On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 194

Chapter 194

Chapter 194 Yunmo, you have no plans to have children, do you?

Birds of a feather flock together, another reason why Zhong Xiaoya and Yunyao can play together is that Zhong Xiaoya also got into the class by virtue of relationships.

Zhong Xiaoya's grades in the whole grade were above average, and she could only enter ordinary classes like Class 2 and Class 3. It was Zhong Weimin's status and privilege as the class teacher who arranged her into a class full of top students.

Zhong Xiaoya also knows that many people usually gossip about her behind her back, but she tries her best not to pay attention.

Didn't expect that the boy whom she has a crush on now would poke her face so mercilessly, and the other girl is still standing out for other girls, Zhong Xiaoya is ashamed, angry and unwilling.

"Yes, my grades are not good, but I'm not as shameless as some people, who rely on good grades to join the boys all day long!"

Hearing this, Xie Xia, who has always been aloof and indifferent to the world, raised her head, her eyes were clear and indifferent, "You mean, I'm a man?"

Zhong Xiaoya choked for a moment, and blushed to defend herself, "Sister Xia, I didn't mention you."

Xie Xia squinted her eyes, her expression was calm, but what she said was very aggressive.

"I also often get together with Bai Hang and other boys to discuss topics. According to what you said, don't I rely on my good grades to join the boys' group every day? Why am I not considered a girl?"

Zhong Xiaoya retorted unconvinced: "How can it be the same, you are not married..."

Xie Xia raised her eyebrows, folded her hands lazily, "According to what you mean, you can't talk to male classmates after you're married? Or is it promiscuous?

Ah, Mr. Zhong is also married. There are several unmarried young female teachers in his office. Does he count as joining the crowd of women? "

There was a burst of laughter in the classroom.

Zhong Xiaoya's face was flushed with shame, and she ran out of the classroom in shame and indignation under all kinds of ignorant and mocking eyes.

"Yunmo, don't pay attention to those gossips, only people with a dirty heart will see that everything is dirty."

"Yes, actually those people are jealous of you, they wish to be you."

Listening to everyone's comfort, looking at every sincere and kind face, Yunmo felt indescribably moved and warm.

She suddenly remembered a sentence she had seen.

This world is alive, how you treat this world, this world will treat you.

At this time, Xie Xia suddenly stepped onto the podium, looking at everyone in the classroom with a serious expression.

"The existence of a class has value and significance. I don't need to say that everyone here should understand that we come to this class to learn, make progress together, and get into the university of our choice, not for this gossip to gossip and gossip.

In the future, if I hear someone gossiping behind their backs and causing trouble, then I'm sorry, please leave this class on your own initiative, if you don't leave, I'll ask the class teacher to kick you out!

Class 1, there is no need for such unscrupulous people who bring down the atmosphere, destroy unity, and affect the learning atmosphere! "

"Second minister."

Zhang Wei's flattery made everyone laugh, and also succeeded in getting Xie Xia to roll her eyes.

After Xie Xia's domineering declaration, no one in the class talked about Yunmo's private affairs anymore, this is a later story.

On the other end, Zhong Xiaoya ran out of the classroom, crying and ran to her uncle to "complain".

"I really don't know what kind of ecstasy she gave them, everyone helped her talk! Isn't it because she has good grades and looks beautiful..."

Zhong Weimin ignored his niece's crying, he was surprised by the fact that Yunmo was married at the moment.

Taking advantage of the rest time after the exercise, Zhong Weimin found Yunmo for a heart-to-heart talk.

"Yunmo, I heard you are married?"

I heard, who said it?

Yunmo suppressed her thoughts calmly, "Well, I'm married. Is there a rule in the school that students cannot get married?"

Sensing the resistance and dissatisfaction in Yunmo's tone, Zhong Weimin quickly explained, "That's not true, Yunmo, don't think too much, I just care about it, the law stipulates that women can register for marriage when they reach the age of 18, I don't have that It's a challenge to the law."

After finishing speaking, Zhong Weimin briefly asked about Ling Chuan's personal situation.

In the end, Zhong Weimin asked Yunmo a very private question in embarrassment, "Yunmo, you and your husband don't plan to have children this year, do you?"

This question also made Yunmo blush, but she still tried her best to remain calm, "No, I didn't think about it before I went to college."

Zhong Weimin heaved a sigh of relief. Ever since he found out that Yunmo was married, this was what he was most worried about.

Yunmo is a good seed he dug with great difficulty. Next year, he has a great chance to hit Beijing University. Don't delay the college entrance examination because of having a child.

Although he got the answer he wanted from Yunmo, Zhong Weimin still reminded him uneasy: "Yunmo, you are still young, and it is a critical moment for you to make progress in your studies. Marriage and family matters can't be considered until you go to university. .

When you enter a good university, your vision will be different, and your thoughts and choices will also be different from now. Therefore, don't rush to draw conclusions and limitations for your life, lest you will regret it later. "

Zhong Weimin's words were expressed very implicitly, and Yunmo could understand, but he was noncommittal.

She is not an ignorant young girl, she has always been clear and clear about her goals.

After lunch, Yang Huiying took Yunmo to the bookstore outside the school to buy ink. When she bought the ink and was about to go back to school, she met an old man carrying two baskets of pears and selling them along the street.

The old man looks quite old, his hair is all gray, his cheeks are thin and dry, he wears self-made straw sandals on his feet, and wears a straw hat on his back.

Looking at the other party, Yunmo suddenly thought of her grandfather Huang Kailin.

"Old man, how do you sell pears?"

Seeing that there was a business coming, the old man immediately put down the burden on his shoulders, picked up a pear, cut a piece with a knife, and handed it to Yunmo and the others.

"Girl, try it, this pear is so sweet, it was just picked from the tree this morning."

Yunmo tasted a piece, the juice was rich, sweet and sour, with a pear fragrance.

Seeing her taste it, Yang Huiying also tasted a piece, "It's quite delicious, how much is it per catty?"

"I grow it myself, and sell it cheaply, 10 cents a catty."

Yang Huiying is very satisfied with the price, "Let me weigh a few. It just so happens that my throat is not feeling well recently, so eat pears to moisturize."

It can be seen that the old man carefully selects and sells them in the city. Each one is big and round, with smooth skin and no blemishes. Yang Huiying quickly picked out a bag, weighing more than 4 catties.

"Girl, let me add another one for you, can you add 5 catties?"

Yang Huiying nodded.

The old man chose a big one and put it in the bag. When he weighed it, it was more than 5 catties, but he still gave it to Yang Huiying as 5 catties.

Yang Huiying paid the money with satisfaction, then turned to Yunmo and asked, "Aren't you going to buy it? It's quite cheap."

"I want to buy."

Yunmo squatted down, carefully counted the number of sand pears in the two baskets, then got up and said to the old man: "I want them all, you can weigh them."

Yang Huiying's mouth opened directly into an O shape, "Yunmo, can you finish eating so much?"

Happy 520 everyone~

What's up~

(end of this chapter)