run the business.

"Now that the business is on the right track, it is time to make a clear division of labor. Human energy is limited. If you have to manage everything, it is very likely that you will not be able to manage everything in the end.

You are the boss, and you only need to be responsible for the operation of the entire business, customer management and maintenance, purchases and accounts, business development and after-sales, and you can leave it to others.

With a clear division of labor, everyone performs their duties, and the work efficiency is improved, so the business will get better and better. "

Under Yunmo's suggestion, Ling Chuan began to look for salesmen, and Zhou Xiaowei was responsible for delivery and inventory management.

Not two days after the news of the recruitment was released, Deng Zhi came to the door.

We are all on our own, and Deng Zhi didn't beat around the bush, and directly explained his intentions.

After the failure of the electronic watch business and the failure of the pager business, Deng Zhi went back to his old job of repairing motorcycles.

However, there is too much competition in the maintenance industry now, and they have not made any money. The life of the Deng family is very tight.

In order to earn more money, Deng Zhi's two sons have now gone to other places to work. There are only three people in the family: him, his wife Feng Cuihua, and his eldest daughter-in-law Liu Shuang.

Liu Shuang is pregnant now, and Deng Zhi and Feng Cuihua dare not let Liu Shuang go out to work. Feng Cuihua thinks that she will go out to find some work to supplement the family expenses, and save some milk powder money for the grandchildren who are about to be born.

So after hearing that Ling Chuan wanted to recruit people, Deng Zhi came immediately.

"Chuanzi, although your Aunt Cuihua is almost 40 years old, she is a good hand at work, and she is also smart and capable. Can you let her try?"

Ling Chuan never thought about hiring a female salesperson, so he felt a little embarrassed for a while, "Uncle Zhi, can you let me think about it?"

Deng Zhi was also a straightforward person, he smiled and said: "Okay, it's okay, I just came to ask, don't make things difficult for you, if it doesn't work, forget it, I will find another job for your aunt."

In the evening, as soon as Yunmo came home from school, Ling Chuan told her about it.

After listening, Yunmo said directly, "Why didn't you agree to come down?"

Ling Chuan was a little stunned by the question, and hesitantly said: "Although Aunt Cuihua is capable, she is always a girl..."

"What's wrong with women? Sometimes women's abilities are beyond your men's imagination. Are you looking down on women?"

Seeing being misunderstood by his wife, Ling Chuan hastily explained: "Momo, I don't look down on women, I just think it's too hard to run a business, exposed to wind, sun and rain, I'm afraid Aunt Cuihua won't be able to bear the hardship."

If it were him, no matter how poor he was, he would not let his wife go outside.

Yunmo didn't take it seriously, "Whether it's bitter or not, this is the choice of Uncle Zhi and Aunt Cuihua. Zi Feiyu An Zhiyu Zhile, you feel bitter, but for Aunt Cuihua, being able to make money to support the family may be a matter of life." The greatest happiness and satisfaction."

In this way, Feng Cuihua became Ling Chuan's second employee after Zhou Xiaowei.

Under Yunmo's suggestion, Ling Chuan formulated two salary calculation methods for Feng Cuihua.

One is a responsible high basic salary, a fixed salary of 30 yuan per month, and the corresponding number of customers and sales performance need to be completed. If the requirements are not met for two consecutive months, the salary will be cut or dismissed.

The second type is no responsibility system, the basic salary is 10 yuan per month, and other income is all based on performance commission, and the more you do, the more you get.

Feng Cuihua chose the second option.

Feng Cuihua officially started to work on the second day after signing the employment contract.

To the surprise of Yunmo and Ling Chuan, Feng Cuihua opened the store on the first day of work.

Although it was only a small order of 10 yuan, it was not a small success for a novice like Feng Cuihua.

Feng Cuihua is an authentic housewife. Except for occasionally helping her husband visit the repair shop, she has never worked seriously before, and she is not very good at dressing up. Her whole body is rustic and old-fashioned.

But such an unattractive middle-aged woman, with her sharp personality and eloquent mouth, let a lady who sells cosmetics take 10 yuan from her.

The success of the first day not only surprised Ling Chuan and Yun Mo, but also made Feng Cuihua full of energy.

Compared to Lingchuan's smooth sailing, Lingjiang encountered difficulties.

Since Ling Jiang was in charge, Li Li couldn't get any money from Ling Jiang, so she turned her mind on the goods stored at home.

Although Ling Jiang keeps count of his business every day, he does not always count the inventory at home.

Until this day, he planned to take an inventory of the accounts of the past month of business, to see how much money he had earned, but only after doing the inventory did he find that the accounts did not match the inventory.

The hundreds of items that Ling Chuan took away were all returned later, and the total number of items that Ling Jiang had on hand was still 1,200 items.

He sold a total of 685 pieces, but the inventory at home was only 310 pieces, and there was a gap of 205 pieces in the middle.

At first, Ling Jiang thought he hadn't figured it out clearly, so he deliberately brought the goods at home, and Xiaoben to find Ling Chuan and Yun Mo.

The husband and wife each helped Ling Jiang do the calculations, and it was true that 205 pieces were missing.

Ling Jiang doubted subconsciously: "Could it be that the house was burglarized?"

Thieves must be thieves, but it is hard to say whether they are foreign thieves or domestic thieves.

Yun Mo said softly: "Brother, let's report to the police. Although 200 pieces of jewelry are not a lot, but this time I let them go, and let the thieves taste the dessert. Next time, the loss will only be more."

Ling Jiang agreed to report to the police without hesitation.

200 pieces of jewellery, the purchase cost plus the toll, it costs almost 20 yuan. He may not be able to earn so much by doing business for a week, and he must not be idle.

Fearing that Ling Jiang could not handle this matter alone, Yun Mo asked Ling Chuan to accompany her to the police station to report the case.

But before Ling Chuan went out, Yun Mo deliberately called Ling Chuan back to the room to talk.

"I went to the elder brother's house, you should pay attention to the reaction of the elder sister-in-law."

Ling Chuan is also a smart person, so he immediately understood what his daughter-in-law meant.

After receiving the report, the police station immediately sent two investigators to Ling's house to investigate.

It was lunch time, and the neighbors were eating at home. Seeing Ling Jiang brought the police home, they all brought their rice bowls to join in the fun.

Seeing the police officers in police uniforms checking and patrolling the small courtyard of the Ling family, some people couldn't help being curious.

"Ling Jiang, what are you doing?"

Ling Jiang replied with a sad face: "The house was burglarized, and 200 pieces of goods were lost."

Hearing this, the surrounding neighbors suddenly exploded.

(end of this chapter)