On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 190

Chapter 190

Chapter 190 Momo, I miss you so much

Seemingly aware of her dislike, Ling Chuan turned over the eggs with a shovel while ordering Zhou Xiaowei to go to the shower room to take a bath first.

After Zhou Xiaowei went out of the kitchen, Ling Chuan turned his head to look at his daughter-in-law, with tenderness in his black eyes unconsciously.

"Momo, how are you at home these days?"

Yunmo glanced at him, "Let's talk about it after you finish eating, I'm afraid you might lose your appetite later."

Ling Chuan's eyes tightened, "Someone bullied you?"

"It's not me, it's the big brother and the big sister-in-law who had some trouble."

Hearing this, Ling Chuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Egg noodles came out of the pot very quickly, and the ceramic basin, which was bigger than her washbasin, was filled to the brim. Yunmo reckoned that this basin of noodles would be enough for her to eat for three days.

It could be seen that the two men were really hungry, and they ate a third of it with a few chopsticks. Afraid that they would choke, Yun Mo got up and poured two glasses of water in front of them.

"Thank you Momo."

"Thank you sister-in-law!"

Yunmo sat on the sidelines and watched the two eat, and didn't make a sound to disturb them. Instead, Zhou Xiaowei took the initiative to tell interesting stories about the journey.

After all, I was young, and it was my first time to travel by train, and everything I saw was new.

Yunmo also didn't want to spoil the other party's interest, she echoed it one after another, but her eyes fixed on Ling Chuan from time to time.

The light in the yard and the kitchen was a little darker, so that she didn't see the man's face clearly. Under the bright light of the main room, she unexpectedly found that there was a blue stubble growing on Ling Chuan's chin, and his face was also pale. A little dark, probably from dust and sweat.

This journey must be very hard.

After finishing the meal, Zhou Xiaowei diligently took the initiative to wash the dishes, while Ling Chuan and Yun Mo sat at the dining table and talked.

"Momo, what happened to the eldest brother's house?"

Yunmo briefly talked about how Zhu Hongping wronged Ling Jiang and Wei Qiaolan for messing with men and women, injured Wei Qiaolan and was arrested, and Li Li took Ling Chunhua to vent her anger.

Learning that Ling Chunhua was resting in the wing room, Ling Chuan immediately wanted to get up to take a look, but when he saw the daughter-in-law sitting opposite, he sat back hesitantly.

Compared with the niece, it is more important to accompany the daughter-in-law.

Yun Mo took the initiative to speak instead, "Go and see the spring flowers, and take a bath by the way, the water in the boiler should be hot."

"Momo, I'll be done washing soon, wait for me."


Seeing the man's tall figure walking out quickly, Yunmo suddenly felt an indescribable peace of mind and steadiness in her heart.

"Sister-in-law, the dishes have been washed, so I'll go back first."

After sitting for two minutes, Zhou Xiaowei came over to say goodbye to her.

Yunmo looked at the thick ink-like night, and subconsciously asked the other party: "It's so late, how do you go back?"

Zhou Xiaowei scratched his head in embarrassment, "I'll walk back, and I'll be there in about an hour."

Yunmo thought for a while, and took the other party to the place where the bicycle was parked, "You can go back by bicycle, just ride the bicycle over tomorrow morning."

"Okay, thank you sister-in-law, then you and brother Chuan should rest early."


After closing the door, Yunmo took advantage of the situation and turned into the warehouse, wanting to have a look at the batch of goods that Ling Chuanjin had brought back. Unexpectedly, the sack was so tightly sewn that she struggled for a long time to untie it.

Just getting up and trying to get a pair of scissors, his back suddenly bumped into a warm and hard body, and when the exclamation was about to overflow his throat, the familiar low-pitched "Momo" suddenly sounded in his ears.

Yunmo couldn't relax, she turned around, and just about to speak, her body was hugged by a man.

The familiar breath of the man, accompanied by the faint scent of sulfur soap, filled her entire breath.

"Momo, I miss you so much."

Boom, boom, boom.

The clear heartbeat beat the eardrum.

Yunmo couldn't tell whether it belonged to her or a man.

My heart seemed to be tightly wrapped by something, filling it to the brim, without a single gap.

Before hugging his daughter-in-law, what Ling Chuan thought in his heart was, just hug her, and let her loose after a hug.

But after actually hugging the person in his arms, his brain, his consciousness, and his body all stopped listening to him.

He just wanted to hold him longer and hold him tighter.

Don't want to let go.

Yunmo could clearly feel the strength of the man's arms getting tighter and tighter, so tight that her ribs were aching, she had no choice but to say: "Ling Chuan, let go, I can hardly breathe."

Ling Chuan let go of her as if waking up from a dream, his black eyes were full of tension and self-blame, but he felt faintly excited and satisfied in his heart.

He got his daughter-in-law as he wished, and the daughter-in-law was not angry.

"Momo, I'm sorry, did I hurt you? I didn't mean it. I will be lighter in the future."

Yun Mo felt that these words were strange, and the answer was neither yes nor no, so she simply changed the subject, "You go and get a pair of scissors, and I'll see what you brought back."

After listening to her words, Ling Chuan bent down, found the cotton rope on the sack, pulled it lightly, and the cotton thread was completely torn apart.

Yunmo: "...how did you pull it apart? Why did I pull it tighter and tighter?"

Seeing her annoyed, Ling Chuan couldn't help showing a smile on his face. It turns out that a smart person like a wife can't do things.

"Momo, I'll teach you."

Yunmo was a little arrogant, "No, I like to use scissors."

Seeing that she didn't want to learn, Ling Chuan didn't force it, instead he took out a few packs of earrings from the sack and handed them to her.

Yunmo walked to the light, took out a few pairs of earrings, looked at them seriously, then turned to ask the man, "What price do you get these?"

"6 points."

In terms of quality and style, the price of 6 cents is quite good. In Jiang City, such a pair of earrings can be sold for 7 or 8 cents, and even if they are wholesale, they can be sold for at least 3 cents.

After checking all the goods, Yunmo was completely relieved.

The man is very obedient, and takes all the goods according to the main points listed on her list. It would be no problem to make two thousand yuan after selling all the goods.

Thinking, Yunmo turned to the man and asked, "Is the road going well?"

"Well, it went well."

After finishing speaking, Ling Chuan took the initiative to explain the itinerary to her, "I arrived at the train station at 11:00 noon. I waited for more than an hour to pick up the goods, and it was about 2:00 when the goods were loaded. After that, I went to Nanshi first."

"What are you doing in Nanshi?"

"deliver goods."

After speaking, Ling Chuan suddenly pulled her out excitedly.

Seeing that Ling Chuan wanted to drag her to his room, Yunmo felt inexplicably nervous.

In the middle of the night, what did he want to do by taking her to the room?

Yunmo's heart beat a little faster, and various thoughts and pictures flashed in her mind for a while.

Entering the room, Ling Chuan pulled her straight to the bed, Yunmo's heartbeat was completely chaotic.

Before she could figure out what to do, Ling Chuan let go of her hand, picked up the satchel on the bed, and searched inside.

The last time Ling Chuan took more than a hundred dollars out of his bag in the same way, this time he won't...

Before he finished thinking, he saw Ling Chuan take out a stack of banknotes.

Yunmo: "..."

There is really no surprise.

Good night~

(end of this chapter)