On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 222

Chapter 222

Chapter 222 Can we still be friends in the future?

At the end of the day, Zhong Xiaoya needs to repay Yunyao 78 yuan, half of which is the money for the coat and scarf.

Seeing Zhong Xiaoya staring at her with a red face, Yun Yao couldn't help but sneer, "If you can't afford the money before school is over tomorrow, I'll come to your house and tell you what you usually told me. Say it again in front of your parents."

After finishing speaking, Yun Yao picked up her schoolbag and was about to leave.

Zhong Xiaoya said angrily: "Stop, hygiene is not done yet!"

Yunyao turned around, "If you help me with my share, it should be regarded as the interest you owe me. Or, you can return the things to me right now."

Zhong Xiaoya was so angry that she could only see Yun Yao leave.

When Zhong Xiaoya finished cleaning by herself, the sun was already setting. She was depressed and did not go home, but wandered aimlessly on the street.

I don't know how long I walked, and when I came back to my senses, Zhong Xiaoya found herself standing at the door of Fu Ruman's house.

"Xiaoya, why are you here?"

Turning her head, looking at Fu Ruman who was holding the Samoyed, Zhong Xiaoya's nose was sore, tears could not stop falling down.

"Ruman, woo woo woo..."

Fu Ruman brought Zhong Xiaoya home, and learned that Zhong Xiaoya hadn't eaten, so he brought her some snacks and tea.

After Zhong Xiaoya calmed down, Fu Ruman asked, "What happened?"

As soon as Zhong Xiaoya asked this question, the tears that Zhong Xiaoya had just stopped could not help falling down again.

After hearing the entanglements and conflicts between Zhong Xiaoya and Yunyao, Fu Ruman was neither surprised nor surprised. In fact, she had already noticed that Yunyao's intentions were not right.

Yunyao's methods and tricks can only deceive idiots like Zhong Xiaoya. She comes from a famous family, has a bright mind and a keen mind.

She is alienated from Zhong Xiaoya, in fact, there is also a part of Yunyao's reason.

Zhong Xiaoya got too close to Yunyao, and it was hard for her to say much when they exchanged shallow words.

I just didn't expect that the two would break up so soon, and in such an unseemly way.

"Then what are you going to do in the future?"

Hearing Fu Ruman's question, Zhong Xiaoya cried and shook her head, "I don't know, I dare not tell my parents at all. If they know that I owe so much money to my classmates, they will definitely beat me to death."

Seeing Zhong Xiaoya crying sadly, Fu Ruman got up and walked to the desk, took out the wallet from the schoolbag, and took out all the money in it.

"I only have so much, let me lend it to you for emergency, and then return it to me when you have it."

Zhong Xiaoya took the money, tears fell even more fiercely, "Ruman, thank you, I didn't expect you to be willing to help me at this time."

Fu Ruman looked out the window noncommittally, "It's getting late, you go home, don't let the family worry."


Zhong Xiaoya put the money away, and when she got up, she couldn't help asking from the bottom of her heart, "Ruman, can we still be friends in the future?"

Fu Ruman was silent for a moment, then said, "Let's be an ordinary classmate."

Hearing this, Zhong Xiaoya couldn't help being very disappointed.

"Ruman, can I ask why? Is it because my grades are not good?"

"Xiaoya, do you know how many people in the school envy you? There are many people in the second class and the third class. They study hard, and they are not qualified to enter the first class.

You obviously have unique conveniences and advantages, but you have never cherished them. You either arrange this or discuss that every day. If you put this thought and energy into your studies, you won't even fail the midterm exam with a score of 500. "

Zhong Xiaoya's face slowly turned red, "Ruman, it's not that I don't want to study hard, but my brain is just stupid. You can solve the problems after listening to them once, but if I do them repeatedly, I will still make mistakes.

There are also English words, I recite them every night before going to bed, and forget them all when I wake up! It seems that no matter how hard I try, it is useless in the end. Ruman, you have good grades and a smart head, but you don't understand how desperate this feeling is. "

"Study has never been an easy task. You only see everyone's good grades, but you don't know the hard work behind it. Do you know Bai Hang and the others who are reciting vocabulary even squatting in the toilet? Xie Xia went out to participate The banquet will carry the papers with her, and hide aside to study the question types whenever she has time. As far as I know, in addition to the normal homework, she will add 5 extra sets of test papers for herself every day, and she will go to bed after finishing.

Xiaoya, maybe you do have a harder time studying than us, but you can't stop working hard just because you can't reach our level. Learning is like a marathon. Only by running constantly can you not stand still and fall behind. "

Zhong Xiaoya quickly left the Fu family.

Under the street lamp, the figure of the girl is lonely and firm.

The next day, as soon as Yun Yao entered the classroom, she found a large handbag on the table.

She opened it and found that it contained the scarf and coat she gave to Zhong Xiaoya, as well as 35 yuan.

"Yunyao, you gave me the clothes and scarf on your own initiative, and now I'll give it back to you, do you want it or not? The 35 yuan in the bag is the expenses of treating me to dinner and snacks before, and we will settle it later. Don't even think about threatening me by saying bad things about my classmates, I will apologize in front of everyone right now."

After finishing speaking, Zhong Xiaoya stepped onto the podium, "I made up some bad words with Yunyao before. Here, I sincerely apologize to those students who I made up. I'm sorry!"

Seeing that everyone in the classroom looked at her strangely, Yun Yao couldn't hide her embarrassment and explained: "Xiaoya, what I said yesterday was all angry, why do you take it seriously?"

Zhong Xiaoya looked at her coldly, "You know best whether you are angry or the truth, Yun Yao, from now on we will return from bridge to bridge, and we will have nothing to do with each other again."

After the harsh words, Zhong Xiaoya even changed seats, it seems that she is determined to draw a clear line with Yunyao.

The story of Zhong Xiaoya and Yun Yao spread quickly among the classes.

Under the impetus of caring people, Zhong Xiaoya became a well-known treacherous and selfish villain.

Third shift

Sorry, I have something to go out today, and I don't have free code words until late in the afternoon. I will try to update as early as possible tomorrow, and more updates, okay!

(end of this chapter)