On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 208

Chapter 208

Chapter 208 Coax Erbai

"Chunhua, there are two kinds of people in this world. One kind of people are like you, who are willing to share any good things with others. Such people are open-minded, optimistic and generous.

But the other kind of people are just the opposite. They are very selfish. When they see a good thing, they want to take it for themselves, regardless of whether it should belong to him or not. If he can't get it, he will try to get it Destroy it so that no one else can get it. "

Ling Chunhua felt depressed and a little uncomfortable.

When the younger brother saw the goose eggs from his aunt's house, he insisted on clamoring for them, and the mother even helped the younger brother to grab them. If he couldn't get them, he smashed the goose eggs.

Mom and brother are the kind of selfish and bad people that my aunt said.

How could she have such a mother and brother.

Ling Chunhua was so sad and ashamed that she could barely lift her head.

"Auntie, my mother is so bad, will you never like me again?"


Yunmo's answer obviously made Ling Chunhua overjoyed, her tearful eyes were full of disbelief.

"Chunhua, you are you, and others are others. As long as you can be like this in the future, being a kind, brave and honest person, then my aunt will always like you and love you."

"Chunhua, there is an ancient poem called 'Lotus emerges from the mud but not stained', which means that you must stick to your bottom line and principles in life and doing things, and know how to keep yourself clean, and don't go with the filth."

Ling Chunhua nodded half understanding, "Auntie, I understand, I will be a good person in the future, just like a lotus."

Yun Mo touched the other person's face in relief, "Good boy."

When Ling Chunhua came out of the main room, Ling Chuan had already bought vegetables and came back, and was standing in front of the cabin to clean up. When he saw her, he quickly waved to her.

After Ling Chunhua passed by, Ling Chuan took him back to the house and said, "Chunhua, what did Auntie tell you?"

"My aunt said that the lotus leaves the mud but is not stained..."

Ling Chuan was slightly relieved when he learned what his wife said from his niece.

The daughter-in-law is also willing to teach the niece, which means that she is not angry with the niece.

Lunch was ready soon, and Ling Chuan came to his daughter-in-law's door feeling anxious. He was not that stupid, he took his daughter-in-law's angry words as the truth.

"Momo, it's time to eat, everyone is waiting for you."

After a while, the door creaked and was opened from the inside.

Seeing her come out, Ling Chuan let out a sigh of relief.


He was just about to say what dishes are served for lunch today, but Yunmo has already walked past him expressionlessly.

Ling Chuan had a look of loneliness in his eyes, and he followed behind his wife without saying a word.

In the yard, Ling Chunhua graciously helped Yunmo scoop up the rice, then picked up the chopsticks and handed them to Yunmo.

"Auntie, eat."

After taking the chopsticks from her niece, Yun Mo boasted, "Good boy."

Ling Chuan at the side saw this scene, and found an excuse to bring his niece into the kitchen.

"Chunhua, in the future, my uncle will do things like scoop up rice and chopsticks for my aunt. You just need to take care of yourself."

Ling Chunhua nodded half understanding, "I see, uncle."

Compared with the usual warmth and cheerfulness, the atmosphere at the dinner table today seemed depressing and dull.

Everyone could see the low air pressure lingering on Yunmo's body, everyone was cautious, even Zhou Xiaowei, who usually eats loudly, chewed and swallowed gracefully.

"Momo, eat a spare rib."

In order to please his wife, Ling Chuan specially cooked sweet and sour pork ribs.

I don't know if it's because of a bad mood or some other reason, Yunmo has never eaten sweet and sour pork ribs, and if she doesn't, no one else dares to.

So much so that the meal was almost finished, and the plate of sweet and sour pork ribs was still untouched.

"Chunhua, you eat."

The man put the sweet and sour pork ribs in the bowl, and Yunmo gave it to Ling Chunhua without raising her eyebrows.

Although Ling Chunhua is small, she is very good at observing facial expressions. She looked at her uncle and then at her aunt with wide eyes. She carefully put aside the ribs and ate only rice and vegetables.

Yunmo had no appetite, so she put down her chopsticks after eating half a bowl, got up and went back to the house.

After watching Yunmo go back to the house, Ling Chunhua and Zhou Xiaowei looked at Lingchuan at the same time.

Ling Chuan endured his depression, picked up the sweet and sour pork ribs, put three or four pieces into Ling Chunhua's and Zhou Xiaowei's bowls each, and put the remaining half into the kitchen pot to warm.

In case the daughter-in-law is hungry in the afternoon, she can satisfy her hunger.

After eating and taking a lunch break, Ling Chuan took Zhou Xiaowei out to continue his business.

In order to avoid what happened in the morning, before going out, Ling Chuan specifically told Ling Chunhua to lock the door. Except for him and Ling Jiang, everyone else had to ask their aunt before opening the door, including Li Li and Ling Jiale.

Ling Chunhua nodded heavily.

Yunmo actually stayed up all this time. She heard Ling Chuan go out and what he told Ling Chunhua before he went out.

She didn't lift the quilt until she heard the sound of the door being closed.

Ling Chunhua was playing hopscotch alone in the yard, when she saw her coming out of the room, she immediately ran up happily.


Yunmo touched her face, "Chunhua, play by yourself first, and auntie will teach you how to write later."


Yunmo came to the cabin and found that the egg liquid on the walls of the cabin and the eggshells on the ground had been cleaned up.

Probably suffered the double blow of losing "Aizi" and the nameplate, Erbai squatted sleepily in front of the egg nest, his eyelids half drooping, and didn't even react when he saw Yunmo, the master.

Dabai was the same as before, swimming alone in the pond heartlessly, flapping his wings from time to time, obviously not affected by anything.

"Erbai, come here."

Hearing Yunmo's call, Erbai reluctantly got up, walked slowly in front of Yunmo, and yelled twice.

What are you doing?

Yunmo stretched out her hand to hug Erbai into her arms, but Erbai was too heavy, so she took a lot of effort to hug her.

"Hey, don't be unhappy, I will protect your eggs in the future."

As if he understood her comfort, Erbai put the goose head on her shoulder, and let out a low sob from his throat.

Yunmo comforted Dabai patiently for half an hour, and then fed some dried fish and spiritual spring water. Erbai finally regained his energy and jumped into the pond to play with Dabai.

It was four o'clock in the afternoon.

After running for half an afternoon but failing to sell a single item, Ling Chuan and Zhou Xiaowei sat down on the curb by the side of the road to rest.

"Brother Chuan, there seems to be a clothing store over there, do you want to go and have a look?"

Ling Chuan raised his eyes and looked over, his black eyes froze when he saw the silver shop next to the clothing store.

"it is good."

Businessmen in this era are mostly small businesses. Those who sell clothes often not only sell clothes, but also sell some socks, slippers and so on.

The clothing store in front of me is like this. The small storefront is divided into two parts. On the left side are all kinds of women's clothing, and on the right side is a whole wall of shelves. On the shelves are headbands, combs, lipsticks, Small commodities such as powder boxes, perfumes, etc.

(end of this chapter)