On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 197

Chapter 197

Chapter 197 Brother Chuan coaxing his wife

Ling Jiang raised his head, with obvious sullenness on his face, "I ask you, why are these things at home?"

Li Li had no choice but to tell the truth.

Learning that it was his daughter-in-law who went to get the things back, Ling Jiang was so angry that he wanted to rush over and slap her.

"Who told you to go to Boss Wei, and you took back the compensation I gave you. How did you do such a shameless thing!? Ah, you don't want face, I want it!"

Being scolded by her husband, Li Li was unhappy, "Who is shameless? Her surname Wei accepted such a valuable thing, but did not withdraw the case, she is shameless!"

Ling Jiang was so angry that his forehead was bulging, "You can't blame Boss Wei for this matter. If it wasn't for the mother who beat and scolded him indiscriminately, and even made such bad words, could he report the crime? You If you want people to withdraw the case, you don't even have the attitude of admitting your mistake, so why should they withdraw the case?"

"Then why does she ask for two hundred yuan? Her little skin injury can be cured in two days. I went there with my dad, and she asked for two hundred yuan for opening her mouth. She slaughtered us like idiots?!"

"That's what you asked for. If you want to blame it, blame your mother's bad temper!"

"The surname is Ling, who is your daughter-in-law? Are you turning your elbows out..."

The couple quarreled upside down because of the gift, and neither of them would give in. In the end, Ling Jiang left the house angrily and it was over.

After playing with Ling Chunhua in the yard for a while, Yunmo got up and prepared to go back to study in the house, but Ling Chuan stopped her just as she got up.


Yunmo turned to look at the man, "What's wrong?"

Ling Chuan's expression showed a trace of embarrassment, and his face was a little red, "I, I bought a gift for you."

After finishing speaking, he handed a square box to her.

Seeing the Walkman pattern printed on the box, Yun Mo was slightly surprised.

Walkmans in this era are not cheap. Even the most ordinary domestic products cost about 100 sets, or the ones with average sound quality for single-sided playback, which ordinary people simply cannot afford.

"How did you come up with the idea to buy this?"

"I saw Zeng Fang listening to English on a walkman the other day. I passed by a bookstore today and saw that it was on sale, so I bought one for you. You can also use it to listen to English tapes in the future."

Seeing the man finished speaking, looking at herself hesitantly, Yunmo turned to her niece who was writing on the stone table, "Chunhua, it's too dark in the yard, it's not good for your eyes, you go back to your room and write."

"it is good."

Waiting for Ling Chunhua to return to the wing with her books and notebooks, Ling Chuan walked across to her, his dark eyes showed tenderness and flattery, "Momo, don't be angry, okay?"

Although the daughter-in-law didn't say a single harsh word, nor gave him a cold look, he could feel that the daughter-in-law was still angry with him.

Yun Mo was actually not too angry, but felt uncomfortable and didn't know what to say, so she took the action of taking off the walkman and refused to respond to the man's words.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Ling Chuan just stood there, looking at her for a moment, like a sinner waiting for trial, with frustration and pity on his body.

The walkman is silver-gray, with a plastic casing. For Yunmo, who has seen all kinds of smart technology and electronic products in the 21st century, this thing is inferior and tasteless, but for people of this age, especially girls like her age , owning a Walkman is a very flaunting thing.

Yunmo put the Walkman into the box, looked up at the man, "Thank you."

She saw the man's eyes light up, "Momo, are you not angry with me?"

"I am not angry."

Ling Chuan didn't know whether he believed it or not, and his face showed a bit of joy, "Momo, you go to study, I will go to the warehouse to settle today's accounts."


Back in the house, Yunmo put the Walkman on the bookshelf, her mood improved a lot inexplicably.

Half an hour later, Ling Chunhua ran out of the room with her notebook in her hand. Through the window, she saw her aunt sitting at the desk studying. She pursed her lips and thought about it, then turned and ran towards the warehouse.


Ling Chuan turned his head and saw his niece, his stern eyebrows showed a bit of gentleness, "Chunhua, what's wrong?"

Ling Chunhua handed over her small notebook, "My aunt taught me to write my name, and asked me to fill a page with each word, and I finished it."

Ling Chuan put down the ledger in his hand, took over his niece's small book, looked through it carefully, and showed approval on his face.

"Not bad, well written."

Ling Chunhua, who was praised, showed a shy smile. She looked at the messy warehouse and said sensiblely, "Uncle, let me tidy it up for you."

"Okay, take a small basket and pick up everything that falls on the ground into the small basket."


When it was almost 10 o'clock, the door was knocked, Ling Chunhua volunteered to run to open the door, and when she saw that the person outside the door was Ling Jiang, she jumped up and down happily.


Seeing her daughter's cheerfulness and innocence, Ling Jiang couldn't help showing a little smile on her face.

He bent down to pick up his daughter, stepped into the threshold, and asked her what she was doing while closing the door.

Ling Chunhua counted with her fingers, "My aunt and I went to see Erbai's egg, wrote three pages of names, and helped uncle organize things..."

Ling Chuan, who heard the voice, came out of the warehouse, and couldn't help being surprised when he saw Ling Jiang who had gone and returned.

"Brother, what's the matter for coming so late?"

The smile on Ling Jiang's face faded a bit, showing a bit of sadness, but he couldn't go into details in front of his daughter, so he just said: "It's nothing, just go ahead and talk about it after you're done."


Ling Chuan was busy sorting out the accounts, Ling Jiang sat and smoked a cigarette, and then cleaned up the warehouse with his daughter.

Time passed bit by bit.

At 10:30, Ling Chuan suddenly put down the book and pen in his hand.

Ling Jiang hurriedly asked: "Chuanzi, are you done with the account?"

"No, I'm going to help Momo heat the milk."


"Momo, milk."

"Leave it alone, I'll drink it later."

After finishing speaking, Yunmo suddenly remembered Ling Chunhua who was staying at home, turned her head and said to Ling Chuan: "You take a bowl and pour some for Chunhua to drink. She is in poor health, she can make up for it."

Ling Chuan nodded, and quickly went to the kitchen to get a clean small bowl, poured a third of the milk in the glass.

After Ling Chuan left, Yunmo picked up the milk cup and continued to answer questions while drinking.

Ling Chuan came to the warehouse with milk, and greeted his niece who was picking up accessories: "Chunhua, come here."

"Uncle!" Ling Chunhua immediately put down the bamboo basket in her hand and ran to him.

Ling Chuan squatted down, and fed the bowl to his niece, "Come on, drink the milk."

Hearing that the bowl contained milk, Ling Jiang couldn't help being surprised, "Chuanzi, this is the milk of my younger siblings, why do you..."

"It was Momorang who said Chunhua was in poor health."

Ling Jiang was taken aback for a moment, and then his eyes became slightly moist.

(end of this chapter)