On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Meet Grandpa

In front of Jiang Yu, Yun Yao dared not tell Yun Mo her address, for fear that Yun Mo would yell about her stealing money regardless.

After writing the address to Yunmo, Yunyao took out the previous one thousand yuan.

"Xiaomo, please help me take this money to Yunhuang's family. I can't repay them for their 18 years of nurturing me. Although money can't make up for anything, it can be regarded as a little bit of my heart."

Yun Mo took the note but didn't take the money, "Since it's a wish, it's only true that you have to give it with your own hands. Besides, I'm a weak woman, and it's not safe to carry so much money with me when I go out."

Jiang Yu is also worried about handing over so much money to Yunmo. In fact, this adopted daughter is too worried, worried that she will lose it or something will happen.

But she didn't want her own daughter to have any contact with the Huang family anymore.

"Xiaoyao, you can give the money to Mrs. Zhou. I will go shopping later and let Mrs. Zhou take it back to my hometown with Yunmo."

Yunmo had no objection to this, but Yunyao's heart arose.

She was worried that Mrs. Zhou would go to Huang's house, and she would not be able to hide the money she stole.

"Mom, I think what Xiaomo said is right. I should go back to Huang's house to see for myself. It's really unreasonable to ask Mrs. Zhou to go instead of me."

Jiang Yu frowned, "What are you going to do now that you are injured, and you don't have much time to leave school, so you can't delay your tutoring class any longer."

"Then wait until later, you can always find time."

Seeing that nothing happened to her, Yunmo said hello and left the hospital.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Yunmo directly bought a train ticket for the nearest train and embarked on the journey of looking for relatives again.

Although it was a little lonely to take the train alone, but fortunately everything went well, and it was already three o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived in Anshi.

According to the address given by Yunyao, Yunmo asked the conductor to inquire. From Anshi to Lu'an Town where Huang's family is located, it takes more than three hours by car, and then it takes a long distance to walk on the mountain road.

Don't even need to think about it, you know that there is too little time, and you are exhausted after a few days of tossing on the road, Yunmo directly found a guest house, planning to sleep well for a night first.

There was a phone at the front desk of the guest house, Yunmo hesitated, and went to the small grocery store at the Lingchuan construction site to make a call.

After work, Ling Jiang went to a small grocery store to buy cigarettes, and when he learned that Yunmo had called, he returned to the construction site without buying any cigarettes.

"Chuanzi, my brother and sister are calling you!"

Seeing that Ling Chuan was lying on the bed reading a book and didn't respond, Ling Jiang stepped forward and took the book away, Chuan Zi, don't read it, you should go and call your siblings first.

After taking a comfortable hot bath, Yunmo was lying on the bed and getting ready for a good sleep, when a waiter knocked on the door suddenly.

Knowing that it was Ling Chuan who called her back, Yun Mo had no choice but to change her clothes and go downstairs.


"What are you doing on the phone?"

Hearing Ling Chuan's inquiry on the other end of the phone, Yun Mo couldn't help feeling a little awkward.

After all, she just complained about getting a divorce a few days ago, and now she is actively calling someone.

Actually, she didn't intend to contact Ling Chuan at first, but what happened in the past few days still left her with lingering fears.

In case she is really kidnapped and sold to the mountainous area, just thinking about it makes me afraid...

"What happened?"

Ling Chuan couldn't help but asked again if she didn't get a response after waiting.

Yun Mo calmed down, "It's nothing, just to tell you. Also, was what you said on the phone last time true? As long as I can convince the Yun family to agree, you will divorce me."


"Why? Marriage is a matter between the two of us. Why do you have to agree with the Yun family? Do you have any reason to be held in their hands?"

After waiting for a few seconds but not hearing a response from the other end of the phone, Yunmo's eyes widened in surprise, "No way, really? What's the reason?"

Ling Chuan obviously didn't want to answer this question, "If you have nothing else to do, I'll hang up."


Because of the phone call with Ling Chuan, Yun Mo didn't even feel sleepy, lying on the bed tossing and turning, thinking about Ling Chuan.

Ah, bah, it's not about Ling Chuan, but about why Ling Chuan has fallen into the hands of the Yun family.

She suddenly understood the reason why Ling Chuan treated her indifferently, and even left to work on the second day of the wedding.

If it were any man, he would not be happy if his head was forced to marry a notorious woman and go home.

But she is not happy, she came here out of nowhere, and married someone who rushed to the shelves, she is also very wronged, okay?

"Chuanzi, what did your siblings tell you? She should have arrived at her hometown by now, right? How long do you plan to stay there?"

As soon as Ling Chuan returned to the work shed, Ling Jiang pulled him to ask questions.

Ling Chuan couldn't answer, so he had to reply vaguely, "She didn't say."

These words successfully made Ling Jiang think that Yunmo was still very distant from his younger brother, and he didn't want to elaborate, so he patted the other person on the shoulder and comforted him: "It's okay, feelings come out slowly, and it will be fine in the future."

She was clamoring for a divorce, so there was no future.

Ling Chuan laughed lightly in his heart, but said nothing.

The next day, Yunmo left the room, found another breakfast shop and had a delicious breakfast, and then went straight to the bus station.

After buying the ticket, seeing that there was still a while before the departure, Yunmo went to a nearby department store to buy some portable things like candies and cakes.

Yunmo has never been in such a bumpy car in her two lifetimes combined. She vomited all the way and almost got off at the wrong stop.

Finally reached Lu'an Town, and learned that it would take more than 20 miles of mountain road from the town to Shili Township where Huang's family lives, Yunmo's eyes darkened and she almost fainted.

There are human-powered tricycles in the town, but the mountain road is steep, and the tricycles cannot ride in. Finally, Yunmo found a motorcycle and rode the wind and waves all the way to Shili Township.

Just when Yunmo's bones were about to fall apart, Shili Township finally arrived.

Mo's master pointed to the small village surrounded by bamboo forests in front of him, "This area is all within the boundaries of ten-mile rural villages. Which company are you looking for? Which team are you in?"

"The surname is Huang."

Mo's master laughed out loud, "Sister, the family surnamed Huang in Shili Township has eighty if not one hundred. Tell me a specific name."


Yun Mo opened her backpack, ready to find the note that Yun Yao had written to her before, but before she could find the note, footsteps came from behind her.

Yunmo looked back curiously, and found that he was an old man over half a century old.

The old man is thin, but full of energy. He is carrying a big burden of bamboo weaving, and he walks like flying in straw sandals on his feet.

The driver of the motorcycle obviously knew the old man, and while pushing the motorcycle forward to make way for the other party, he greeted him with a smile.

"Uncle Huang, you just came back from the market?"

"Yes, do you want two rice sieves?"

The driver of the motorcycle pushed the motorcycle into the wasteland next to him, and declined with a polite smile, "No, there are many people at home, and I will definitely take care of your business in the future."

"Okay, then you are busy, I will go home first."

"Hey, Mr. Huang, please go slowly."

Xu Shi noticed Yun Mo's gaze, Huang Kailin also looked at Yun Mo's eyes, but he didn't care too much, and continued walking forward with a load of bamboo weaving.

(end of this chapter)