On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Chapter 21 Treating Grandma

"Mom, what's wrong with grandma?"

Hearing Yunmo's question, Huang Zhiqiu sighed, and then lifted the thin quilt from Yang Xinghua's lower body.

Following a strong stench, Yun Mo was stunned by Yang Xinghua's leg injury.

The old man's entire left leg was swollen and purple, and the wound on the knee was even more infected and inflamed, with yellow pus constantly oozing out.

The smell in the room is caused by the ulceration of the wound.

"Grandma's leg is so badly injured, why didn't she go to the hospital?"

Huang Zhiqiu had a bitter face, "I've been there, but the hospital in the town can't cure me, so I have to go to the city..."

Although Huang Zhiqiu didn't say what happened next, Yun Mo couldn't understand it.

Shili Township is more than 100 kilometers away from Anshi City. Travel expenses, board and lodging, and medical expenses are all huge expenses for rural families in this era.

Seeing the old man's shocking leg injury, Yunmo turned around and ran back to the main room, taking out some medicines from the space by rummaging through the backpack.

Seeing her taking things out of the backpack one by one, Huang Kailin asked in surprise: "Momo, what are these things you are taking?"

"This is amoxicillin, which has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects. This is povidone iodine, which is used to disinfect wounds. There is also chlortetracycline ointment, which can treat and relieve symptoms such as skin ulceration and suppuration."

After listening to Yunmo's explanation, Huang Kailin immediately couldn't care less about eating.

Even though he has no medical knowledge, he knows that these medicines are good for his wife's injury.

"Grandpa, take the medicine in first, and I'll pour some water."

"it is good."

After Huang Kailin took the medicine into the back room, Yunmo poured the spiritual spring water into the empty bowl by pouring water.

When Yunmo returned to the house with the water, all three of them looked at her with anticipation in their expressions.

"Grandma, are you allergic to penicillin?"

"No allergies, the doctor in the town used penicillin on your grandmother before." Before Yang Xinghua could speak, Huang Zhiqiu rushed to answer.

Hearing this, Yunmo safely fed Yang Xinghua two amoxicillin.

"Grandma, drink more water. Drinking more water will help you recover from your injury."

Seeing that Yang Xinghua only drank two sips of spiritual spring water and then stopped drinking, Yun Mo quickly persuaded her.

Lingquan water can prolong life and eliminate all diseases. Drinking more will have a miraculous effect on the recovery of Yang Xinghua's injuries.

But Yang Xinghua didn't understand her granddaughter's good intentions. After being injured, in order not to cause trouble to the family, she usually ate and drank very little, just to avoid going to the toilet less.

"Momo, I'm not thirsty, just a little drink is enough."

"Grandma, believe me, drinking more water will really help your injury."

Huang Zhiqiu also persuaded, "Mom, you can drink it. It's so hot that you haven't drank much water all day. Your body can't bear it."

After being persuaded by her daughter and granddaughter Qi Qi, Yang Xinghua had no choice but to drink the whole bowl of water.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, or if I'm really thirsty. After drinking a bowl of water, Yang Xinghua really feels that she has more energy.

After that, Yunmo washed the festered part of Yang Xinghua's left leg with soaked Lingquan water and salt water, dried it, disinfected it with iodophor, and finally applied a layer of aureomycin ointment.

The weather is already hot. After doing this, Yunmo is already sweating profusely.

Huang Kailin and Huang Zhiqiu father and daughter watched from the sidelines, feeling relieved and distressed.

"Momo, wipe off your sweat and sit down for a while."

Yun Mo took the wet cotton towel handed by Huang Zhiqiu, wiped off the sweat on her face, and immediately felt much more comfortable.

Waiting for Yunmo to catch her breath, Huang Kailin couldn't wait to ask: "Momo, will your grandma's leg heal after using this ointment?"

Yunmo shook her head, "There is still a long way to go, grandpa, this ointment is just to prevent grandma's wound from getting worse. If you want to cure it completely, you have to go to the hospital."

Hearing this, Huang Kailin couldn't help being very disappointed.

The family already owed a large amount of debt, and there was nothing left to borrow, not to mention going to the hospital, and even the travel expenses to the city.


"Why waste that money, I have an old bone, even if it is cured, there is nothing I can do. Let's not go to the hospital, just take good care of it at home, and it will always be fine."

Seeing her husband worrying, Yang Xinghua couldn't help but speak.

If it is maintained, it will be cured, and the wound will not fester like this.

But without money, so what?

Yunmo looked at the silent father and daughter, didn't say anything, but was silently thinking about the cost of going to the hospital.

She still has more than 200 points of cash on her body. It is definitely not enough to completely heal grandma's leg injury. She has to find a way to exchange some things from the space for money.

When Yunmo used the medicine in the space to clean Yang Xinghua's wounds, the news of Huang's granddaughter's return to the village quickly spread throughout the entire lower village like the wings of a bird.

Soon, Huang Jianjun and Liu Zhi, who were doing farm work in the fields, also knew about it.

Liu Zhi immediately threw the **** and rushed home.

Huang Jianjun was worried that his wife would start a fight with the family, so he also threw away the farm tools and followed behind.

"Huang Yao! Huang Yao!"

In the inner room, Yun Mo was talking with Huang Zhiqiu, Yang Xinghua, mother and daughter, when suddenly a middle-aged woman rushed in aggressively, staring at her fiercely.

Suddenly, a stranger rushed in front of him fiercely, and Yunmo instinctively got up and wanted to hide.

Seeing Yun Mo, Liu Zhi couldn't help being stunned.

When the villagers said that her niece had returned, her first reaction was that Huang Yao had returned, but the person in front of her was not Huang Yao at all.

"Who are you?"

I don't know if it was because he was unhappy that he was being teased by the villagers, or because he was disappointed that it wasn't Huang Yao who came back. Liu Zhi's tone was very bad.

Huang Zhiqiu quickly got up and explained: "Sister-in-law, this is Momo, my own daughter."

Knowing that Yun Mo is the sister-in-law's own daughter, Liu Zhi looked Yun Mo up and down for a while, and then thought of something.

"Where is Huang Yao? If you can find her here, you must have seen her, right?"

At this time, Yunmo also understood the other party's identity and the reason for the other party's bad attitude.

Yunyao personally admitted that she stole money from Huang's family and ran off to Jiang City, so the person in front of her must be the one who suffers.

"Huang Yao is in Jiang City, this time I came alone."

Knowing that Yunyao (Huang Yao) was thousands of miles away in Jiangshi, Liu Zhi was so angry that he cursed and was finally dragged away by Huang Jianjun.

Huang Zhiqiu was worried that Yunmo would be intimidated, so he briefly told about Yunyao stealing money.

Huang Jianguo and Liu Zhi have two daughters and one son. The eldest daughter, Huang Qinghe, is 24 years old and married to the next village three years ago. His son, Huang Yu, is 22 years old this year, just at the age of starting a family.

Last year, with the help of a matchmaker, Huang Yu got a girlfriend.

The two talked for a year, and their relationship was stable. Liu Zhi saw that his son was not too young, so he wanted to get married as soon as possible, so that he could hold his grandson as soon as possible.

The woman's side is quite satisfied with Huang Yu, the son-in-law, but has put forward many conditions for the marriage.

Watches, bicycles, and sewing machines are three essential items. In addition, a gift money of 100 yuan is required.

In order to prepare for Huang Yu's wedding, the family took out all their savings and borrowed a lot from others, and they raised a total of 500 yuan.

The next day, I would take the money and go to the city with my wife to buy watches, bicycles and sewing machines.

As a result, on the first night, Huang Yao left a letter, stole all the money and ran away.

Little fairies who read the article, don't forget to vote, and give a five-star praise, the old seven is grateful~

(end of this chapter)